#!/bin/bash shellfu import pretty shellfu import isa shellfu import termcolors # # Just A[nother] Test assert and logging library # # # COMMON ARGUMENTS # ================ # # Assert functions share following parameters: # # * `-b BEID` Behavior Evidence ID; is a Simple Name (see STRINGS) # associated with a particular behavior. If provided, BEID is merely # included within the log, see BEHAVIOR EVIDENCE ID section for more # details. # # * `-c CASEID` Case ID; together with $JAT__TEST_ID can be used to # uniquely identify a particular test case, with granularity up to # single assert. CASEID set here is joined with any CASEIDs set # by active phase. # # * `-h HINT` Human-readable description used to describe meaning of # the assertion to reader. Note that HINT should be worded in such # way that it makes claim about the reality that matches expectation. # That is, to reader of the log, a passing assert tells true, but # a failing assert "lies". # # Phase start functions share following parameters: # # * `-C DIR` Change to directory DIR for duration of the phase. # # * `-c CASEID` Inherit CASEID as Case ID to all asserts in this # phase. Individual asserts can extend the final case id for # extra granularity and profit. # # # STRINGS # ======= # # Many strings, when passed to jat functions, are internally used # as paths, prefixes or identifiers. For this reason, they may be # restricted to contain only "safe" chars. Following classes are # defined: # # * *simple word* - must begin with letter or underscore; second # and further characters may be letter, digit or underscore. # # # Path to result directory # JAT__DIR=${JAT__DIR:-/var/tmp/jat} # # Path to result log # # If unset, another identical log is *still* created under a unique # subdirectory of $JAT__DIR. Set this if you want to have log at # a predictable path. This can be useful eg. if you want to send # log into a named pipe. # JAT__YLOG=${JAT__YLOG:-} # # Behavior Evidence ID namespace # # All BEIDs will be prefixed by this namespace qualifier, # and meaning of them must be defined within that namespace. # JAT__BEID_NS=${JAT__BEID_NS:-_jat_anon_beid_ns_} # # Test name # JAT__TEST_ID=${JAT__TEST_ID:-_jat_anon_test_} # # Test version # JAT__TEST_VERSION=${JAT__TEST_VERSION:-_jat_no_test_version_} # # Path to main logfile # __JAT__SDIR= # # Colored words for `jat__show_*` functions # __JAT__SWORD_ASSERT=${TERMCOLORS_YELLOW}assert${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_END=${TERMCOLORS_LBLACK}END${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_FAIL=${TERMCOLORS_RED}FAIL${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_FINALIZE=${TERMCOLORS_LBLACK}FINALIZE${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_PASS=${TERMCOLORS_GREEN}PASS${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_PHASE=${TERMCOLORS_YELLOW}phase${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_RELOAD=${TERMCOLORS_LBLUE}RELOAD${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_SESSION=${TERMCOLORS_YELLOW}session${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_START=${TERMCOLORS_LBLACK}START${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_TERROR=${TERMCOLORS_RED}ERROR${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_TEST=${TERMCOLORS_YELLOW}test${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_TINFO=${TERMCOLORS_LBLACK}INFO${TERMCOLORS_NONE} __JAT__SWORD_TWARNING=${TERMCOLORS_RED}WARNING${TERMCOLORS_NONE} # # Make result log deterministic? # # Determines whether result should be made deterministic. Currently # this means that instead of wall clock time, timestamps will be simply # ordinal stamps like `time-1`, `time-2`... # # This makes test log deterministic, enabling comparison of multiple # runs against each other or against fixed oracle. The disadvantage # is that you can't assess performance data from the log. # __JAT__DETERMINISTIC=false # # Log format version # __JAT__LOG_FMT='jat/0.0' # # Self version (in variable to enable overriding in unit tests) # __JAT__SELF_VERSION=__MKIT_PROJ_VERSION__ jat__cmd() { # # Assert that command $@ exits with zero (or other) # # Usage: # # jat__cmd [-o R_OUT] [-e R_ERR] [-s R_ESF] [-S ES_EXPR] [--] CMD [ARG].. # # Run CMD with all ARGs and if exit status is zero, announce assertion # success (ASSERT.PASS), otherwise announce assertion failure (ASSERT.FAIL). # # Exit status expectation can be changed from zero to ES_EXPR, which # must be in form of comma-separated list of integer values or ranges # thereof. E, g. expression '0,10-20' would be a valid expression, # matching 0, 11, 20, but not 2 or 21. # # If R_ESF is passed, it will be treated as path to file where exit status # of CODE is written. This is recommended over consulting $?, since the # latter is not reliable; see below. # # If path R_OUT or R_ERR are provided, standard output and standard # error are saved to respective files. # # See COMMON ARGUMENTS section for common assert options. # # Exit status of the this function normally will, but IS NOT GUARRANTEED TO # correspond to the exit status of the CODE. For example, if the function # call is incomplete, the exit status will be 2. # local __jat__cmd=() local __jat__r_es local __jat__o_es=0 local __jat__hint local __jat__beids=() local __jat__caseid local __jat__etype=MESSAGE.ERROR local __jat__r_out local __jat__r_err local __jat__r_esf # # NOTE: names need to be qualified because they might interfere # with the actual execution of the assert command. # while true; do case $1 in -b) __jat__beids+=("$2"); shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing BEID"; return 2; } ;; -c) __jat__caseid="$2"; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing CASEID"; return 2; } ;; -h) __jat__hint=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing HINT"; return 2; } ;; -e) __jat__r_err=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing R_ERR"; return 2; } ;; -o) __jat__r_out=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing R_OUT"; return 2; } ;; -s) __jat__r_esf=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing R_ESF"; return 2; } ;; -S) __jat__o_es=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing ES_EXPR"; return 2; } ;; --) shift; break ;; *) break ;; esac done __jat__cmd=("$@") test -n "${__jat__cmd[*]}" || { __jat__usage "no CMD?"; return 2; } test -n "$__jat__hint" || __jat__hint="${__jat__cmd[*]}" debug -v __jat__cmd __jat__o_es __jat__hint __jat__beids jat__log_info "CMD: ${__jat__cmd[*]}" case ${#__jat__r_out}:${#__jat__r_err} in 0:0) "${__jat__cmd[@]}" ;; 0:*) "${__jat__cmd[@]}" 2>"$__jat__r_err" ;; *:0) "${__jat__cmd[@]}" >"$__jat__r_out" ;; *:*) "${__jat__cmd[@]}" >"$__jat__r_out" 2>"$__jat__r_err" ;; esac; __jat__r_es=$? debug -v __jat__r_es __jat__r_esf if test -n "$__jat__r_esf"; then echo $__jat__r_es > "$__jat__r_esf" \ || jat__log_error "error writing R_ESF file: $__jat__r_esf" fi if __jat__es_match "$__jat__o_es" "$__jat__r_es"; then __jat__etype=ASSERT.PASS else __jat__etype=ASSERT.FAIL fi __jat__assert $__jat__etype "$__jat__hint" "$__jat__caseid" "${__jat__beids[@]}" \ "t.cmd=${__jat__cmd[*]}" "o.es_expr=$__jat__o_es" "r.es=$__jat__r_es" return "$__jat__r_es" } jat__cmp() { # # Assert comparison of $1 and $3 using operator $2 # # Usage: # # jat__cmp [assert-options] RVAL OP OVAL # # Compare RVAL (result value) to OVAL (oracle value) and announce # assertion success (ASSERT.PASS) or assertion failure (ASSERT.FAIL). # # OP can be any of `eq`, `ne`, `lt`, `gt`, `le`, `ge` for numeric values, # `==` and `re` for string values. In case of `re`, OVAL is expected to # be basic regular expression and is matched against whole string (ie. # anchors `^` and `$` are included automatically. # # Note that in most cases using jat__cmd() with `test` or `grep` commands # is all you need. # # See COMMON ARGUMENTS section for common assert options. # local RVal # "result" value local Op # operator local OVal # "oracle" value local hint # log hint local caseid # case id local beids=() # Behavior Evidence IDs local cmpes # comparison exit status while true; do case $1 in -b) beids+=("$2"); shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing BEID"; return 2; } ;; -c) caseid="$2"; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing CASEID"; return 2; } ;; -h) hint=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing HINT"; return 2; } ;; *) break ;; esac done RVal=$1; Op=$2; OVal=$3 test -n "$RVal" || { __jat__usage "no RVAL?"; return 2; } test -n "$Op" || { __jat__usage "no OP?"; return 2; } test -n "$OVal" || { __jat__usage "no OVAL?"; return 2; } test -n "$hint" || hint="$RVal $Op $OVal" debug -v RVal Op OVal hint beids __jat__cmp_match; cmpes=$? case $cmpes in 0) __jat__assert ASSERT.PASS "$hint" "$caseid" "${beids[@]}" \ "r.val=$RVal" "t.op=$Op" "o.val=$OVal" ;; 1) __jat__assert ASSERT.FAIL "$hint" "$caseid" "${beids[@]}" \ "r.val=$RVal" "t.op=$Op" "o.val=$OVal" ;; *) __jat__usage "bad syntax: $RVal $Op $OVal" return 2 ;; esac } jat__die() { # # Log error $1 and exit this script abruptly # local msg local msgs=() for msg in "$@"; do msgs+=("fatal: $msg") done jat__log_error "${msgs[@]}" jat__sfinish die "${msgs[@]}" } jat__eval() { # # Assert that code $1 exits with zero (or other) # # Usage: # # jat__eval [assert-options] [-s R_ESF] [-S ES_EXPR] [--] CODE # # Run CODE using eval builtin and if exit status is zero, announce assertion # success (ASSERT.PASS), otherwise announce assertion failure (ASSERT.FAIL). # # Exit status expectation can be changed from zero to ES_EXPR, which # must be in form of comma-separated list of integer values or ranges # thereof. E, g. expression '0,10-20' would be a valid expression, # matching 0, 11, 20, but not 2 or 21. # # If R_ESF is passed, it will be treated as path to file where exit status # of CODE is written. This is recommended over consulting $?, since the # latter is not reliable; see below. # # This is similar to jat__cmd(), except that code is checked against syntax # errors and user is given full control over redirections. # # See COMMON ARGUMENTS section for common assert options. # # Exit status of the this function normally will, but IS NOT GUARRANTEED TO # correspond to the exit status of the CODE. For example, if the function # call is incomplete, the exit status will be 2. If there is syntax error # in CODE, the exit status will be 3. # local __jat__caseid local __jat__code="" local __jat__r_es local __jat__r_esf local __jat__o_es=0 local __jat__hint local __jat__beids=() local __jat__etype=MESSAGE.ERROR # # NOTE: names need to be qualified because they might interfere # with the actual execution of the assert command. # while true; do case $1 in -b) __jat__beids+=("$2"); shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing BEID"; return 2; } ;; -c) __jat__caseid="$2"; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing CASEID"; return 2; } ;; -h) __jat__hint=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing HINT"; return 2; } ;; -s) __jat__r_esf=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing R_ESF"; return 2; } ;; -S) __jat__o_es=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing ES_EXPR"; return 2; } ;; --) shift; break ;; *) break ;; esac done __jat__code=$1 test -n "$__jat__code" || { __jat__usage "no CODE?"; return 2; } test -n "$2" && { __jat__usage "extra args!: $*"; return 2; } test -n "$__jat__hint" || __jat__hint="$__jat__code" debug -v __jat__code __jat__o_es __jat__hint __jat__beids bash -n <<<"$__jat__code" || { jat__log_error "syntax error in test code: $__jat__code" return 3 } jat__log_info "CODE: $__jat__code" eval "$__jat__code"; __jat__r_es=$? if test -n "$__jat__r_esf"; then echo $__jat__r_es > "$__jat__r_esf" \ || jat__log_error "error writing R_ESF file: $__jat__r_esf" fi debug -v __jat__r_es if __jat__es_match "$__jat__o_es" "$__jat__r_es"; then __jat__etype=ASSERT.PASS else __jat__etype=ASSERT.FAIL fi __jat__assert $__jat__etype "$__jat__hint" "$__jat__caseid" "${__jat__beids[@]}" \ "t.code=$__jat__code" "o.es_expr=$__jat__o_es" "r.es=$__jat__r_es" return "$__jat__r_es" } jat__fail() { # # Assert test failure # # Usage: # # jat__fail [assert-options] # # Simply log event that an assert has failed. Use other assert functions # if you can, since they probably provide more useful information to log # reader. # # See COMMON ARGUMENTS section for common assert options. # local hint # log hint local caseid # case ID while true; do case $1 in -c) caseid="$2"; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing CASEID"; return 2; } ;; -h) hint=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing HINT"; return 2; } ;; *) break ;; esac done test -n "$1" && { __jat__usage "extra arguments: $*"; return 2; } debug -v hint beids __jat__assert ASSERT.FAIL "$hint" "$caseid" "${beids[@]}" } jat__filebackup() { # # Back up file $1 # # Usage: # # jat__filebackup [-n NS] [-c] [--] PATH # # Back up PATH aside to be able to restore it later using # jat__filerestore(). # # Provide `-c` switch to ensure that path is removed before restoring. # If NS is given, it must be "simple word" (see STRINGS section). # local path local abspath local ns=_jat_anon_backupns_ local store local dest local clean=false local pdig local nshint while true; do case $1 in --) shift; break ;; -c|--clean) clean=true shift ;; -n|--namespace) ns=$2; nshint="(NS=$ns) " shift 2 || { __jat__usage "no NS?"; return 2; } ;; -*) __jat__usage "unknown argument: $1"; return 2 ;; *) break ;; esac done path=$1 test -n "$path" || { __jat__usage "no PATH?"; return 2; } isa__name "$ns" || { __jat__usage "NS must be simple word"; return 2; } abspath=$(readlink -e "$path") || { jat__log_error "no such file: $1" return 3 } pdig=$(md5sum <<<"$abspath" | cut -d' ' -f1) __jat__sd_keya "backup/$ns/rainbow" "$pdig $abspath" $clean && __jat__sd_keya "backup/$ns/clean" "$abspath" store=$(__jat__sd_path "backup/$ns/store") mkdir -p "$store" dest="$store/$pdig" test -e "$store/$pdig" && { jat__log_error "already backed up, giving up: $nshint$path" return 2 } cp -ar "$abspath" "$store/$pdig" || { jat__log_error "failed to create backup: $abspath" return 3 } jat__log_info "backed up: $nshint$path" debug -c tree "$(__jat__sd_path backup)" } jat__filerestore() { # # Restore paths stored by jat__filebackup() # # Usage: # # jat__filerestore [-n NS] # # Restore all paths backed up using jat__filebackup(). Paths # are restored in opposite order than backed up. # local abspath local ns=_jat_anon_backupns_ local store local pdig local nshint local rainbow local cleanlog while true; do case $1 in -n|--namespace) ns=$2; nshint="(NS=$ns) " shift 2 || { __jat__usage "no NS?"; return 2; } ;; "") break ;; *) __jat__usage "unknown argument: $1"; return 2 ;; esac done isa__name "$ns" || { __jat__usage "NS must be simple word"; return 2; } test -d "$__JAT__SDIR/internal/backup/$ns" || { jat__log_error "unknown backup namespace: $ns" return 3 } rainbow=$(__jat__sd_path "backup/$ns/rainbow") cleanlog=$(__jat__sd_path "backup/$ns/clean") store=$(__jat__sd_path "backup/$ns/store") while read -r pdig abspath; do debug -v pdig abspath grep -qxF "$abspath" "$cleanlog" 2>/dev/null && { rm -rf "$abspath" || { jat__log_error "failed to pre-clean original path: $abspath" return 3 } } debug -c ls -l "$store" cp -Tar "$store/$pdig" "$abspath" || { jat__log_error "failed to restore backup: $nshint$abspath" return 3 } jat__log_info "restored: $nshint$abspath" : done <"$rainbow" } jat__sfinish() { # # Finalize session # # Log event to announce that log is finalized and remove test # session. # # This is necessary because in order to support persistent multi # PID tests (ie, re-booting within test), jat__sinit() will reload # leftover session and whole log will be merged. # local fileas # session id for filing in 'finished' folder local es # final exit status test -d "$JAT__DIR/session" || { __jat__show_error "no active session: no $JAT__DIR/session" return 2 } es=$(__jat__final_es) __jat__show_sfinish __jat__log_event SESSION.END "finishing session" __jat__writelog <<<"finalized: true" __jat__writelog <<<"end: $(__jat__newstamp)" fileas=$(__jat__sd_keyr fileas) mkdir -p "$JAT__DIR/finished" mv "$JAT__DIR/session" "$JAT__DIR/finished/$fileas" rm -f "$JAT__DIR/last" ln -s "finished/$fileas" "$JAT__DIR/last" return "$es" } jat__log_error() { # # Log internal error unrelated to SUT # local line local msg local head=true for line in "$@"; do __jat__show_terror "$line" $head || msg+=$'\n'; head=false msg+="$line" done echo "MESSAGE.ERROR" >> "$(__jat__sd_path "llog")" echo "MESSAGE.ERROR" >> "$(__jat__sd_path "P.llog")" __jat__log_event MESSAGE.ERROR "$msg" } jat__log_info() { # # Log internal info unrelated to SUT # local line local msg local head=true for line in "$@"; do __jat__show_tinfo "$line" $head || msg+=$'\n'; head=false msg+="$line" done echo "MESSAGE.INFO" >> "$(__jat__sd_path "llog")" echo "MESSAGE.INFO" >> "$(__jat__sd_path "P.llog")" __jat__log_event MESSAGE.INFO "$msg" } jat__log_warning() { # # Log internal error unrelated to SUT # local line local msg local head=true for line in "$@"; do __jat__show_twarning "$line" $head || msg+=$'\n'; head=false msg+="$line" done echo "MESSAGE.WARNING" >> "$(__jat__sd_path "llog")" echo "MESSAGE.WARNING" >> "$(__jat__sd_path "P.llog")" __jat__log_event MESSAGE.WARNING "$msg" } jat__pass() { # # Assert test pass # # Usage: # # jat__pass [assert-options] # # Simply log event that an assert has passed. Use other assert functions # if you can, since they probably provide more useful information to log # reader. # # See COMMON ARGUMENTS section for common assert options. # local hint # log hint local beids=() # Behavior Evidence IDs local caseid # case ID while true; do case $1 in -b) beids+=("$2"); shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing BEID"; return 2; } ;; -c) caseid="$2"; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing CASEID"; return 2; } ;; -h) hint=$2; shift 2 || { __jat__usage "missing HINT"; return 2; } ;; *) break ;; esac done test -n "$1" && { __jat__usage "extra arguments: $*"; return 2; } debug -v hint beids __jat__assert ASSERT.PASS "$hint" "$caseid" "${beids[@]}" } jat__promise_asserts() { # # Promise number of asserts will be $1 # local num=$1 test -n "$num" || { __jat__usage "no NUM?" return 2 } __jat__log_event TEST.PROMISE "assert number: $num" "" \ "num=$num" } jat__sinit() { # # Initialize session # # Load active session if found; otherwise initialize new one. # local reload=false local old_test_id local old_test_version local sessid mkdir -p "$JAT__DIR" \ || die "could not initialize JAT__DIR: $JAT__DIR" __JAT__SDIR=$JAT__DIR/session test -d "$__JAT__SDIR" && reload=true mkdir -p "$__JAT__SDIR" __jat__sd_keyw fileas "session-$(date +%s-%N)" export __JAT__SDIR export JAT__YLOG debug -v reload __JAT__SDIR if $reload; then sessid=$(__jat__sd_keyr sessid) old_test_id=$(__jat__sd_keyr test_id) old_test_version=$(__jat__sd_keyr test_version) test "$old_test_id" == "$JAT__TEST_ID" || { warn -v JAT__TEST_ID old_test_id die "cannot reload session of different test" } test "$old_test_version" == "$JAT__TEST_VERSION" || { warn -v JAT__TEST_VERSION old_test_version die "cannot reload session of different test version" } __jat__log_event SESSION.RELOAD "reloaded session" "" \ "JAT__LOG_FMT=$__JAT__LOG_FMT" \ "JAT__VERSION=$__JAT__SELF_VERSION" __jat__show_sinitr else sessid=$(__jat__newsid) debug -v __JAT__SDIR JAT__YLOG { echo "---" echo "format: $__JAT__LOG_FMT" echo "jat_version: $__JAT__SELF_VERSION" echo "test:" echo " id: $JAT__TEST_ID" echo " version: $JAT__TEST_VERSION" echo "start: $(__jat__newstamp)" echo "id: $sessid" echo "events:" } | __jat__writelog __jat__sd_keyw sessid "$sessid" __jat__sd_keyw test_id "$JAT__TEST_ID" __jat__sd_keyw test_version "$JAT__TEST_VERSION" __jat__pdummy __jat__log_event SESSION.START "started new session" __jat__show_sinitn fi } jat__stat() { # # Print session statistic $1 # # Usage: # jat__stat sasrtc # session assert count # jat__stat spassc # session pass count # jat__stat sfailc # session fail count # jat__stat pasrtc # phase assert count # jat__stat ppassc # phase pass count # jat__stat pfailc # phase fail count # jat__stat swarc # session warning count # jat__stat pwarc # phase warning count # jat__stat serrc # session error count # jat__stat perrc # phase error count # # Print statistics about session state. # local which=$1 case $which in swarc) __jat__statcnt llog MESSAGE.WARNING ;; pwarc) __jat__statcnt P.llog MESSAGE.WARNING ;; serrc) __jat__statcnt llog MESSAGE.ERROR ;; perrc) __jat__statcnt P.llog MESSAGE.ERROR ;; sfailc) __jat__statcnt vlog ASSERT.FAIL ;; pfailc) __jat__statcnt P.vlog ASSERT.FAIL ;; ppassc) __jat__statcnt P.vlog ASSERT.PASS ;; spassc) __jat__statcnt vlog ASSERT.PASS ;; pasrtc) __jat__statcnt P.vlog ASSERT.PASS ASSERT.FAIL ;; sasrtc) __jat__statcnt vlog ASSERT.PASS ASSERT.FAIL ;; *) __jat__usage "invalid statistic field: $which" return 2 ;; esac } jat__pend() { # # End active phase # local oldpdir local oldpwd oldpdir=$(__jat__sd_keyR P.pdir) oldpwd=$(__jat__sd_keyR P.PWD) test -n "$oldpdir" && { jat__log_info "changing back from phase dir: $oldpdir" popd >/dev/null \ || jat__die "failed to go back from phase dir: $oldpdir to $oldpwd" } __jat__show_pend __jat__pdummy __jat__log_event PHASE.END } jat__pstartd() { # # Start diagnostic phase named $1 # # See COMMON ARGUMENTS section of this manual. # __jat__pstart -t diag "$@" } jat__pstartc() { # # Start cleanup phase named $1 # # See COMMON ARGUMENTS section of this manual. # __jat__pstart -t cleanup "$@" } jat__pstarts() { # # Start setup phase named $1 # # See COMMON ARGUMENTS section of this manual. # __jat__pstart -t setup "$@" } jat__pstartt() { # # Start test phase named $1 # # See COMMON ARGUMENTS section of this manual. # __jat__pstart -t test "$@" } jat__submit() { # # Submit file $1 as part of test result # # Usage: # # jat__submit PATH [ALTNAME] # # Last element of PATH is used as result name, unless alternative # name ALTNAME is given, in which case it's used instead. # local path=$1 local altname=$2 local dest=$__JAT__SDIR/results local nhint test -n "$path" || { __jat__usage "no SRC?" return 2 } mkdir -p "$dest" || { jat__log_error "cannot write to result storage: $dest" return 3 } test -n "$altname" && { dest="$dest/$altname" nhint=" as $altname" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$dest")" # needed if altname has slashes } jat__log_info "submitting result: $path$nhint" cp -ar "$path" "$dest" } __jat__assert() { # # Make assert event # # Use this function to create own asserts # case $1 in ASSERT.PASS) __jat__show_pass "$2" ;; ASSERT.FAIL) __jat__show_fail "$2" ;; esac __jat__log_event "$@" } __jat__bumpid() { # # Create and/or bump ID named $1 # # Print next ID from series named $1. Series starts # with 1, so on firts call, value of ID is 1, then 2. # etc. # # Isession is not initialized, ID value will be 0 and # return status will be 3. # local name=$1 # name of id local cache # ordinal cache local ord # ordinal if test -n "$__JAT__SDIR"; then cache=$(__jat__sd_path "series/$name") else echo 0; return 3 fi if test -f "$cache"; then ord=$(<"$cache") ((ord++)) else ord=1 fi echo $ord >"$cache" echo "$name-$ord" } __jat__cmp_match() { # # True if $RVal matches $OVal by $Op # case $Op in eq|ne|lt|gt|le|ge) test "$RVal" -"$Op" "$OVal" ;; ==) test "$RVal" == "$OVal" ;; re) grep -qx "$OVal" <<< "$RVal" ;; *) return 2 ;; esac } __jat__es_match() { # # True if exit status $1 matches expression $EsExpr # local expr=$1 local es=$2 local part for part in ${expr//,/ }; do test -n "$part" || continue #FIXME: a rather funny implementation (works, though...) eval "echo {${part/-/..}}" | grep -qwF "$es" && return 0 done return 1 } __jat__final_es() { # # Print final exit status # # Roughly follows TFKit's semantic; unoffical link: # # https://github.com/AloisMahdal/shellfu/tree/master/utils/tfkit/doc # test "$(jat__stat serrc)" -gt 0 && echo 4 && return test "$(jat__stat swarc)" -gt 0 && echo 3 && return test "$(jat__stat sfailc)" -gt 0 && echo 1 && return echo 0 } __jat__log_event() { # # Log event to YAML log via __jat__writelog() # # Usage: # # __jat__log_event SESSION.START|SESSION.RELOAD|SESSION.END # __jat__log_event PHASE.END # __jat__log_event PHASE.START ID TYPE NAME [K=V] # __jat__log_event ASSERT.PASS|ASSERT.FAIL [-h HINT] [-c CASEID] [-b BEID..] [-d K=V..] # __jat__log_event MESSAGE.INFO|MESSAGE.WARNING|MESSAGE.ERROR MSG [K=V] # local EType=$1; shift local msg local meatfn local beids=() local data=() local origin=${FUNCNAME[1]} local pcaseid local CaseIdBase=$JAT__TEST_ID pcaseid=$(__jat__sd_keyR P.pcaseid) test -n "$pcaseid" && CaseIdBase+=":$pcaseid" case $EType in ASSERT.PASS|ASSERT.FAIL) : ;; MESSAGE.INFO|MESSAGE.ERROR|MESSAGE.WARNING) : ;; PHASE.START|PHASE.END) : ;; SESSION.START|SESSION.RELOAD|SESSION.END) : ;; *) __jat__usage "bad ETYPE: $EType" return 2 ;; esac case $EType:$origin in PHASE.END:jat__pend) meatfn="true" ;; PHASE.START:__jat__pstart) meatfn="__jat__log_evt_pstart" ;; SESSION.END:jat__sfinish) meatfn="true" ;; SESSION.RELOAD:jat__sinit) meatfn="true" ;; SESSION.START:jat__sinit) meatfn="true" ;; ASSERT.FAIL:__jat__assert) meatfn="__jat__log_evt_assert" ;; ASSERT.PASS:__jat__assert) meatfn="__jat__log_evt_assert" ;; MESSAGE.ERROR:__jat__usage) meatfn="__jat__log_evt_message" ;; MESSAGE.ERROR:jat__log_error) meatfn="__jat__log_evt_message" ;; MESSAGE.INFO:jat__log_info) meatfn="__jat__log_evt_message" ;; MESSAGE.WARNING:jat__log_warning) meatfn="__jat__log_evt_message" ;; *) __jat__show_error "illegal call of __jat__log_event: $EType from $origin" EType=MESSAGE.ERROR ;; esac echo "$EType" >> "$(__jat__sd_path "vlog")" echo "$EType" >> "$(__jat__sd_path "P.vlog")" { echo " -" echo " etype: $EType" echo " stamp: $(__jat__newstamp)" $meatfn "$@" } | __jat__writelog } __jat__log_evt_pstart() { # # __jat__log_event PHASE.START ID NAME TYPE [pcaseid=CASEID] [pdir=PDIR] # local pid=$1; shift local pname=$1; shift local ptype=$1; shift local data=("$@") echo " phase:" echo " id: $pid" echo " type: $ptype" echo " name: |-4" echo " $pname" __jat__yamld 2 data "${data[@]}" } __jat__log_evt_message() { # __jat__log_event MESSAGE.INFO|MESSAGE.WARNING|MESSAGE.ERROR MSG local msg=$1; shift local data=("$@") __jat__yamls 2 message "$msg" __jat__yamld 2 data "${data[@]}" } __jat__log_evt_assert() { # __jat__log_event ASSERT.PASS|ASSERT.FAIL HINT CASEID [K=V..] local hint=$1; shift local caseid=$1; shift local data=("$@") case $caseid in "") caseid=$CaseIdBase ;; *) caseid=$CaseIdBase:$caseid ;; esac __jat__yamls 2 hint "$hint" __jat__yamls 2 caseid "$caseid" __jat__yamld 2 data "${data[@]}" } __jat__newstamp() { # # Create new timestamp # case $__JAT__DETERMINISTIC in true) __jat__bumpid time ;; false) date +%s ;; *) die "bad value of __JAT__DETERMINISTIC: $__JAT__DETERMINISTIC" ;; esac } __jat__newsid() { # # Create new timestamp # case $__JAT__DETERMINISTIC in true) echo noid ;; false) date +%s-%N ;; *) die "bad value of __JAT__DETERMINISTIC: $__JAT__DETERMINISTIC" ;; esac } __jat__pdummy() { # # Create dummy phase # __jat__sd_keyw phase "dummy" __jat__sd_keyw P.name "_jat_dummy_phase_" __jat__sd_keyw P.type "none" } __jat__pstart() { # # Start phase of type $1 and name $2 # local type # phase name local name # ^^ name local pdir # ^^ directory local pcaseid # ^^ case id, if assigned local oldphase # current phase id local newphase # new phase id while true; do case $1 in -t) type="$2"; shift 2 || return 2 ;; -c) pcaseid="$2"; shift 2 || return 2 ;; -C) pdir="$2"; shift 2 || return 2 ;; *) break ;; esac done name="${1:-_jat_anon_phase_}" oldphase=$(__jat__sd_keyr phase) test "$oldphase" == dummy || { jat__log_error "old phase not ended; ending automatically: $oldphase" jat__pend } debug -v type name pdir newphase=$(__jat__bumpid phasid) __jat__sd_keyw phase "$newphase" __jat__sd_keyw P.type "$type" __jat__sd_keyw P.name "$name" __jat__sd_keyw P.pcaseid "$pcaseid" __jat__show_pstart "$name" __jat__log_event PHASE.START "$newphase" "$name" "$type" "pcaseid=$pcaseid" "pdir=$pdir" test -n "$pdir" && { __jat__sd_keyw P.pdir "$pdir" __jat__sd_keyw P.PWD "$PWD" jat__log_info "changing directory for phase: $pdir" pushd "$pdir" >/dev/null || { jat__log_error "failed to change to phase directory: $pdir" return 3 } } } __jat__sd_keya() { # # Append line $2 to session key $1 # local key=$1 local value=$2 local path path=$(__jat__sd_path "$key") echo "$value" >> "$path" || { __jat__show_error "error appending session data: key '$key' to '$path'" return 3 } } __jat__sd_keyR() { # # Read session key $1 if it exists, return 1 otherwise # local key=$1 local path path=$(__jat__sd_path "$key") || return 1 cat "$path" || { __jat__show_error "error reading session data: key '$key' from '$path'" return 3 } } __jat__sd_keyr() { # # Read session key $1 # local key=$1 local path path=$(__jat__sd_path "$key") cat "$path" || { __jat__show_error "error reading session data: key '$key' from '$path'" return 3 } } __jat__sd_keyw() { # # Write $2 to session key $1 # local key=$1 local value=$2 local path path=$(__jat__sd_path "$key") echo "$value" > "$path" || { __jat__show_error "error writing session data: key '$key' to '$path'" return 3 } } __jat__sd_path() { # # Dereference path to session key $1; true if exists # # Key starting with 'P.' will be phase-specific. # local key=$1 local path="$__JAT__SDIR/internal/" case $key in "") __jat__show_error "no KEY?"; return 2 ;; P.*) path+="phase-$(__jat__sd_keyr phase)/$key" ;; *) path+="$key" ;; esac mkdir -p "${path%/*}" 2>/dev/null || { __jat__show_error "could not create key: $path" return 2 } echo "$path" test -e "$path" } __jat__show() { # # Show to user and also keep in ansi log # local msg for msg in "$@"; do echo -e "$msg" >> "$__JAT__SDIR/log.ansi" echo -e "$msg" >&2 done } __jat__show_fail() { # # Show assert fail message $1 to stderr # __jat__show \ " $__JAT__SWORD_ASSERT.$__JAT__SWORD_FAIL: $1" } __jat__show_pass() { # # Show assert fail message $1 to stderr # __jat__show \ " $__JAT__SWORD_ASSERT.$__JAT__SWORD_PASS: $1" } __jat__show_pend() { # # Show phase end # local pverd # phase verdict text local pname # ^^ name local pnhint # ^^ ^^ display local errors # count of errors local warnings # ^^ warnings local asserts # ^^ asserts local fails # ^^ fails pname=$(__jat__sd_keyr P.name) errors=$(jat__stat perrc) warnings=$(jat__stat pwarc) asserts=$(jat__stat pasrtc) fails=$(jat__stat pfailc) test "$pname" == "_jat_anon_phase_" || pnhint=" '$pname'" case $errors:$warnings:$asserts:$fails in 0:0:0:*) pverd="" ;; 0:0:*:0) pverd=".$__JAT__SWORD_PASS" ;; 0:0:*:*) pverd=".$__JAT__SWORD_FAIL" ;; 0:*:*:*) pverd=".$__JAT__SWORD_TWARNING" ;; *:*:*:*) pverd=".$__JAT__SWORD_TERROR" ;; esac __jat__show \ "$__JAT__SWORD_PHASE.$__JAT__SWORD_END$pverd$pnhint" \ "" } __jat__show_pstart() { # # Show phase start # local pname=$1 # phase name local pnhint # ^^ ^^ display test "$pname" == "_jat_anon_phase_" || pnhint=" '$pname'" __jat__show \ "$__JAT__SWORD_PHASE.$__JAT__SWORD_START$pnhint" } __jat__show_sfinish() { # # Show message about session $1 finalization to stderr # local sverd # session verdict text local errors # count of errors local warnings # ^^ warnings local asserts # ^^ asserts local fails # ^^ fails errors=$(jat__stat serrc) warnings=$(jat__stat swarc) asserts=$(jat__stat sasrtc) fails=$(jat__stat sfailc) case $errors:$warnings:$asserts:$fails in 0:0:0:*) sverd="" ;; 0:0:*:0) sverd=".$__JAT__SWORD_PASS" ;; 0:0:*:*) sverd=".$__JAT__SWORD_FAIL" ;; 0:*:*:*) sverd=".$__JAT__SWORD_TWARNING" ;; *:*:*:*) sverd=".$__JAT__SWORD_TERROR" ;; esac __jat__show \ "$__JAT__SWORD_SESSION.$__JAT__SWORD_FINALIZE$sverd" } __jat__show_sinitn() { # # Show message about session initialization to stderr # __jat__show \ "$__JAT__SWORD_TEST.$__JAT__SWORD_TINFO: id: $JAT__TEST_ID" \ "$__JAT__SWORD_TEST.$__JAT__SWORD_TINFO: version: $JAT__TEST_VERSION" \ "" \ "$__JAT__SWORD_SESSION.$__JAT__SWORD_START" \ "" } __jat__show_sinitr() { # # Show message about session reload to stderr # __jat__show \ "$__JAT__SWORD_TEST.$__JAT__SWORD_TINFO: id: $JAT__TEST_ID" \ "$__JAT__SWORD_TEST.$__JAT__SWORD_TINFO: version: $JAT__TEST_VERSION" \ "" \ "$__JAT__SWORD_SESSION.$__JAT__SWORD_RELOAD" \ "" } __jat__show_tinfo() { # # Show test info # local sp="" test "$(__jat__sd_keyr phase)" == dummy || sp=" " __jat__show \ "$sp$__JAT__SWORD_TEST.$__JAT__SWORD_TINFO: $1" } __jat__show_terror() { # # Show test error # local sp="" test "$(__jat__sd_keyr phase)" == dummy || sp=" " __jat__show \ "$sp$__JAT__SWORD_TEST.$__JAT__SWORD_TERROR: $1" } __jat__show_twarning() { # # Show test warning # local sp="" test "$(__jat__sd_keyr phase)" == dummy || sp=" " __jat__show \ "$sp$__JAT__SWORD_TEST.$__JAT__SWORD_TWARNING: $1" } __jat__show_error() { # # Emit general jat warning (not related to SUT) # warn "jat.ERROR" "$1" } __jat__statcnt() { # # Sum up number of lines $2.. in session data key $1 # # Print count of lines or 0 if the key is not present at all. # local key=$1; shift local line local sdpath local sum=0 local lsum=0 sdpath=$(__jat__sd_path "$key") test -f "$sdpath" || { echo 0; return 1; } test -s "$sdpath" || { echo 0; return 1; } for line in "$@"; do lsum=$(grep -cxF "$line" "$sdpath") sum=$((sum + lsum)) done echo "$sum" test "$sum" -gt 0 } __jat__usage() { # # Print usage error $1 and hint according to FUNCNAME # local msg=$1 local parent=${FUNCNAME[1]} local patt local patts=() __jat__show_error "bad usage: $msg" case $parent in jat__cmd) patts=("[assert-options] [-o R_OUT] [-e R_ERR] [-s R_ESF] [-S ES_EXPR] [--] CMD [ARG]..") ;; jat__eval) patts=("[assert-options] [-s R_ESF] [-S ES_EXPR] [--] CODE") ;; jat__cmp) patts=("[assert-options] RVAL OP OVAL") ;; jat__fail) patts=("[assert-options]") ;; jat__pass) patts=("[assert-options]") ;; jat__submit) patts=("SRC [ALTNAME]") ;; jat__stat) patts=(spassc sfailc ppassc pfailc) ;; esac for patt in "${patts[@]}"; do __jat__show_error "usage: $parent $patt" done __jat__log_event MESSAGE.ERROR "bad usage: $parent()" "" \ "PATTERNS=${patts[*]}" } __jat__writelog() { # # Write logged output (copy if needed) # __jat__strip4yaml \ | case $JAT__YLOG in "") cat >> "$__JAT__SDIR/log.yaml" ;; -) tee -a "$__JAT__SDIR/log.yaml" ;; *) tee -a "$__JAT__SDIR/log.yaml" >> "$JAT__YLOG" ;; esac } __jat__valid_beid() { # # True if $1 is a valid BEID # local tainted=$1 grep -qx '[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_.]*' <<<"$tainted" } __jat__valid_pair() { # # True if $1 is a valid BEID # local tainted=$1 grep -qx '\([tor][.]\)\?[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*=.*' <<<"$tainted" } __jat__strip4yaml() { # # Replace yaml-invalid characters # # Yaml won't allow all characters: # # > [...] The allowed character range explicitly excludes the C0 control # > block #x0-#x1F (except for TAB #x9, LF #xA, and CR #xD which are # > allowed), DEL #x7F, the C1 control block #x80-#x9F (except for NEL # > #x85 which is allowed), the surrogate block #xD800-#xDFFF, #xFFFE, # > and #xFFFF. # # so take stdin and replace all unacceptable characters with '�'. # local bad # perl 'tr///' range of bad characters local repl='�' # replacement char bad+='\N{U+0}-\N{U+8}\N{U+B}\N{U+C}\N{U+E}-\N{U+1F}' # C0 with some gaps bad+='\N{U+7F}' # DEL alone bad+='\N{U+80}-\N{U+84}\N{U+86}-\N{U+9F}' # C1 with NEL gap # bad+='\N{U+D800}-\N{U+DFFF}' # surrogates # bad+='\N{U+FFFE}-\N{U+FFFF}' # 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF #FIXME: for some reasons perl complains about these ^^ perl -CS -Mutf8 -pe "tr/$bad/$repl/" } __jat__yamls() { # # Print a scalar field named $1 with value $2 # local nest=$1; shift local name=$1 local value=$2 local sp sp=$(__jat__yamlnest "$nest") case $value in "") echo "$sp$name: ~" ;; *) echo "$sp$name: |-4" sed "s/^/$sp /" <<<"$value" ;; esac } __jat__yamla() { # # Print an array field named $1 with array of values $2.. # local nest=$1; shift local name=$1; shift local value local sp sp=$(__jat__yamlnest "$nest") test $# -eq 0 && echo " $name: []" && return 0 echo "$sp$name:" for value in "$@"; do case $value in "") echo "$sp - ~" ;; *) echo "$sp - |-4" echo "$sp $value" ;; esac done } __jat__yamlnest() { # # Print $1 x 4 of spaces # local n=$1 while test "$n" -gt 0; do echo -n ' ' (( n-- )) done } __jat__yamld() { # # Print a dict field named $1 and composed of KEY=VALUE pairs $2.. # local nest=$1; shift local name=$1; shift local pair local key local value local sp sp=$(__jat__yamlnest "$nest") test $# -eq 0 && echo "$sp$name: {}" && return 0 echo "$sp$name:" for pair in "$@"; do key=${pair%%=*}; value=${pair#$key=} case $value in "") echo "$sp $key: ~" ;; *) echo "$sp $key: |-4" echo "$sp $value" ;; esac done } #shellfu module-version=__MKIT_PROJ_VERSION__