#include "helpers.h" #include #include #include #include // access #include #include #include // errno #include // dirname bool light_file_read_uint64(char const *filename, uint64_t *val) { FILE *fp; uint64_t data; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) { LIGHT_PERMERR("reading"); return false; } if (fscanf(fp, "%lu", &data) != 1) { LIGHT_ERR("Couldn't parse an unsigned integer from '%s'", filename); fclose(fp); return false; } *val = data; fclose(fp); return true; } bool light_file_write_uint64(char const *filename, uint64_t val) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!fp) { LIGHT_PERMERR("writing"); return false; } if (fprintf(fp, "%lu", val) < 0) { LIGHT_ERR("fprintf failed"); fclose(fp); return false; } fclose(fp); return true; } bool light_file_exists (char const *filename) { return access( filename, F_OK ) != -1; } /* Returns true if file is writable, false otherwise */ bool light_file_is_writable(char const *filename) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename, "r+"); if (!fp) { LIGHT_PERMWARN("writing"); return false; } fclose(fp); return true; } /* Returns true if file is readable, false otherwise */ bool light_file_is_readable(char const *filename) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) { LIGHT_PERMWARN("reading"); return false; } fclose(fp); return true; } /* Prints a notice about a value which was below `x` and was adjusted to it */ uint64_t light_log_clamp_min(uint64_t min) { LIGHT_NOTE("too small value, adjusting to mininum %lu (raw)", min); return min; } /* Prints a notice about a value which was above `x` and was adjusted to it */ uint64_t light_log_clamp_max(uint64_t max) { LIGHT_NOTE("too large value, adjusting to mavalimum %lu (raw)", max); return max; } /* Clamps the `percent` value between 0% and 100% */ double light_percent_clamp(double val) { if (val < 0.0) { LIGHT_WARN("specified value %g%% is not valid, adjusting it to 0%%", val); return 0.0; } if (val > 100.0) { LIGHT_WARN("specified value %g%% is not valid, adjusting it to 100%%", val); return 100.0; } return val; } int light_mkpath(char *dir, mode_t mode) { struct stat sb; if (!dir) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (!stat(dir, &sb)) return 0; char *tempdir = strdup(dir); light_mkpath(dirname(tempdir), mode); free(tempdir); return mkdir(dir, mode); }