"============================================================================= " $Id: list.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/list.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 17th Apr 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (17th Apr 2007) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines functions related to |Lists| " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v3.0.0: " (*) GPLv3 " v2.2.2: " (*) new functions: lh#list#remove(), lh#list#matches(), " lh#list#not_found(). " v2.2.1: " (*) use :unlet in :for loop to support heterogeneous lists " (*) binary search algorithms (upper_bound, lower_bound, equal_range) " v2.2.0: " (*) new functions: lh#list#accumulate, lh#list#transform, " lh#list#transform_if, lh#list#find_if, lh#list#copy_if, " lh#list#subset, lh#list#intersect " (*) the functions are compatible with lh#function functors " v2.1.1: " (*) unique_sort " v2.0.7: " (*) Bug fix: lh#list#Match() " v2.0.6: " (*) lh#list#Find_if() supports search predicate, and start index " (*) lh#list#Match() supports start index " v2.0.0: " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#list#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#list#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Public {{{2 " Function: lh#list#Transform(input, output, action) {{{3 " deprecated version function! lh#list#Transform(input, output, action) let new = map(copy(a:input), a:action) let res = extend(a:output,new) return res for element in a:input let action = substitute(a:action, 'v:val','element', 'g') let res = eval(action) call add(a:output, res) unlet element " for heterogeneous lists endfor return a:output endfunction function! lh#list#transform(input, output, action) for element in a:input let res = lh#function#execute(a:action, element) call add(a:output, res) unlet element " for heterogeneous lists endfor return a:output endfunction function! lh#list#transform_if(input, output, action, predicate) for element in a:input if lh#function#execute(a:predicate, element) let res = lh#function#execute(a:action, element) call add(a:output, res) endif unlet element " for heterogeneous lists endfor return a:output endfunction function! lh#list#copy_if(input, output, predicate) for element in a:input if lh#function#execute(a:predicate, element) call add(a:output, element) endif unlet element " for heterogeneous lists endfor return a:output endfunction function! lh#list#accumulate(input, transformation, accumulator) let transformed = lh#list#transform(a:input, [], a:transformation) let res = lh#function#execute(a:accumulator, transformed) return res endfunction " Function: lh#list#match(list, to_be_matched [, idx]) {{{3 function! lh#list#match(list, to_be_matched, ...) let idx = (a:0>0) ? a:1 : 0 while idx < len(a:list) if match(a:list[idx], a:to_be_matched) != -1 return idx endif let idx += 1 endwhile return -1 endfunction function! lh#list#Match(list, to_be_matched, ...) let idx = (a:0>0) ? a:1 : 0 return lh#list#match(a:list, a:to_be_matched, idx) endfunction " Function: lh#list#matches(list, to_be_matched [,idx]) {{{3 " Return the list of indices that match {to_be_matched} function! lh#list#matches(list, to_be_matched, ...) let res = [] let idx = (a:0>0) ? a:1 : 0 while idx < len(a:list) if match(a:list[idx], a:to_be_matched) != -1 let res += [idx] endif let idx += 1 endwhile return res endfunction " Function: lh#list#Find_if(list, predicate [, predicate-arguments] [, start-pos]) {{{3 function! lh#list#Find_if(list, predicate, ...) " Parameters let idx = 0 let args = [] if a:0 == 2 let idx = a:2 let args = a:1 elseif a:0 == 1 if type(a:1) == type([]) let args = a:1 elseif type(a:1) == type(42) let idx = a:1 else throw "lh#list#Find_if: unexpected argument type" endif elseif a:0 != 0 throw "lh#list#Find_if: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#Find_if(list, predicate [, predicate-arguments] [, start-pos])" endif " The search loop while idx != len(a:list) let predicate = substitute(a:predicate, 'v:val', 'a:list['.idx.']', 'g') let predicate = substitute(predicate, 'v:\(\d\+\)_', 'args[\1-1]', 'g') let res = eval(predicate) " echomsg string(predicate) . " --> " . res if res | return idx | endif let idx += 1 endwhile return -1 endfunction " Function: lh#list#find_if(list, predicate [, predicate-arguments] [, start-pos]) {{{3 function! lh#list#find_if(list, predicate, ...) " Parameters let idx = 0 let args = [] if a:0 == 1 let idx = a:1 elseif a:0 != 0 throw "lh#list#find_if: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#find_if(list, predicate [, start-pos])" endif " The search loop while idx != len(a:list) " let predicate = substitute(a:predicate, 'v:val', 'a:list['.idx.']', 'g') let res = lh#function#execute(a:predicate, a:list[idx]) if res | return idx | endif let idx += 1 endwhile return -1 endfunction " Function: lh#list#lower_bound(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]]) {{{3 function! lh#list#lower_bound(list, val, ...) let first = 0 let last = len(a:list) if a:0 >= 1 | let first = a:1 elseif a:0 >= 2 | let last = a:2 elseif a:0 > 2 throw "lh#list#lower_bound: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#lower_bound(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]])" endif let len = last - first while len > 0 let half = len / 2 let middle = first + half if a:list[middle] < a:val let first = middle + 1 let len -= half + 1 else let len = half endif endwhile return first endfunction " Function: lh#list#upper_bound(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]]) {{{3 function! lh#list#upper_bound(list, val, ...) let first = 0 let last = len(a:list) if a:0 >= 1 | let first = a:1 elseif a:0 >= 2 | let last = a:2 elseif a:0 > 2 throw "lh#list#upper_bound: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#upper_bound(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]])" endif let len = last - first while len > 0 let half = len / 2 let middle = first + half if a:val < a:list[middle] let len = half else let first = middle + 1 let len -= half + 1 endif endwhile return first endfunction " Function: lh#list#equal_range(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]]) {{{3 " @return [f, l], where " f : First position where {value} could be inserted " l : Last position where {value} could be inserted function! lh#list#equal_range(list, val, ...) let first = 0 let last = len(a:list) " Parameters if a:0 >= 1 | let first = a:1 elseif a:0 >= 2 | let last = a:2 elseif a:0 > 2 throw "lh#list#equal_range: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#equal_range(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]])" endif " The search loop ( == STLPort's equal_range) let len = last - first while len > 0 let half = len / 2 let middle = first + half if a:list[middle] < a:val let first = middle + 1 let len -= half + 1 elseif a:val < a:list[middle] let len = half else let left = lh#list#lower_bound(a:list, a:val, first, middle) let right = lh#list#upper_bound(a:list, a:val, middle+1, first+len) return [left, right] endif " let predicate = substitute(a:predicate, 'v:val', 'a:list['.idx.']', 'g') " let res = lh#function#execute(a:predicate, a:list[idx]) endwhile return [first, first] endfunction " Function: lh#list#not_found(range) {{{3 " @return whether the range returned from equal_range is empty (i.e. element not fount) function! lh#list#not_found(range) return a:range[0] == a:range[1] endfunction " Function: lh#list#unique_sort(list [, func]) {{{3 " See also http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Unique_sorting " " Works like sort(), optionally taking in a comparator (just like the " original), except that duplicate entries will be removed. " todo: support another argument that act as an equality predicate function! lh#list#unique_sort(list, ...) let dictionary = {} for i in a:list let dictionary[string(i)] = i endfor let result = [] " echo join(values(dictionary),"\n") if ( exists( 'a:1' ) ) let result = sort( values( dictionary ), a:1 ) else let result = sort( values( dictionary ) ) endif return result endfunction function! lh#list#unique_sort2(list, ...) let list = copy(a:list) if ( exists( 'a:1' ) ) call sort(list, a:1 ) else call sort(list) endif if len(list) <= 1 | return list | endif let result = [ list[0] ] let last = list[0] let i = 1 while i < len(list) if last != list[i] let last = list[i] call add(result, last) endif let i += 1 endwhile return result endfunction " Function: lh#list#subset(list, indices) {{{3 function! lh#list#subset(list, indices) let result=[] for e in a:indices call add(result, a:list[e]) endfor return result endfunction " Function: lh#list#remove(list, indices) {{{3 function! lh#list#remove(list, indices) " assert(is_sorted(indices)) let idx = reverse(copy(a:indices)) for i in idx call remove(a:list, i) endfor return a:list endfunction " Function: lh#list#intersect(list1, list2) {{{3 function! lh#list#intersect(list1, list2) let result = copy(a:list1) call filter(result, 'index(a:list2, v:val) >= 0') return result for e in a:list1 if index(a:list2, e) > 0 call result(result, e) endif endfor endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: