"============================================================================= " $Id: position.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/position.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte <EMAIL:hermitte {at} free {dot} fr> " <URL:http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/> " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " <URL:http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/wiki/License> " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 05th Sep 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (05th Sep 2007) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: «description» " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: «history» " v1.0.0: " Creation " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " TODO: " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#position#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#position#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Public {{{2 " Function: lh#position#is_before {{{3 " @param[in] positions as those returned from |getpos()| " @return whether lhs_pos is before rhs_pos function! lh#position#is_before(lhs_pos, rhs_pos) if a:lhs_pos[0] != a:rhs_pos[0] throw "Positions from incompatible buffers can't be ordered" endif "1 test lines "2 test cols let before \ = (a:lhs_pos[1] == a:rhs_pos[1]) \ ? (a:lhs_pos[2] < a:rhs_pos[2]) \ : (a:lhs_pos[1] < a:rhs_pos[1]) return before endfunction function! lh#position#IsBefore(lhs_pos, rhs_pos) return lh#position#is_before(a:lhs_pos, a:rhs_pos) endfunction " Function: lh#position#char_at_mark {{{3 " @return the character at a given mark (|mark|) function! lh#position#char_at_mark(mark) let c = getline(a:mark)[col(a:mark)-1] return c endfunction function! lh#position#CharAtMark(mark) return lh#position#char_at_mark(a:mark) endfunction " Function: lh#position#char_at_pos {{{3 " @return the character at a given position (|getpos()|) function! lh#position#char_at_pos(pos) let c = getline(a:pos[1])[(a:pos[2])-1] return c endfunction function! lh#position#CharAtPos(pos) return lh#position#char_at_pos(a:pos) endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: