Light 0.7 --------- Copyright (C) 2012 - Fredrik Haikarainen Program is licensed under the GPLv3 (Read LICENSE before contiuing) - Description --- "Light" is a program to control backlight-controllers in GNU/Linux-systems. It is the successor of "LightScript", which is a bash-script with the same purpose, and tries to maintain the same functionality. It features: * Works excellent where other software has proven unusable/problematic(xbacklight etc) thanks to how it operates internally, and the fact that it doesn't need X. * Automatically figures out the best controller to use depending on its resolution, making full use of the underlying hardware, if you have a "bad system" the controller to use is overridable by the /etc/light/override-file * Written in ANSI-C89 -- which practically makes it as portable as a program can be, with the exception of the glibc-dependency. * Has a default minimumcap of 5% brightness, easily changeable in /etc/light/minlight. This to prevent screens from turning pitchblack, since some controllers do that on 0 brightness. - Usage --- Executed without arguments, light prints usage-information that is pretty self-explanatory. Examples: Set brightness to 40 percent: light 40 Increase brightness with 10% and supress output: light -aq 10 Print the maximum-brightness of the best controller and exit: light -m - Installation --- 1. Install the neccesary buildtools (make, gcc etc) 2. Type "make stable" 3. Optionally make the light-binary executable by regular users by running as root 4. Create a symbolic link to /usr/bin 5. Enjoy! Optional: 6. Create /etc/light/minlight to set a minimumcap (5 is good for highresolution controllers) - Contact --- In case of any feedback(problems/bugs, feature-requests etc) contact me directly on