#!/bin/bash #shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$(sfpath)" || exit 3 shellfu import pretty shellfu import sutagent usage() { mkusage "" "--help" \ -- \ "This is a special-purpose tool to regenerate BeakerLib version of" \ "SUT installation agent used with 'morf install'." \ "" \ "In order to create a Beaker task to use SUT agent, call this tool" \ "without any arguments and save the contents as an executable along"\ "the task. In runtest.sh, start a phase and call the executable as"\ "described in documentation of sutagent__install() function (access"\ "that by calling 'sfdoc sutagent')." \ "" \ "One such task is /distribution/upgrade/install-sut." } mkagent() { # # Create agent script # mkfunc echo '. /usr/bin/rhts-environment.sh || exit 1' echo '. /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1' echo 'sutagent__install "$@"' } mkfunc() { # # Create agent script declarations # local raw raw=$(mktemp -t bkr_sutagent.XXXXXXXX) #shellcheck disable=SC2016 { echo '#!/bin/bash' echo '' echo '. "$(sfpath)" || exit 3' echo '' echo 'PRETTY=beakerlib' echo 'PRETTY_VERBOSE=true' echo 'PRETTY_DEBUG=true' echo '' echo 'shellfu import sutagent' } > "$raw" chmod +x "$raw" sfembed "$raw" rm "$raw" } main() { while true; do case $1 in "") break ;; -*) usage ;; esac done mkagent } main "$@"