#minions# My favorite tiny Perl scripts for development and testing. ##htlog.cgi## Collects GET requests with parameters *msg* and *tag* and logs them into single text file ##htlogger.pm## API to make usage of *htlog.cgi* in Perl scripts even easier ##autotest.pl## Script to make it easier to start developing your new Perl module under pressure of unit tests written in [Test::More](http://perldoc.perl.org/Test/More.html) and the likes. Suggested use is to sit on the other monitor, run all *.t* files around and around and be annoying about the fact that they fail. Then the rule of thumb is "no green, no commit". ##timestamp.pl## Script to measure how long mone second takes. For those that know how long it takes, it can serve as a snippet for Perl `&stamp()`. ##helper.pm## Container module for some utility methods for Perl. Probably only `dmup()` is interesting—it bears a nice quick and dirty way for dumping Perl data.