#!/usr/bin/perl # ============================================ # mklinks # -------------------------------------------- # # usage: mklinks DOTROOT [PREFIX] # # # This script will go through each file or # sub-folder of DOTROOT and create symbolic # link to it under your HOME named with "." # prefix. # # This is useful for sharing your dotfiles # (e.g. using service like Dropbox or keeping # them in a shared VCS repository like git) # # DOTROOT - path where your shared dot-files # are. # PREFIX - where you want your links to # dot-files to be created ($HOME # by default) # # -------------------------------------------- # By Alois Mahdal; no warranty # ============================================ use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; sub usage { print STDERR "usage: $0: DOTROOT [PREFIX]\n"; exit 1; } my $dotroot; my $prefix; my $opts = GetOptions( 'dotroot=s' => \$dotroot, 'prefix=s' => \$prefix ) or usage; $dotroot = $dotroot // shift; $prefix = $prefix // shift; $prefix = $prefix // $ENV{HOME}; $dotroot or usage; sub mklinks { my $dotroot = shift; my $prefix = shift; -d $dotroot or die "not a directory: $dotroot"; my @dirs = `ls $dotroot`; foreach my $dir (@dirs) { chomp $dir; my $source = "$dotroot/$dir"; my $target = "$prefix/.$dir"; `mkdir -p $prefix`; if (-e $target) { warn "target exists: $target\n"; } else { `ln -s $source $target`; } } } mklinks($dotroot, $prefix);