# coding=utf-8 """Convert Bank statement CSV to YNAB-acceptable format""" from collections import namedtuple ParserState = namedtuple('ParserState', 'ths nxt') def valid_formats(): return _parsers.keys() def convert_file(fpath, fmt, encoding='utf-8'): try: parser_class = _parsers[fmt] except KeyError: raise ValueError('unsupported format: %s' % fmt) else: parser = parser_class() parser.parse_file(fpath, encoding) return parser.format_csv() def _unquote(value): if len(value) < 2: return value if value[0] == value[-1] == "'": return value[1:-1] if value[0] == value[-1] == '"': return value[1:-1] return value class BaseTransaction(object): """A CSV-imported transaction""" pass class YNABTransaction(object): """A YNAB-acceptable transaction""" header = u'Date,Inflow,Outflow,Memo' def __init__(self, date, deposit, withdrawal, memo): self.date = date self.deposit = deposit self.withdrawal = withdrawal self.memo = memo def __str__(self): """Naive CSV line printer""" values = [self.date, self.deposit, self.withdrawal, self.memo] return ",".join(['"%s"' % v for v in values]) class BaseTransactionParser(object): """A statement parser""" name = "__NONE__" def __init__(self): self.transactions = [] self.state = ParserState(ths=False, nxt=False) def is_open(self): return self.state.ths def is_closed(self): return not self.state.ths def parse_file(self, fpath, encoding='utf-8'): lines_read = 0 with open(fpath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.decode(encoding).strip() lines_read += 1 self.state = self.advance(line, lineno=lines_read) if self.is_open(): self.transactions.append(self.parse_line(line).to_ynab()) def format_csv(self): lines = [YNABTransaction.header.encode('utf-8')] lines += [unicode(t).encode('utf-8') for t in self.transactions] return "\n".join(lines) class MbankTransaction(BaseTransaction): """Item in an Mbank CSV""" # (a) Datum uskutečnění transakce # (b) Datum zaúčtování transakce # (c) Popis transakce # (d) Zpráva pro příjemce # (e) Plátce/Příjemce # (f) Číslo účtu plátce/příjemce # (g) KS # (h) VS # (i) SS # (j) Částka transakce # (k) Účetní zůstatek po transakci # (l) (empty column at the end) def __init__(self, line): fields = [self._cleanup_field(f) for f in line.split(";")] self.date_r = self._convert_date(fields.pop(0)) # (a) self.date_b = self._convert_date(fields.pop(0)) # (b) __ = fields.pop() # (l) self.new_balance = self._parse_currency(fields.pop()) # (k) amount = self._parse_currency(fields.pop()) # (j) if amount >= 0: self.amountd = amount self.amountw = 0 else: self.amountd = 0 self.amountw = -amount self._scrap = fields # (c-i) def _cleanup_field(self, field): x = ' '.join(_unquote(field).strip().split()) return '' if x == '-' else x def _convert_date(self, text): day, month, year = text.split('-') return '-'.join([year, month, day]) def _description(self): def type_interesting(T): boring_types = [ u'PŘÍCHOZÍ PLATBA Z MBANK', u'ODCHOZÍ PLATBA DO MBANK', u'PŘÍCHOZÍ PLATBA Z JINÉ BANKY', u'ODCHOZÍ PLATBA DO JINÉ BANKY', u'PLATBA KARTOU', ] if not T: return False if T in boring_types: return False return True def message_interesting(M): boring_messages = [ u'PŘEVOD PROSTŘEDKŮ', ] if not M: return False if M in boring_messages: return False return True type_, message, party, number, ks, vs, ss = self._scrap dpt = u' DATUM PROVEDENÍ TRANSAKCE: ' if dpt in message: message, __ = message.split(dpt) out = [] if type_interesting(type_): out.append(type_) if message_interesting(message): out.append(message) if party: out.append(party) return " / ".join(out) def _parse_currency(self, text): """Read Mbank currency format""" num = text.replace(' ', '') num = num.replace(',', '.') return float(num) def to_ynab(self): """Convert to YNABTransaction""" return YNABTransaction( date=self.date_r, deposit=self.amountd, withdrawal=self.amountw, memo=self._description() ) class MbankTransactionParser(BaseTransactionParser): def parse_line(self, line): return MbankTransaction(line) def advance(self, line, lineno=None): """Choose parser state according to current line and line no.""" if self.state.nxt: return ParserState(ths=True, nxt=False) if self.is_closed() and line.startswith(u'#Datum uskute'): return ParserState(ths=False, nxt=True) if self.is_open() and not line: return ParserState(ths=False, nxt=False) return self.state class FioTransaction(BaseTransaction): # ID operace # Datum # Objem # Měna # Protiúčet # Název protiúčtu # Kód banky # Název banky # KS # VS # SS # Poznámka # Zpráva pro příjemce # Typ # Provedl # Upřesnění # Poznámka # BIC # ID pokynu def __init__(self, line): fields = [self._cleanup_field(f) for f in line.split(";")] __ = fields.pop(0) self.date = self._convert_date(fields.pop(0)) amount = self._parse_currency(fields.pop(0)) if amount >= 0: self.amountd = amount self.amountw = 0 else: self.amountd = 0 self.amountw = -amount self.currency = fields.pop(0) assert self.currency == 'CZK' self._scrap = [self._cleanup_field(f) for f in fields] def _cleanup_field(self, field): x = ' '.join(_unquote(field).strip().split()) return '' if x == '-' else x def _description(self): ( party_acc, party_accnname, party_bankcode, party_bankname, ks, vs, ss, note1, message, type_, who, explanation, note2, bic, comm_id ) = self._scrap out = [] if message: out.append(message) return " / ".join(out) def _convert_date(self, text): day, month, year = text.split('.') return '-'.join([year, month, day]) def _parse_currency(self, text): return float(text) def to_ynab(self): """Convert to YNABTransaction""" return YNABTransaction( date=self.date, deposit=self.amountd, withdrawal=self.amountw, memo=self._description() ) class FioTransactionParser(BaseTransactionParser): def parse_line(self, line): return FioTransaction(line) def advance(self, line, lineno=None): """Choose parser state according to current line and line no.""" if self.state.nxt: return ParserState(ths=True, nxt=False) if self.is_open() and line.startswith(u'"ID operace";"Datum";'): return ParserState(ths=False, nxt=True) return self.state class RaifTransaction(BaseTransaction): # (a) Transaction Date # (b) Booking Date # (c) Account number # (d) Account Name # (e) Transaction Category # (f) Accocunt Number [SIC] # (g) Name of Account # (h) Transaction type # (i) Message # (j) Note # (k) VS # (l) KS # (m) SS # (n) Booked amount # (o) Account Currency # (p) Original Amount and Currency # (q) Original Amount and Currency # (r) Fee # (s) Transaction ID def __init__(self, line): self._fields = [self._cleanup_field(f) for f in line.split(";")] self.date = self._convert_date(self._fields[0]) amount = self._parse_currency(self._fields[13]) if amount >= 0: self.amountd = amount self.amountw = 0 else: self.amountd = 0 self.amountw = -amount self.currency = self._fields[14] assert self.currency == 'CZK' def _cleanup_field(self, field): x = ' '.join(_unquote(field).strip().split()) return '' if x == '-' else x def _description(self): ( transaction_date, booking_date, src_account_number, src_account_name, transaction_category, dst_account_number, dst_account_name, dst_ransaction_type, message, note, vs, ks, ss, booked_amount, account_currency, original_amount_and_currency, original_amount_and_currency, fee, transaction_id, ) = self._fields out = [] if message: out.append(message) if note and note != message: out.append(note) if dst_account_name: out.append(dst_account_name) else: out.append(dst_account_number) out.append("VS:%s" % vs) return " / ".join(out) def _convert_date(self, text): day, month, year = text.split('.') return '-'.join([year, month, day]) def _parse_currency(self, text): return float(text.replace(',', '.').replace(' ', '')) def to_ynab(self): """Convert to YNABTransaction""" return YNABTransaction( date=self.date, deposit=self.amountd, withdrawal=self.amountw, memo=self._description() ) class RaifTransactionParser(BaseTransactionParser): def parse_line(self, line): return RaifTransaction(line) def advance(self, line, lineno=None): """Choose parser state according to current line and line no.""" if self.state.nxt: return ParserState(ths=True, nxt=False) if self.is_closed() and line.startswith(u'Transaction Date;Booking'): return ParserState(ths=False, nxt=True) return self.state _parsers = { 'CzMbank': MbankTransactionParser, 'CzFio': FioTransactionParser, 'CzRaif': RaifTransactionParser, }