" Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Jr., Ph.D. UseVimball finish autoload/lh/askvim.vim [[[1 150 "============================================================================= " $Id: askvim.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/askvim.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 17th Apr 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (17th Apr 2007) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines functions that asks vim what it is relinquish to tell us " - menu " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v2.0.0: " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#askvim#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#askvim#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Public {{{2 " Function: lh#askvim#exe(command) {{{3 function! lh#askvim#Exe(command) echomsg 'lh#askvim#Exe() is deprecated, use lh#askvim#exe()' return lh#askvim#exe(a:command) endfunction function! lh#askvim#exe(command) let save_a = @a try silent! redir @a silent! exe a:command redir END finally " Always restore everything let res = @a let @a = save_a return res endtry endfunction " Function: lh#askvim#menu(menuid) {{{3 function! s:AskOneMenu(menuact, res) let sKnown_menus = lh#askvim#exe(a:menuact) let lKnown_menus = split(sKnown_menus, '\n') " echo string(lKnown_menus) " 1- search for the menuid " todo: fix the next line to correctly interpret "stuff\.stuff" and " "stuff\\.stuff". let menuid_parts = split(a:menuact, '\.') let simplifiedKnown_menus = deepcopy(lKnown_menus) call map(simplifiedKnown_menus, 'substitute(v:val, "&", "", "g")') " let idx = lh#list#match(simplifiedKnown_menus, '^\d\+\s\+'.menuid_parts[-1]) let idx = match(simplifiedKnown_menus, '^\d\+\s\+'.menuid_parts[-1]) if idx == -1 " echo "not found" return endif " echo "l[".idx."]=".lKnown_menus[idx] if empty(a:res) let a:res.priority = matchstr(lKnown_menus[idx], '\d\+\ze\s\+.*') let a:res.name = matchstr(lKnown_menus[idx], '\d\+\s\+\zs.*') let a:res.actions = {} " else " what if the priority isn't the same? endif " 2- search for the menu definition let idx += 1 while idx != len(lKnown_menus) echo "l[".idx."]=".lKnown_menus[idx] " should not happen if lKnown_menus[idx] =~ '^\d\+' | break | endif " :h showing-menus " -> The format of the result of the call to Exe() seems to be: " ^ssssMns-sACTION$ " s == 1 whitespace " M == mode (inrvcs) " n == noremap(*)/script(&) " - == disable(-)/of not let act = {} let menu_def = matchlist(lKnown_menus[idx], \ '^\s*\([invocs]\)\([&* ]\) \([- ]\) \(.*\)$') if len(menu_def) > 4 let act.mode = menu_def[1] let act.nore_script = menu_def[2] let act.disabled = menu_def[3] let act.action = menu_def[4] else echomsg string(menu_def) echoerr "lh#askvim#menu(): Cannot decode ``".lKnown_menus[idx]."''" endif let a:res.actions["mode_" . act.mode] = act let idx += 1 endwhile " n- Return the result return a:res endfunction function! lh#askvim#menu(menuid, modes) let res = {} let i = 0 while i != strlen(a:modes) call s:AskOneMenu(a:modes[i].'menu '.a:menuid, res) let i += 1 endwhile return res endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/buffer.vim [[[1 102 "============================================================================= " $Id: buffer.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/buffer.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " Licence: GPLv3 " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 23rd Jan 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines functions that help finding windows and handling buffers. " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v1.0.0 First Version " (*) Functions moved from searchInRuntimeTime " v2.2.0 " (*) new function: lh#buffer#list() " v3.0.0 GPLv3 " TODO: " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim " ## Functions {{{1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#buffer#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#buffer#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Public {{{2 " Function: lh#buffer#find({filename}) {{{3 " If {filename} is opened in a window, jump to this window, otherwise return -1 " Moved from searchInRuntimeTime.vim function! lh#buffer#find(filename) let b = bufwinnr(a:filename) if b == -1 | return b | endif exe b.'wincmd w' return b endfunction function! lh#buffer#Find(filename) return lh#buffer#find(a:filename) endfunction " Function: lh#buffer#jump({filename},{cmd}) {{{3 function! lh#buffer#jump(filename, cmd) if lh#buffer#find(a:filename) != -1 | return | endif exe a:cmd . ' ' . a:filename endfunction function! lh#buffer#Jump(filename, cmd) return lh#buffer#jump(a:filename, a:cmd) endfunction " Function: lh#buffer#scratch({bname},{where}) {{{3 function! lh#buffer#scratch(bname, where) try silent exe a:where.' sp '.a:bname catch /.*/ throw "Can't open a buffer named '".a:bname."'!" endtry setlocal bt=nofile bh=wipe nobl noswf ro endfunction function! lh#buffer#Scratch(bname, where) return lh#buffer#scratch(a:bname, a:where) endfunction " Function: lh#buffer#list() {{{3 function! lh#buffer#list() let all = range(0, bufnr('$')) " let res = lh#list#transform_if(all, [], 'v:1_', 'buflisted') let res = lh#list#copy_if(all, [], 'buflisted') return res endfunction " Ex: Names of the buffers listed " -> echo lh#list#transform(lh#buffer#list(), [], "bufname") " Ex: wipeout empty buffers listed " -> echo 'bw'.join(lh#list#copy_if(range(0, bufnr('$')), [], 'buflisted(v:1_) && empty(bufname(v:1_))'), ' ') "============================================================================= let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/buffer/dialog.vim [[[1 271 "============================================================================= " $Id: dialog.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/buffer/dialog.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 21st Sep 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: «description» " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v1.0.0 First Version " (*) Functions imported from Mail_mutt_alias.vim " v3.0.0 GPLv3 " TODO: " (*) --abort-- line " (*) custom messages " (*) do not mess with search history " (*) support any &magic " (*) syntax " (*) add number/letters " (*) tag with '[x] ' instead of '* ' " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "============================================================================= " ## Globals {{{1 let s:LHdialog = {} "============================================================================= " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#buffer#dialog#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#buffer#dialog#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "============================================================================= " # Dialog functions {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:Mappings(abuffer) " map to edit a file, also dbl-click exe "nnoremap :silent call ".a:abuffer.action."(-1, ".a:abuffer.id.")" exe "nnoremap q :call lh#buffer#dialog#select(-1, ".a:abuffer.id.")" exe "nnoremap :call lh#buffer#dialog#select(line('.'), ".a:abuffer.id.")" " nnoremap <2-LeftMouse> :silent call GrepEditFileLine(line(".")) " nnoremap Q :call Reformat() " nnoremap :set tabstop-=1 " nnoremap :set tabstop+=1 if a:abuffer.support_tagging nnoremap t :silent call ToggleTag(line(".")) nnoremap :silent call ToggleTag(line(".")) endif nnoremap :silent call NextChoice('') nnoremap :silent call NextChoice('b') exe "nnoremap h :silent call ToggleHelp(".a:abuffer.id.")" endfunction "---------------------------------------- " Tag / untag the current choice {{{ function! s:ToggleTag(lineNum) if a:lineNum > s:Help_NbL() " If tagged if (getline(a:lineNum)[0] == '*') let b:NbTags = b:NbTags - 1 silent exe a:lineNum.'s/^\* / /e' else let b:NbTags = b:NbTags + 1 silent exe a:lineNum.'s/^ /* /e' endif " Move after the tag ; there is something with the two previous :s. They " don't leave the cursor at the same position. silent! normal! 3| call s:NextChoice('') " move to the next choice endif endfunction " }}} function! s:Help_NbL() " return 1 + nb lines of BuildHelp return 2 + len(b:dialog['help_'.b:dialog.help_type]) endfunction "---------------------------------------- " Go to the Next (/previous) possible choice. {{{ function! s:NextChoice(direction) " echomsg "next!" call search('^[ *]\s*\zs\S\+', a:direction) endfunction " }}} "------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:RedisplayHelp(dialog) silent! 2,$g/^@/d_ normal! gg for help in a:dialog['help_'.a:dialog.help_type] silent put=help endfor endfunction function! lh#buffer#dialog#update(dialog) set noro exe (s:Help_NbL()+1).',$d_' for choice in a:dialog.choices silent $put=' '.choice endfor set ro endfunction function! s:Display(dialog, atitle) set noro 0 put = a:atitle call s:RedisplayHelp(a:dialog) for choice in a:dialog.choices silent $put=' '.choice endfor set ro exe s:Help_NbL()+1 endfunction function! s:ToggleHelp(bufferId) call lh#buffer#find(a:bufferId) call b:dialog.toggle_help() endfunction function! lh#buffer#dialog#toggle_help() dict let self.help_type \ = (self.help_type == 'short') \ ? 'long' \ : 'short' call s:RedisplayHelp(self) endfunction function! lh#buffer#dialog#new(bname, title, where, support_tagging, action, choices) " The ID will be the buffer id let res = {} let where_it_started = getpos('.') let where_it_started[0] = bufnr('%') let res.where_it_started = where_it_started try call lh#buffer#scratch(a:bname, a:where) catch /.*/ echoerr v:exception return res endtry let res.id = bufnr('%') let b:NbTags = 0 let b:dialog = res let s:LHdialog[res.id] = res let res.help_long = [] let res.help_short = [] let res.help_type = 'short' let res.support_tagging = a:support_tagging let res.action = a:action let res.choices = a:choices " Long help call lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(res, '@| , : select this', 'long') call lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(res, '@| , q : Abort', 'long') if a:support_tagging call lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(res, '@| , : Tag/Untag the current item', 'long') endif call lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(res, '@| /, , +/- : Move between entries', 'long') call lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(res, '@|', 'long') " call lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(res, '@| h : Toggle help', 'long') call lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(res, '@+'.repeat('-', winwidth(bufwinnr(res.id))-3), 'long') " Short Help " call lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(res, '@| h : Toggle help', 'short') call lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(res, '@+'.repeat('-', winwidth(bufwinnr(res.id))-3), 'short') let res.toggle_help = function("lh#buffer#dialog#toggle_help") let title = '@ ' . a:title let helpstr = '| Toggle (h)elp' let title = title \ . repeat(' ', winwidth(bufwinnr(res.id))-lh#encoding#strlen(title)-lh#encoding#strlen(helpstr)-1) \ . helpstr call s:Display(res, title) call s:Mappings(res) return res endfunction function! lh#buffer#dialog#add_help(abuffer, text, help_type) call add(a:abuffer['help_'.a:help_type],a:text) endfunction "============================================================================= function! lh#buffer#dialog#quit() let bufferId = b:dialog.where_it_started[0] echohl WarningMsg echo "Abort" echohl None quit call lh#buffer#find(bufferId) endfunction " Function: lh#buffer#dialog#select(line, bufferId [,overriden-action]) function! lh#buffer#dialog#select(line, bufferId, ...) if a:line == -1 call lh#buffer#dialog#quit() return " elseif a:line <= s:Help_NbL() + 1 elseif a:line <= s:Help_NbL() echoerr "Unselectable item" return else let dialog = s:LHdialog[a:bufferId] let results = { 'dialog' : dialog, 'selection' : [] } if b:NbTags == 0 " -1 because first index is 0 " let results = [ dialog.choices[a:line - s:Help_NbL() - 1] ] let results.selection = [ a:line - s:Help_NbL() - 1 ] else silent g/^* /call add(results.selection, line('.')-s:Help_NbL()-1) endif endif if a:0 > 0 " action overriden exe 'call '.dialog.action.'(results, a:000)' else exe 'call '.dialog.action.'(results)' endif endfunction function! lh#buffer#dialog#Select(line, bufferId, ...) echomsg "lh#buffer#dialog#Select() is deprecated, use lh#buffer#dialog#select() instead" if a:0 > 0 " action overriden exe 'call lh#buffer#dialog#select(a:line, a:bufferId, a:1)' else exe 'call lh#buffer#dialog#select(a:line, a:bufferId)' endif endfunction function! Action(results) let dialog = a:results.dialog let choices = dialog.choices for r in a:results.selection echomsg '-> '.choices[r] endfor endfunction "============================================================================= let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/command.vim [[[1 226 "============================================================================= " $Id: command.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/command.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 08th Jan 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (08th Jan 2007) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Helpers to define commands that: " - support subcommands " - support autocompletion " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " v2.0.0: Code moved from other plugins " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim " ## Debug {{{1 function! lh#command#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#command#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " Tool functions {{{2 " Function: lh#command#Fargs2String(aList) {{{3 " @param[in,out] aList list of params from " @see tests/lh/test-Fargs2String.vim function! lh#command#Fargs2String(aList) if empty(a:aList) | return '' | endif let quote_char = a:aList[0][0] let res = a:aList[0] call remove(a:aList, 0) if quote_char !~ '["'."']" return res endif " else let end_string = '[^\\]\%(\\\\\)*'.quote_char.'$' while !empty(a:aList) && res !~ end_string let res .= ' ' . a:aList[0] call remove(a:aList, 0) endwhile return res endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Experimental Functions {{{1 " Internal functions {{{2 " Function: s:SaveData({Data}) {{{3 " @param Data Command definition " Saves {Data} as s:Data{s:data_id++}. The definition will be used by " automatically generated commands. " @return s:data_id let s:data_id = 0 function! s:SaveData(Data) if has_key(a:Data, "command_id") " Avoid data duplication return a:Data.command_id else let s:Data{s:data_id} = a:Data let id = s:data_id let s:data_id += 1 let a:Data.command_id = id return id endif endfunction " BTWComplete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos): Auto-complete {{{3 function! lh#command#complete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) let tmp = substitute(a:CmdLine, '\s*\S*', 'Z', 'g') let pos = strlen(tmp) if 0 call confirm( "AL = ". a:ArgLead."\nCL = ". a:CmdLine."\nCP = ".a:CursorPos \ . "\ntmp = ".tmp."\npos = ".pos \, '&Ok', 1) endif if 2 == pos " First argument: a command return s:commands elseif 3 == pos " Second argument: first arg of the command if -1 != match(a:CmdLine, '^BTW\s\+echo') return s:functions . "\n" . s:variables elseif -1 != match(a:CmdLine, '^BTW\s\+\%(help\|?\)') elseif -1 != match(a:CmdLine, '^BTW\s\+\%(set\|add\)\%(local\)\=') " Adds a filter " let files = globpath(&rtp, 'compiler/BT-*') " let files = files . globpath(&rtp, 'compiler/BT_*') " let files = files . globpath(&rtp, 'compiler/BT/*') let files = s:FindFilter('*') let files = substitute(files, \ '\(^\|\n\).\{-}compiler[\\/]BTW[-_\\/]\(.\{-}\)\.vim\>\ze\%(\n\|$\)', \ '\1\2', 'g') return files elseif -1 != match(a:CmdLine, '^BTW\s\+remove\%(local\)\=') " Removes a filter return substitute(s:FiltersList(), ',', '\n', 'g') endif endif " finally: unknown echoerr 'BTW: unespected parameter ``'. a:ArgLead ."''" return '' endfunction function! s:BTW(command, ...) " todo: check a:0 > 1 if 'set' == a:command | let g:BTW_build_tool = a:1 if exists('b:BTW_build_tool') let b:BTW_build_tool = a:1 endif elseif 'setlocal' == a:command | let b:BTW_build_tool = a:1 elseif 'add' == a:command | call s:AddFilter('g', a:1) elseif 'addlocal' == a:command | call s:AddFilter('b', a:1) " if exists('b:BTW_filters_list') " ????? " call s:AddFilter('b', a:1) " endif elseif 'remove' == a:command | call s:RemoveFilter('g', a:1) elseif 'removelocal' == a:command | call s:RemoveFilter('b', a:1) elseif 'rebuild' == a:command " wait for s:ReconstructToolsChain() elseif 'echo' == a:command | exe "echo s:".a:1 " echo s:{a:f1} ## don't support «echo s:f('foo')» elseif 'reloadPlugin' == a:command let g:force_reload_BuildToolsWrapper = 1 let g:BTW_BTW_in_use = 1 exe 'so '.s:sfile unlet g:force_reload_BuildToolsWrapper unlet g:BTW_BTW_in_use return elseif a:command =~ '\%(help\|?\)' call s:Usage() return endif call s:ReconstructToolsChain() endfunction " ############################################################## " Public functions {{{2 function! s:FindSubcommand(definition, subcommand) for arg in a:definition.arguments if arg.name == a:subcommand return arg endif endfor throw "NF" endfunction function! s:execute_function(definition, params) if len(a:params) < 1 throw "(lh#command) Not enough arguments" endif let l:Fn = a:definition.action echo "calling ".string(l:Fn) echo "with ".string(a:params) " call remove(a:params, 0) call l:Fn(a:params) endfunction function! s:execute_sub_commands(definition, params) try if len(a:params) < 1 throw "(lh#command) Not enough arguments" endif let subcommand = s:FindSubcommand(a:definition, a:params[0]) call remove(a:params, 0) call s:int_execute(subcommand, a:params) catch /NF.*/ throw "(lh#command) Unexpected subcommand `".a:params[0]."'." endtry endfunction function! s:int_execute(definition, params) echo "params=".string(a:params) call s:execute_{a:definition.arg_type}(a:definition, a:params) endfunction function! s:execute(definition, ...) try let params = copy(a:000) call s:int_execute(a:definition, params) catch /(lh#command).*/ echoerr v:exception . " in `".a:definition.name.' '.join(a:000, ' ')."'" endtry endfunction function! lh#command#new(definition) let cmd_name = a:definition.name " Save the definition as an internal script variable let id = s:SaveData(a:definition) exe "command! -nargs=* ".cmd_name." :call s:execute(s:Data".id.", )" endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/common.vim [[[1 97 "============================================================================= " $Id: common.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/common.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 07th Oct 2006 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (08th Feb 2008) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Some common functions for: " - displaying error messages " - checking dependencies " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v3.0.0 " - GPLv3 " v2.1.1 " - New function: lh#common#echomsg_multilines() " - lh#common#warning_msg() supports multilines messages " " v2.0.0: " - Code moved from other plugins " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Functions {{{1 " Function: lh#common#echomsg_multilines {{{2 function! lh#common#echomsg_multilines(text) let lines = split(a:text, "[\n\r]") for line in lines echomsg line endfor endfunction function! lh#common#echomsgMultilines(text) return lh#common#echomsg_multilines(a:text) endfunction " Function: lh#common#error_msg {{{2 function! lh#common#error_msg(text) if has('gui_running') call confirm(a:text, '&Ok', '1', 'Error') else " echohl ErrorMsg echoerr a:text " echohl None endif endfunction function! lh#common#ErrorMsg(text) return lh#common#error_msg(a:text) endfunction " Function: lh#common#warning_msg {{{2 function! lh#common#warning_msg(text) echohl WarningMsg " echomsg a:text call lh#common#echomsg_multilines(a:text) echohl None endfunction function! lh#common#WarningMsg(text) return lh#common#warning_msg(a:text) endfunction " Dependencies {{{2 function! lh#common#check_deps(Symbol, File, path, plugin) " {{{3 if !exists(a:Symbol) exe "runtime ".a:path.a:File if !exists(a:Symbol) call lh#common#error_msg( a:plugin.': Requires <'.a:File.'>') return 0 endif endif return 1 endfunction function! lh#common#CheckDeps(Symbol, File, path, plugin) " {{{3 echomsg "lh#common#CheckDeps() is deprecated, use lh#common#check_deps() instead." return lh#common#check_deps(a:Symbol, a:File, a:path, a:plugin) endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/encoding.vim [[[1 78 "============================================================================= " $Id: encoding.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/encoding.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 21st Feb 2008 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines functions that help managing various encodings " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v3.0.0: " (*) GPLv3 " v2.2.2: " (*) new mb_strings functions: strlen, strpart, at " v2.0.7: " (*) lh#encoding#Iconv() copied from map-tools " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Exported functions {{{2 " Function: lh#encoding#iconv(expr, from, to) " {{{3 " Unlike |iconv()|, this wrapper returns {expr} when we know no convertion can " be acheived. function! lh#encoding#iconv(expr, from, to) " call Dfunc("s:ICONV(".a:expr.','.a:from.','.a:to.')') if has('multi_byte') && \ ( has('iconv') || has('iconv/dyn') || \ ((a:from=~'latin1\|utf-8') && (a:to=~'latin1\|utf-8'))) " call confirm('encoding: '.&enc."\nto:".a:to, "&Ok", 1) " call Dret("s:ICONV convert=".iconv(a:expr, a:from, a:to)) return iconv(a:expr,a:from,a:to) else " Cannot convert " call Dret("s:ICONV no convert=".a:expr) return a:expr endif endfunction " Function: lh#encoding#at(mb_string, i) " {{{3 " @return i-th character in a mb_string " @parem mb_string multi-bytes string " @param i 0-indexed position function! lh#encoding#at(mb_string, i) return matchstr(a:mb_string, '.', 0, a:i+1) endfunction " Function: lh#encoding#strpart(mb_string, pos, length) " {{{3 " @return {length} extracted characters from {position} in multi-bytes string. " @parem mb_string multi-bytes string " @param p 0-indexed position " @param l length of the string to extract function! lh#encoding#strpart(mb_string, p, l) return matchstr(a:mb_string, '.\{'.a:l.'}', 0, a:p+1) endfunction " Function: lh#encoding#strlen(mb_string) " {{{3 " @return the length of the multi-bytes string. function! lh#encoding#strlen(mb_string) return strlen(substitute(a:mb_string, '.', 'a', 'g')) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/env.vim [[[1 78 "============================================================================= " $Id: env.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/env.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 19th Jul 2010 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Functions related to environment (variables) " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh " Requires Vim7+ " History: " v2.2.1: First Version " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Misc Functions {{{1 " # Version {{{2 let s:k_version = 300 function! lh#env#version() return s:k_version endfunction " # Debug {{{2 let s:verbose = 0 function! lh#env#verbose(...) if a:0 > 0 | let s:verbose = a:1 | endif return s:verbose endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#env#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Exported functions {{{1 function! lh#env#expand_all(string) let res = '' let tail = a:string while !empty(tail) let [ all, head, var, tail; dummy ] = matchlist(tail, '\(.\{-}\)\%(${\(.\{-}\)}\)\=\(.*\)') if empty(var) let res .= tail break else let res .= head let val = eval('$'.var) let res .= val endif endwhile return res endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Internal functions {{{1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/event.vim [[[1 70 "============================================================================= " $Id: event.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/event.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 15th Feb 2008 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Function to help manage vim |autocommand-events| " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v2.0.6: Creation " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " TODO: " }}}1 "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#event#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#event#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Event Registration {{{2 function! s:RegisteredOnce(cmd, group) " We can't delete the current augroup autocommand => increment a counter if !exists('s:'.a:group) || s:{a:group} == 0 let s:{a:group} = 1 exe a:cmd endif endfunction function! lh#event#register_for_one_execution_at(event, cmd, group) let group = a:group.'_once' let s:{group} = 0 exe 'augroup '.group au! exe 'au '.a:event.' '.expand('%:p').' call s:RegisteredOnce('.string(a:cmd).','.string(group).')' augroup END endfunction function! lh#event#RegisterForOneExecutionAt(event, cmd, group) return lh#event#register_for_one_execution_at(a:event, a:cmd, a:group) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/float.vim [[[1 120 "============================================================================= " $Id: float.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/float.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 16th Nov 2010 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines functions related to |expr-float| numbers " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh " Requires Vim7+ " History: " v2.0.0: first version " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " TODO: " }}}1 "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Misc Functions {{{1 " # Version {{{2 let s:k_version = 300 function! lh#float#version() return s:k_version endfunction " # Debug {{{2 let s:verbose = 0 function! lh#float#verbose(...) if a:0 > 0 | let s:verbose = a:1 | endif return s:verbose endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#float#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Exported functions {{{1 " # lh#float#min(list) {{{2 function! lh#float#min(list) let am = lh#float#arg_min(a:list) return a:list[am] endfunction function! lh#float#arg_min(list) if empty(a:list) | return -1 | endif let m = type(a:list[0]) == type(0.0) ? a:list[0] : str2float(a:list[0]) let p = 0 let i = 1 while i != len(a:list) let e = a:list[i] if type(e) != type(0.0) | let v = str2float(e) else let v = e endif if v < m let m = v let p = i endif let i += 1 endwhile return p endfunction " # lh#float#max(list) {{{2 function! lh#float#max(list) let am = lh#float#arg_max(a:list) return a:list[am] endfunction function! lh#float#arg_max(list) if empty(a:list) | return -1 | endif let m = type(a:list[0]) == type(0.0) ? a:list[0] : str2float(a:list[0]) let p = 0 let i = 1 while i != len(a:list) let e = a:list[i] if type(e) != type(0.0) | let v = str2float(e) else let v = e endif if v > m let m = v let p = i endif let i += 1 endwhile return p endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Internal functions {{{1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/function.vim [[[1 217 "============================================================================= " $Id: function.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/function.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 03rd Nov 2008 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Implements: " - lh#function#bind() " - lh#function#execute() " - lh#function#prepare() " - a binded function type " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v2.2.0: first implementation " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#function#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#function#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction " # Function: s:Join(arguments...) {{{2 function! s:Join(args) let res = '' if len(a:args) > 0 let res = string(a:args[0]) let i = 1 while i != len(a:args) let res.=','.string(a:args[i]) let i += 1 endwhile endif return res endfunction " # Function: s:DoBindList(arguments...) {{{2 function! s:DoBindList(formal, real) let args = [] for arg in a:formal if type(arg)==type('string') && arg =~ '^v:\d\+_$' let new = a:real[matchstr(arg, 'v:\zs\d\+\ze_')-1] elseif type(arg)==type('string') let new = eval(s:DoBindEvaluatedString(arg, a:real)) else let new = arg endif call add(args, new) unlet new unlet arg endfor return args endfunction " # Function: s:DoBindString(arguments...) {{{2 function! s:DoBindString(expr, real) let expr = substitute(a:expr, '\', a:real.'[\1-1]', 'g') return expr endfunction function! s:ToString(expr) return type(a:expr) != type('') \ ? string(a:expr) \ : (a:expr) endfunction function! s:DoBindEvaluatedString(expr, real) let expr = a:expr let p = 0 while 1 let p = match(expr, '\', p) if -1 == p | break | endif let e = matchend(expr, '\', p) let n = eval(expr[p+2 : e-2]) " let new = (type(a:real[n-1])==type('') && a:real[n-1]=~ '\') " \ ? a:real[n-1] " \ : string(a:real[n-1]) let new = s:ToString(a:real[n-1]) " let new = string(a:real[n-1]) " -> bind_counpound vars let expr = ((p>0) ? (expr[0:p-1]) : '') . new . expr[e : -1] " echo expr let p += len(new) " silent! unlet new endwhile return expr endfunction " # Function: s:Execute(arguments...) {{{2 function! s:Execute(args) dict if type(self.function) == type(function('exists')) let args = s:DoBindList(self.args, a:args) " echomsg '##'.string(self.function).'('.join(args, ',').')' let res = eval(string(self.function).'('.s:Join(args).')') elseif type(self.function) == type('string') let expr = s:DoBindString(self.function, 'a:args') let res = eval(expr) elseif type(self.function) == type({}) return self.function.execute(a:args) else throw "lh#functor#execute: unpected function type: ".type(self.function) endif return res endfunction " # Function: lh#function#prepare(function, arguments_list) {{{2 function! lh#function#prepare(Fn, arguments_list) if type(a:Fn) == type(function('exists')) let expr = string(a:Fn).'('.s:Join(a:arguments_list).')' return expr elseif type(a:Fn) == type('string') if a:Fn =~ '^[a-zA-Z0-9_#]\+$' let expr = string(function(a:Fn)).'('.s:Join(a:arguments_list).')' return expr else let expr = s:DoBindString(a:Fn, 'a:000') return expr endif else throw "lh#function#prepare(): {Fn} argument of type ".type(a:Fn). " is unsupported" endif endfunction " # Function: lh#function#execute(function, arguments...) {{{2 function! lh#function#execute(Fn, ...) if type(a:Fn) == type({}) && has_key(a:Fn, 'execute') return a:Fn.execute(a:000) else let expr = lh#function#prepare(a:Fn, a:000) return eval(expr) endif endfunction " # Function: lh#function#bind(function, arguments...) {{{2 function! lh#function#bind(Fn, ...) let args = copy(a:000) if type(a:Fn) == type('string') && a:Fn =~ '^[a-zA-Z0-9_#]\+$' \ && exists('*'.a:Fn) let Fn = function(a:Fn) elseif type(a:Fn) == type({}) " echo string(a:Fn).'('.string(a:000).')' " Rebinding another binded function " TASSERT has_key(a:Fn, 'function') " TASSERT has_key(a:Fn, 'execute') " TASSERT has_key(a:Fn, 'args') let Fn = a:Fn.function let N = len(a:Fn.args) if N != 0 " args to rebind let i = 0 let t_args = [] " necessary to avoid type changes while i != N silent! unlet arg let arg = a:Fn.args[i] if arg =~ 'v:\d\+_$' let arg2 = eval(s:DoBindString(arg, string(args))) " echo arg."-(".string(args).")->".string(arg2) unlet arg let arg = arg2 unlet arg2 endif call add(t_args, arg) let i += 1 endwhile unlet a:Fn.args let a:Fn.args = t_args else " expression to fix " echo Fn " echo s:DoBindString(Fn, string(args)) " echo eval(string(s:DoBindString(Fn, string(args)))) let Fn = (s:DoBindEvaluatedString(Fn, args)) endif let args = a:Fn.args else let Fn = a:Fn endif let binded_fn = { \ 'function': Fn, \ 'args': args, \ 'execute': function('s:Execute') \} return binded_fn endfunction " }}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: " Vim: let g:UTfiles='tests/lh/function.vim' autoload/lh/graph/tsort.vim [[[1 179 "============================================================================= " $Id: tsort.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/tsort.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 21st Apr 2008 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: Library functions for Topological Sort " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Drop the file into {rtp}/autoload/lh/graph " History: «history» " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Debug {{{1 function! lh#graph#tsort#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#graph#tsort#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ "## Helper functions {{{1 "# s:Successors_fully_defined(node) {{{2 function! s:Successors_fully_defined(node) dict if has_key(self.table, a:node) return self.table[a:node] else return [] endif endfunction "# s:Successors_lazy(node) {{{2 function! s:Successors_lazy(node) dict if !has_key(self.table, a:node) let nodes = self.fetch(a:node) let self.table[a:node] = nodes " if len(nodes) > 0 " let self.nb += 1 " endif return nodes else return self.table[a:node] endif endfunction "# s:PrepareDAG(dag) {{{2 function! s:PrepareDAG(dag) if type(a:dag) == type(function('has_key')) let dag = { \ 'successors': function('s:Successors_lazy'), \ 'fetch' : a:dag, \ 'table' : {} \} else let dag = { \ 'successors': function('s:Successors_fully_defined'), \ 'table' : deepcopy(a:dag) \} endif return dag endfunction "## Depth-first search (recursive) {{{1 " Do not detect cyclic graphs "# lh#graph#tsort#depth(dag, start_nodes) {{{2 function! lh#graph#tsort#depth(dag, start_nodes) let dag = s:PrepareDAG(a:dag) let results = [] let visited_nodes = { 'Visited':function('s:Visited')} call s:RecursiveDTSort(dag, a:start_nodes, results, visited_nodes) call reverse(results) return results endfunction "# The real, recursive, T-Sort {{{2 "see boost.graph for a non recursive implementation function! s:RecursiveDTSort(dag, start_nodes, results, visited_nodes) for node in a:start_nodes let visited = a:visited_nodes.Visited(node) if visited == 1 | continue " done elseif visited == 2 | throw "Tsort: cyclic graph detected: ".node endif let a:visited_nodes[node] = 2 " visiting let succs = a:dag.successors(node) try call s:RecursiveDTSort(a:dag, succs, a:results, a:visited_nodes) catch /Tsort:/ throw v:exception.'>'.node endtry let a:visited_nodes[node] = 1 " visited call add(a:results, node) endfor endfunction function! s:Visited(node) dict return has_key(self, a:node) ? self[a:node] : 0 endfunction "## Breadth-first search (non recursive) {{{1 "# lh#graph#tsort#breadth(dag, start_nodes) {{{2 " warning: This implementation does not work with lazy dag, but only with fully " defined ones function! lh#graph#tsort#breadth(dag, start_nodes) let result = [] let dag = s:PrepareDAG(a:dag) let queue = deepcopy(a:start_nodes) while len(queue) > 0 let node = remove(queue, 0) " echomsg "result <- ".node call add(result, node) let successors = dag.successors(node) while len(successors) > 0 let m = s:RemoveEdgeFrom(dag, node) " echomsg "graph loose ".node."->".m if !s:HasIncomingEgde(dag, m) " echomsg "queue <- ".m call add(queue, m) endif endwhile endwhile if !s:Empty(dag) throw "Tsort: cyclic graph detected: " endif return result endfunction function! s:HasIncomingEgde(dag, node) for node in keys(a:dag.table) if type(a:dag.table[node]) != type([]) continue endif if index(a:dag.table[node], a:node) != -1 return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction function! s:RemoveEdgeFrom(dag, node) let successors = a:dag.successors(a:node) if len(successors) > 0 let successor = remove(successors, 0) if len(successors) == 0 " echomsg "finished with ->".a:node call remove(a:dag.table, a:node) endif return successor endif throw "No more edges from ".a:node endfunction function! s:Empty(dag) " echomsg "len="len(a:dag.table) return len(a:dag.table) == 0 endfunction " }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker autoload/lh/icomplete.vim [[[1 95 "============================================================================= " $Id$ " File: autoload/lh/icomplete.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 03rd Jan 2011 " Last Update: $Date$ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Helpers functions to build |ins-completion-menu| " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh " Requires Vim7+ " History: " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " v2.2.4: first version " TODO: " - We are not able to detect the end of the completion mode. As a " consequence we can't prevent c/for to trigger an abbreviation " instead of the right template file. " In an ideal world, there would exist an event post |complete()| " }}}1 "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Misc Functions {{{1 " # Version {{{2 let s:k_version = 300 function! lh#icomplete#version() return s:k_version endfunction " # Debug {{{2 let s:verbose = 0 function! lh#icomplete#verbose(...) if a:0 > 0 | let s:verbose = a:1 | endif return s:verbose endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#icomplete#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Exported functions {{{1 " Function: lh#icomplete#run(startcol, matches, Hook) {{{2 function! lh#icomplete#run(startcol, matches, Hook) call lh#icomplete#_register_hook(a:Hook) call complete(a:startcol, a:matches) return '' endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Internal functions {{{1 " Function: lh#icomplete#_clear_key_bindings() {{{2 function! lh#icomplete#_clear_key_bindings() iunmap iunmap iunmap " iunmap " iunmap endfunction " Function: lh#icomplete#_register_hook(Hook) {{{2 function! lh#icomplete#_register_hook(Hook) exe 'inoremap :call' .a:Hook . '()' exe 'inoremap :call' .a:Hook . '()' " doesn't work as expected... " To stay in INSERT-mode: " inoremap : " To return into NORMAL-mode: inoremap call lh#event#register_for_one_execution_at('InsertLeave', \ ':call lh#icomplete#_clear_key_bindings()', 'CompleteGroup') endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/list.vim [[[1 376 "============================================================================= " $Id: list.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/list.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 17th Apr 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (17th Apr 2007) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines functions related to |Lists| " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v3.0.0: " (*) GPLv3 " v2.2.2: " (*) new functions: lh#list#remove(), lh#list#matches(), " lh#list#not_found(). " v2.2.1: " (*) use :unlet in :for loop to support heterogeneous lists " (*) binary search algorithms (upper_bound, lower_bound, equal_range) " v2.2.0: " (*) new functions: lh#list#accumulate, lh#list#transform, " lh#list#transform_if, lh#list#find_if, lh#list#copy_if, " lh#list#subset, lh#list#intersect " (*) the functions are compatible with lh#function functors " v2.1.1: " (*) unique_sort " v2.0.7: " (*) Bug fix: lh#list#Match() " v2.0.6: " (*) lh#list#Find_if() supports search predicate, and start index " (*) lh#list#Match() supports start index " v2.0.0: " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#list#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#list#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Public {{{2 " Function: lh#list#Transform(input, output, action) {{{3 " deprecated version function! lh#list#Transform(input, output, action) let new = map(copy(a:input), a:action) let res = extend(a:output,new) return res for element in a:input let action = substitute(a:action, 'v:val','element', 'g') let res = eval(action) call add(a:output, res) unlet element " for heterogeneous lists endfor return a:output endfunction function! lh#list#transform(input, output, action) for element in a:input let res = lh#function#execute(a:action, element) call add(a:output, res) unlet element " for heterogeneous lists endfor return a:output endfunction function! lh#list#transform_if(input, output, action, predicate) for element in a:input if lh#function#execute(a:predicate, element) let res = lh#function#execute(a:action, element) call add(a:output, res) endif unlet element " for heterogeneous lists endfor return a:output endfunction function! lh#list#copy_if(input, output, predicate) for element in a:input if lh#function#execute(a:predicate, element) call add(a:output, element) endif unlet element " for heterogeneous lists endfor return a:output endfunction function! lh#list#accumulate(input, transformation, accumulator) let transformed = lh#list#transform(a:input, [], a:transformation) let res = lh#function#execute(a:accumulator, transformed) return res endfunction " Function: lh#list#match(list, to_be_matched [, idx]) {{{3 function! lh#list#match(list, to_be_matched, ...) let idx = (a:0>0) ? a:1 : 0 while idx < len(a:list) if match(a:list[idx], a:to_be_matched) != -1 return idx endif let idx += 1 endwhile return -1 endfunction function! lh#list#Match(list, to_be_matched, ...) let idx = (a:0>0) ? a:1 : 0 return lh#list#match(a:list, a:to_be_matched, idx) endfunction " Function: lh#list#matches(list, to_be_matched [,idx]) {{{3 " Return the list of indices that match {to_be_matched} function! lh#list#matches(list, to_be_matched, ...) let res = [] let idx = (a:0>0) ? a:1 : 0 while idx < len(a:list) if match(a:list[idx], a:to_be_matched) != -1 let res += [idx] endif let idx += 1 endwhile return res endfunction " Function: lh#list#Find_if(list, predicate [, predicate-arguments] [, start-pos]) {{{3 function! lh#list#Find_if(list, predicate, ...) " Parameters let idx = 0 let args = [] if a:0 == 2 let idx = a:2 let args = a:1 elseif a:0 == 1 if type(a:1) == type([]) let args = a:1 elseif type(a:1) == type(42) let idx = a:1 else throw "lh#list#Find_if: unexpected argument type" endif elseif a:0 != 0 throw "lh#list#Find_if: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#Find_if(list, predicate [, predicate-arguments] [, start-pos])" endif " The search loop while idx != len(a:list) let predicate = substitute(a:predicate, 'v:val', 'a:list['.idx.']', 'g') let predicate = substitute(predicate, 'v:\(\d\+\)_', 'args[\1-1]', 'g') let res = eval(predicate) " echomsg string(predicate) . " --> " . res if res | return idx | endif let idx += 1 endwhile return -1 endfunction " Function: lh#list#find_if(list, predicate [, predicate-arguments] [, start-pos]) {{{3 function! lh#list#find_if(list, predicate, ...) " Parameters let idx = 0 let args = [] if a:0 == 1 let idx = a:1 elseif a:0 != 0 throw "lh#list#find_if: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#find_if(list, predicate [, start-pos])" endif " The search loop while idx != len(a:list) " let predicate = substitute(a:predicate, 'v:val', 'a:list['.idx.']', 'g') let res = lh#function#execute(a:predicate, a:list[idx]) if res | return idx | endif let idx += 1 endwhile return -1 endfunction " Function: lh#list#lower_bound(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]]) {{{3 function! lh#list#lower_bound(list, val, ...) let first = 0 let last = len(a:list) if a:0 >= 1 | let first = a:1 elseif a:0 >= 2 | let last = a:2 elseif a:0 > 2 throw "lh#list#lower_bound: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#lower_bound(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]])" endif let len = last - first while len > 0 let half = len / 2 let middle = first + half if a:list[middle] < a:val let first = middle + 1 let len -= half + 1 else let len = half endif endwhile return first endfunction " Function: lh#list#upper_bound(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]]) {{{3 function! lh#list#upper_bound(list, val, ...) let first = 0 let last = len(a:list) if a:0 >= 1 | let first = a:1 elseif a:0 >= 2 | let last = a:2 elseif a:0 > 2 throw "lh#list#upper_bound: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#upper_bound(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]])" endif let len = last - first while len > 0 let half = len / 2 let middle = first + half if a:val < a:list[middle] let len = half else let first = middle + 1 let len -= half + 1 endif endwhile return first endfunction " Function: lh#list#equal_range(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]]) {{{3 " @return [f, l], where " f : First position where {value} could be inserted " l : Last position where {value} could be inserted function! lh#list#equal_range(list, val, ...) let first = 0 let last = len(a:list) " Parameters if a:0 >= 1 | let first = a:1 elseif a:0 >= 2 | let last = a:2 elseif a:0 > 2 throw "lh#list#equal_range: unexpected number of arguments: lh#list#equal_range(sorted_list, value [, first[, last]])" endif " The search loop ( == STLPort's equal_range) let len = last - first while len > 0 let half = len / 2 let middle = first + half if a:list[middle] < a:val let first = middle + 1 let len -= half + 1 elseif a:val < a:list[middle] let len = half else let left = lh#list#lower_bound(a:list, a:val, first, middle) let right = lh#list#upper_bound(a:list, a:val, middle+1, first+len) return [left, right] endif " let predicate = substitute(a:predicate, 'v:val', 'a:list['.idx.']', 'g') " let res = lh#function#execute(a:predicate, a:list[idx]) endwhile return [first, first] endfunction " Function: lh#list#not_found(range) {{{3 " @return whether the range returned from equal_range is empty (i.e. element not fount) function! lh#list#not_found(range) return a:range[0] == a:range[1] endfunction " Function: lh#list#unique_sort(list [, func]) {{{3 " See also http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Unique_sorting " " Works like sort(), optionally taking in a comparator (just like the " original), except that duplicate entries will be removed. " todo: support another argument that act as an equality predicate function! lh#list#unique_sort(list, ...) let dictionary = {} for i in a:list let dictionary[string(i)] = i endfor let result = [] " echo join(values(dictionary),"\n") if ( exists( 'a:1' ) ) let result = sort( values( dictionary ), a:1 ) else let result = sort( values( dictionary ) ) endif return result endfunction function! lh#list#unique_sort2(list, ...) let list = copy(a:list) if ( exists( 'a:1' ) ) call sort(list, a:1 ) else call sort(list) endif if len(list) <= 1 | return list | endif let result = [ list[0] ] let last = list[0] let i = 1 while i < len(list) if last != list[i] let last = list[i] call add(result, last) endif let i += 1 endwhile return result endfunction " Function: lh#list#subset(list, indices) {{{3 function! lh#list#subset(list, indices) let result=[] for e in a:indices call add(result, a:list[e]) endfor return result endfunction " Function: lh#list#remove(list, indices) {{{3 function! lh#list#remove(list, indices) " assert(is_sorted(indices)) let idx = reverse(copy(a:indices)) for i in idx call remove(a:list, i) endfor return a:list endfunction " Function: lh#list#intersect(list1, list2) {{{3 function! lh#list#intersect(list1, list2) let result = copy(a:list1) call filter(result, 'index(a:list2, v:val) >= 0') return result for e in a:list1 if index(a:list2, e) > 0 call result(result, e) endif endfor endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/menu.vim [[[1 477 "============================================================================= " $Id: menu.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/menu.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 13th Oct 2006 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (07th Dec 2010) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines the global function lh#menu#def_menu " Aimed at (ft)plugin writers. " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Requires Vim 7+ " History: " v2.0.0: Moving to vim7 " v2.0.1: :Toggle echoes the new value " v2.2.0: Support environment variables " Only one :Toggle command is defined. " v2.2.3: :Toggle can directly set the final value " (prefer this way of proceeding to update the menu to the new " value) " :Toggle suports auto-completion on possible values " v2.2.6: Toggle menus are silent, but not the actions executed " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " TODO: " * Should the argument to :Toggle be simplified to use the variable name " instead ? May be a banged :Toggle! could work on the real variable " name, and on the real value. " * show all possible values in a sub menu (on demand) " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Internal Variables {{{1 let s:k_Toggle_cmd = 'Toggle' if !exists('s:toggle_commands') let s:toggle_commands = {} endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Version {{{2 let s:k_version = 300 function! lh#menu#version() return s:k_version endfunction " # Debug {{{2 let s:verbose = 0 function! lh#menu#verbose(...) if a:0 > 0 | let s:verbose = a:1 | endif return s:verbose endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#menu#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Common stuff {{{2 " Function: lh#menu#text({text}) {{{3 " @return a text to be used in menus where "\" and spaces have been escaped. function! lh#menu#text(text) return escape(a:text, '\ ') endfunction " # Toggling menu item {{{2 " Function: s:Fetch({Data},{key}) {{{3 " @param[in] Data Menu-item definition " @param[in] key Table table from which the result will be fetched " @return the current value, or text, whose index is Data.idx_crt_value. function! s:Fetch(Data, key) let len = len(a:Data[a:key]) if a:Data.idx_crt_value >= len | let a:Data.idx_crt_value = 0 | endif let value = a:Data[a:key][a:Data.idx_crt_value] return value endfunction " Function: s:Search({Data},{value}) {{{3 " Searches for the index of {value} in {Data.values} list. Return 0 if not " found. function! s:Search(Data, value) let idx = index(a:Data.values, a:value) " echo a:Data.variable . "[".idx."] == " . a:value return idx > 0 ? idx : 0 " default is first element endfunction " Function: s:SearchText({Data},{value}) {{{3 " Searches for the index of {value} in {Data.values/text} list. " Returns -1 if not found. function! s:SearchText(Data, value) let labels_key = s:MenuKey(a:Data) let list = a:Data[labels_key] let idx = index(list, a:value) return idx endfunction " Function: s:Set({Data}) {{{3 " @param[in,out] Data Menu item definition " " Sets the global variable associated to the menu item according to the item's " current value. function! s:Set(Data) let value = a:Data.values[a:Data.idx_crt_value] let variable = a:Data.variable if variable[0] == '$' " environment variabmes exe "let ".variable." = ".string(value) else let g:{variable} = value endif if has_key(a:Data, "actions") let l:Action = a:Data.actions[a:Data.idx_crt_value] if type(l:Action) == type(function('tr')) call l:Action() else exe l:Action endif endif if has_key(a:Data, "hook") let l:Action = a:Data.hook if type(l:Action) == type(function('tr')) call a:Data.hook() else exe l:Action endif endif return value endfunction " Function: s:MenuKey({Data}) {{{3 " @return the table name from which the current value name (to dsplay in the " menu) must be fetched. " Priority is given to the optional "texts" table over the madatory "values" table. function! s:MenuKey(Data) if has_key(a:Data, "texts") let menu_id = "texts" else let menu_id = "values" endif return menu_id endfunction " Function: s:SetTextValue({Data},{TextValue}) {{{3 " Force the value of the variable to the one associated to the {TextValue} " The menu, and the variable are updated in consequence. function! s:SetTextValue(Data, text) " Where the texts for values must be fetched let labels_key = s:MenuKey(a:Data) " Fetch the old current value let old = s:Fetch(a:Data, labels_key) let new_idx = s:SearchText(a:Data, a:text) if -1 == new_idx throw "toggle-menu: unsupported value for {".(a:Data.variable)."}" endif if a:Data.idx_crt_value == new_idx " value unchanged => abort return endif " Remove the entry from the menu call s:ClearMenu(a:Data.menu, old) " Cycle/increment the current value let a:Data.idx_crt_value = new_idx " Fetch it let new = s:Fetch(a:Data,labels_key) " Add the updated entry in the menu call s:UpdateMenu(a:Data.menu, new, a:Data.command) " Update the binded global variable let value = s:Set(a:Data) echo a:Data.variable.'='.value endfunction " Function: s:NextValue({Data}) {{{3 " Change the value of the variable to the next in the list of value. " The menu, and the variable are updated in consequence. function! s:NextValue(Data) " Where the texts for values must be fetched let labels_key = s:MenuKey(a:Data) " Fetch the old current value let old = s:Fetch(a:Data, labels_key) " Remove the entry from the menu call s:ClearMenu(a:Data.menu, old) " Cycle/increment the current value let a:Data.idx_crt_value += 1 " Fetch it let new = s:Fetch(a:Data,labels_key) " Add the updated entry in the menu call s:UpdateMenu(a:Data.menu, new, a:Data.command) " Update the binded global variable let value = s:Set(a:Data) echo a:Data.variable.'='.value endfunction " Function: s:ClearMenu({Menu}, {text}) {{{3 " Removes a menu item " " @param[in] Menu.priority Priority of the new menu-item " @param[in] Menu.name Name of the new menu-item " @param[in] text Text of the previous value of the variable binded function! s:ClearMenu(Menu, text) if has('gui_running') let name = substitute(a:Menu.name, '&', '', 'g') let cmd = 'unmenu '.lh#menu#text(name.'('.a:text.')') silent! exe cmd endif endfunction " Function: s:UpdateMenu({Menu}, {text}, {command}) {{{3 " Adds a new menu item, with the text associated to the current value in " braces. " " @param[in] Menu.priority Priority of the new menu-item " @param[in] Menu.name Name of the new menu-item " @param[in] text Text of the current value of the variable binded to " the menu-item " @param[in] command Toggle command to execute when the menu-item is selected function! s:UpdateMenu(Menu, text, command) if has('gui_running') let cmd = 'nnoremenu '.a:Menu.priority.' '. \ lh#menu#text(a:Menu.name.'('.a:text.')'). \ ' :'.s:k_Toggle_cmd.' '.a:command."\" silent! exe cmd endif endfunction " Function: s:SaveData({Data}) {{{3 " @param Data Menu-item definition " Saves {Data} as s:Data{s:data_id++}. The definition will be used by " automatically generated commands. " @return s:data_id let s:data_id = 0 function! s:SaveData(Data) let s:Data{s:data_id} = a:Data let id = s:data_id let s:data_id += 1 return id endfunction " Function: lh#menu#def_toggle_item({Data}) {{{3 " @param Data.idx_crt_value " @param Data.definitions == [ {value:, menutext: } ] " @param Data.menu == { name:, position: } " " Sets a toggle-able menu-item defined by {Data}. " function! lh#menu#def_toggle_item(Data) " Save the menu data as an internal script variable let id = s:SaveData(a:Data) " If the index of the current value hasn't been set, fetch it from the " associated variable if !has_key(a:Data, "idx_crt_value") " Fetch the value of the associated variable let value = lh#option#get(a:Data.variable, 0, 'g') " echo a:Data.variable . " <- " . value " Update the index of the current value let a:Data.idx_crt_value = s:Search(a:Data, value) endif " Name of the auto-matically generated toggle command let cmdName = substitute(a:Data.menu.name, '[^a-zA-Z_]', '', 'g') " Lazy definition of the command if 2 != exists(':'.s:k_Toggle_cmd) exe 'command! -nargs=+ -complete=custom,lh#menu#_toggle_complete ' \ . s:k_Toggle_cmd . ' :call s:Toggle()' endif " silent exe 'command! -nargs=0 '.cmdName.' :call s:NextValue(s:Data'.id.')' let s:toggle_commands[cmdName] = eval('s:Data'.id) let a:Data["command"] = cmdName " Add the menu entry according to the current value call s:UpdateMenu(a:Data.menu, s:Fetch(a:Data, s:MenuKey(a:Data)), cmdName) " Update the associated global variable call s:Set(a:Data) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:Toggle(cmdName, ...) if !has_key(s:toggle_commands, a:cmdName) throw "toggle-menu: unknown toggable variable ".a:cmdName endif let data = s:toggle_commands[a:cmdName] if a:0 > 0 call s:SetTextValue(data, a:1) else call s:NextValue(data) endif endfunction function! lh#menu#_toggle_complete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) let cmdline = split(a:CmdLine) " echomsg "cmd line: " . string(cmdline)." # ". (a:CmdLine =~ ' $') let nb_args = len(cmdline) if (a:CmdLine !~ ' $') let nb_args -= 1 endif " echomsg "nb args: ". nb_args if nb_args < 2 return join(keys(s:toggle_commands),"\n") elseif nb_args == 2 let variable = cmdline[1] if !has_key(s:toggle_commands, variable) throw "toggle-menu: unknown toggable variable ".variable endif let data = s:toggle_commands[variable] let labels_key = s:MenuKey(data) " echomsg "keys: ".string(data[labels_key]) return join(data[labels_key], "\n") else return '' endif endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # IVN Menus {{{2 " Function: s:CTRL_O({cmd}) {{{3 " Build the command (sequence of ':ex commands') to be executed from " INSERT-mode. function! s:CTRL_O(cmd) return substitute(a:cmd, '\(^\|\):', '\1\:', 'g') endfunction " Function: lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode() {{{3 function! lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode() return exists('s:is_in_visual_mode') && s:is_in_visual_mode endfunction " Function: lh#menu#_CMD_and_clear_v({cmd}) {{{3 " Internal function that executes the command and then clears the @v buffer " todo: save and restore @v, function! lh#menu#_CMD_and_clear_v(cmd) try let s:is_in_visual_mode = 1 exe a:cmd finally let @v='' silent! unlet s:is_in_visual_mode endtry endfunction " Function: s:Build_CMD({prefix},{cmd}) {{{3 " build the exact command to execute regarding the mode it is dedicated function! s:Build_CMD(prefix, cmd) if a:cmd[0] != ':' | return ' ' . a:cmd endif if a:prefix[0] == "i" | return ' ' . CTRL_O(a:cmd) elseif a:prefix[0] == "n" | return ' ' . a:cmd elseif a:prefix[0] == "v" if match(a:cmd, ":VCall") == 0 return substitute(a:cmd, ':VCall', ' :call', ''). "\gV" " gV exit select-mode if we where in it! else return \ " \"vy\:call lh#menu#_CMD_and_clear_v('" . \ substitute(a:cmd, "$", '', '') ."')\" endif elseif a:prefix[0] == "c" | return " \" . a:cmd else | return ' ' . a:cmd endif endfunction " Function: lh#menu#map_all({map_type}, [{map args}...) {{{3 " map the command to all the modes required function! lh#menu#map_all(map_type,...) let nore = (match(a:map_type, '[aincv]*noremap') != -1) ? "nore" : "" let prefix = matchstr(substitute(a:map_type, nore, '', ''), '[aincv]*') if a:1 == "" | let i = 3 | let binding = a:1 . ' ' . a:2 else | let i = 2 | let binding = a:1 endif let binding = ' ' . binding let cmd = a:{i} let i += 1 while i <= a:0 let cmd .= ' ' . a:{i} let i += 1 endwhile let build_cmd = nore . 'map ' . binding while strlen(prefix) if prefix[0] == "a" | let prefix = "incv" else execute prefix[0] . build_cmd . Build_CMD(prefix[0],cmd) let prefix = strpart(prefix, 1) endif endwhile endfunction " Function: lh#menu#make({prefix},{code},{text},{binding},...) {{{3 " Build the menu and map its associated binding to all the modes required function! lh#menu#make(prefix, code, text, binding, ...) let nore = (match(a:prefix, '[aincv]*nore') != -1) ? "nore" : "" let prefix = matchstr(substitute(a:prefix, nore, '', ''), '[aincv]*') let b = (a:1 == "") ? 1 : 0 let i = b + 1 let cmd = a:{i} let i += 1 while i <= a:0 let cmd .= ' ' . a:{i} let i += 1 endwhile let build_cmd = nore . "menu " . a:code . ' ' . lh#menu#text(a:text) if strlen(a:binding) != 0 let build_cmd .= '' . \ substitute(lh#menu#text(a:binding), '&', '\0\0', 'g') if prefix == 'i' && exists('*IMAP') if b != 0 call IMAP(a:binding, cmd, &ft) else call IMAP(a:binding, cmd) endif else if b != 0 call lh#menu#map_all(prefix.nore."map", ' '.a:binding, cmd) else call lh#menu#map_all(prefix.nore."map", a:binding, cmd) endif endif endif if has("gui_running") while strlen(prefix) execute BMenu(b).prefix[0].build_cmd.Build_CMD(prefix[0],cmd) let prefix = strpart(prefix, 1) endwhile endif endfunction " Function: s:BMenu({b}) {{{3 " If is installed and the menu should be local, then the " apropriate string is returned. function! s:BMenu(b) let res = (a:b && exists(':Bmenu') \ && (1 == lh#option#get("want_buffermenu_or_global_disable", 1, "bg")) \) ? 'B' : '' " call confirm("BMenu(".a:b.")=".res, '&Ok', 1) return res endfunction " Function: lh#menu#IVN_make(...) {{{3 function! lh#menu#IVN_make(code, text, binding, i_cmd, v_cmd, n_cmd, ...) " nore options let nore_i = (a:0 > 0) ? ((a:1 != 0) ? 'nore' : '') : '' let nore_v = (a:0 > 1) ? ((a:2 != 0) ? 'nore' : '') : '' let nore_n = (a:0 > 2) ? ((a:3 != 0) ? 'nore' : '') : '' " call lh#menu#make('i'.nore_i,a:code,a:text, a:binding, '', a:i_cmd) call lh#menu#make('v'.nore_v,a:code,a:text, a:binding, '', a:v_cmd) if strlen(a:n_cmd) != 0 call lh#menu#make('n'.nore_n,a:code,a:text, a:binding, '', a:n_cmd) endif endfunction " " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/option.vim [[[1 127 "============================================================================= " $Id: option.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/option.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 24th Jul 2004 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (07th Oct 2006) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines the global function lh#option#get(). " Aimed at (ft)plugin writers. " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Requires Vim 7+ " History: " v3.0.0 " (*) GPLv3 " v2.0.6 " (*) lh#option#add() add values to a vim list |option| " v2.0.5 " (*) lh#option#get_non_empty() manages Lists and Dictionaries " (*) lh#option#get() doesn't test emptyness anymore " v2.0.0 " Code moved from {rtp}/macros/ " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#option#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#option#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction " # Public {{{2 " Function: lh#option#get(name, default [, scope]) {{{3 " @return b:{name} if it exists, or g:{name} if it exists, or {default} " otherwise " The order of the variables checked can be specified through the optional " argument {scope} function! lh#option#get(name,default,...) let scope = (a:0 == 1) ? a:1 : 'bg' let name = a:name let i = 0 while i != strlen(scope) if exists(scope[i].':'.name) " \ && (0 != strlen({scope[i]}:{name})) return {scope[i]}:{name} endif let i += 1 endwhile return a:default endfunction function! lh#option#Get(name,default,...) let scope = (a:0 == 1) ? a:1 : 'bg' return lh#option#get(a:name, a:default, scope) endfunction function! s:IsEmpty(variable) if type(a:variable) == type('string') | return 0 == strlen(a:variable) elseif type(a:variable) == type(42) | return 0 == a:variable elseif type(a:variable) == type([]) | return 0 == len(a:variable) elseif type(a:variable) == type({}) | return 0 == len(a:variable) else | return false endif endfunction " Function: lh#option#get_non_empty(name, default [, scope]) {{{3 " @return of b:{name}, g:{name}, or {default} the first which exists and is not empty " The order of the variables checked can be specified through the optional " argument {scope} function! lh#option#get_non_empty(name,default,...) let scope = (a:0 == 1) ? a:1 : 'bg' let name = a:name let i = 0 while i != strlen(scope) if exists(scope[i].':'.name) && !s:IsEmpty({scope[i]}:{name}) return {scope[i]}:{name} endif let i += 1 endwhile return a:default endfunction function! lh#option#GetNonEmpty(name,default,...) let scope = (a:0 == 1) ? a:1 : 'bg' return lh#option#get_non_empty(a:name, a:default, scope) endfunction " Function: lh#option#add(name, values) {{{3 " Add fields to a vim option. " @param values list of values to add " @example let lh#option#add('l:tags', ['.tags']) function! lh#option#add(name,values) let values = type(a:values) == type([]) \ ? copy(a:values) \ : [a:values] let old = split(eval('&'.a:name), ',') let new = filter(values, 'match(old, v:val) < 0') let val = join(old+new, ',') exe 'let &'.a:name.' = val' endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/path.vim [[[1 366 "============================================================================= " $Id: path.vim 606 2012-05-31 17:09:46Z luc.hermitte@gmail.com $ " File: autoload/lh/path.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.1.1 " Created: 23rd Jan 2007 " Last Update: $Date "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Functions related to the handling of pathnames " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh " Requires Vim7+ " History: " v 1.0.0 First Version " (*) Functions moved from searchInRuntimeTime " v 2.0.1 " (*) lh#path#Simplify() becomes like |simplify()| except for trailing " v 2.0.2 " (*) lh#path#SelectOne() " (*) lh#path#ToRelative() " v 2.0.3 " (*) lh#path#GlobAsList() " v 2.0.4 " (*) lh#path#StripStart() " v 2.0.5 " (*) lh#path#StripStart() interprets '.' as getcwd() " v 2.2.0 " (*) new functions: lh#path#common(), lh#path#to_dirname(), " lh#path#depth(), lh#path#relative_to(), lh#path#to_regex(), " lh#path#find() " (*) lh#path#simplify() fixed " (*) lh#path#to_relative() use simplify() " v 2.2.2 " (*) lh#path#strip_common() fixed " (*) lh#path#simplify() new optional parameter: make_relative_to_pwd " v 2.2.5 " (*) fix lh#path#to_dirname('') -> return '' " v 2.2.6 " (*) fix lh#path#glob_as_list() does not return the same path several " times " v 2.2.7 " (*) fix lh#path#strip_start() to strip as much as possible. " (*) lh#path#glob_as_list() changed to handle ** " v 3.0.0 " (*) GPLv3 " v 3.1.0 " (*) lh#path#glob_as_list accepts a new option: mustSort which value " true by default. " v 3.1.1 " (*) lh#path#strip_start() shall support very big lists of dirnames now. " TODO: " (*) Decide what #depth('../../bar') shall return " (*) Fix #simplify('../../bar') " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= " Avoid global reinclusion {{{1 let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "============================================================================= " ## Functions {{{1 " # Version {{{2 let s:k_version = 310 function! lh#path#version() return s:k_version endfunction " # Debug {{{2 let s:verbose = 0 function! lh#path#verbose(...) if a:0 > 0 | let s:verbose = a:1 | endif return s:verbose endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#path#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "============================================================================= " # Public {{{2 " Function: lh#path#simplify({pathname}, [make_relative_to_pwd=true]) {{{3 " Like |simplify()|, but also strip the leading './' " It seems unable to simplify '..\' when compiled without +shellslash function! lh#path#simplify(pathname, ...) let make_relative_to_pwd = a:0 == 0 || a:1 == 1 let pathname = simplify(a:pathname) let pathname = substitute(pathname, '^\%(\.[/\\]\)\+', '', '') let pathname = substitute(pathname, '\([/\\]\)\%(\.[/\\]\)\+', '\1', 'g') if make_relative_to_pwd let pwd = getcwd().'/' let pathname = substitute(pathname, '^'.lh#path#to_regex(pwd), '', 'g') endif return pathname endfunction function! lh#path#Simplify(pathname) return lh#path#simplify(a:pathname) endfunction " Function: lh#path#common({pathnames}) {{{3 " Find the common leading path between all pathnames function! lh#path#common(pathnames) " assert(len(pathnames)) > 1 let common = a:pathnames[0] let i = 1 while i < len(a:pathnames) let fcrt = a:pathnames[i] " pathnames should not contain @ " let common = matchstr(common.'@@'.fcrt, '^\zs\(.*[/\\]\)\ze.\{-}@@\1.*$') let common = matchstr(common.'@@'.fcrt, '^\zs\(.*\>\)\ze.\{-}@@\1\>.*$') if strlen(common) == 0 " No need to further checks break endif let i += 1 endwhile return common endfunction " Function: lh#path#strip_common({pathnames}) {{{3 " Find the common leading path between all pathnames, and strip it function! lh#path#strip_common(pathnames) " assert(len(pathnames)) > 1 let common = lh#path#common(a:pathnames) let common = lh#path#to_dirname(common) let l = strlen(common) if l == 0 return a:pathnames else let pathnames = a:pathnames call map(pathnames, 'strpart(v:val, '.l.')' ) return pathnames endif endfunction function! lh#path#StripCommon(pathnames) return lh#path#strip_common(a:pathnames) endfunction " Function: lh#path#is_absolute_path({path}) {{{3 function! lh#path#is_absolute_path(path) return a:path =~ '^/' \ . '\|^[a-zA-Z]:[/\\]' \ . '\|^[/\\]\{2}' " Unix absolute path " or Windows absolute path " or UNC path endfunction function! lh#path#IsAbsolutePath(path) return lh#path#is_absolute_path(a:path) endfunction " Function: lh#path#is_url({path}) {{{3 function! lh#path#is_url(path) " todo: support UNC paths and other urls return a:path =~ '^\%(https\=\|s\=ftp\|dav\|fetch\|file\|rcp\|rsynch\|scp\)://' endfunction function! lh#path#IsURL(path) return lh#path#is_url(a:path) endfunction " Function: lh#path#select_one({pathnames},{prompt}) {{{3 function! lh#path#select_one(pathnames, prompt) if len(a:pathnames) > 1 let simpl_pathnames = deepcopy(a:pathnames) let simpl_pathnames = lh#path#strip_common(simpl_pathnames) let simpl_pathnames = [ '&Cancel' ] + simpl_pathnames " Consider guioptions+=c is case of difficulties with the gui let selection = confirm(a:prompt, join(simpl_pathnames,"\n"), 1, 'Question') let file = (selection == 1) ? '' : a:pathnames[selection-2] return file elseif len(a:pathnames) == 0 return '' else return a:pathnames[0] endif endfunction function! lh#path#SelectOne(pathnames, prompt) return lh#path#select_one(a:pathnames, a:prompt) endfunction " Function: lh#path#to_relative({pathname}) {{{3 function! lh#path#to_relative(pathname) let newpath = fnamemodify(a:pathname, ':p:.') let newpath = simplify(newpath) return newpath endfunction function! lh#path#ToRelative(pathname) return lh#path#to_relative(a:pathname) endfunction " Function: lh#path#to_dirname({dirname}) {{{3 " todo: use &shellslash function! lh#path#to_dirname(dirname) let dirname = a:dirname . (empty(a:dirname) || a:dirname[-1:] =~ '[/\\]' ? '' : '/') return dirname endfunction " Function: lh#path#depth({dirname}) {{{3 " todo: make a choice about "negative" paths like "../../foo" function! lh#path#depth(dirname) if empty(a:dirname) | return 0 | endif let dirname = lh#path#to_dirname(a:dirname) let dirname = lh#path#simplify(dirname) if lh#path#is_absolute_path(dirname) let dirname = matchstr(dirname, '.\{-}[/\\]\zs.*') endif let depth = len(substitute(dirname, '[^/\\]\+[/\\]', '#', 'g')) return depth endfunction " Function: lh#path#relative_to({from}, {to}) {{{3 " @param two directories " @return a directories delta that ends with a '/' (may depends on " &shellslash) function! lh#path#relative_to(from, to) " let from = fnamemodify(a:from, ':p') " let to = fnamemodify(a:to , ':p') let from = lh#path#to_dirname(a:from) let to = lh#path#to_dirname(a:to ) let [from, to] = lh#path#strip_common([from, to]) let nb_up = lh#path#depth(from) return repeat('../', nb_up).to " cannot rely on :cd (as it alters things, and doesn't work with " non-existant paths) let pwd = getcwd() exe 'cd '.a:to let res = lh#path#to_relative(a:from) exe 'cd '.pwd return res endfunction " Function: lh#path#glob_as_list({pathslist}, {expr} [, mustSort=1]) {{{3 function! s:GlobAsList(pathslist, expr, mustSort) let pathslist = type(a:pathslist) == type([]) ? join(a:pathslist, ',') : a:pathslist let sResult = globpath(pathslist, a:expr) let lResult = split(sResult, '\n') " workaround a non feature of wildignore: it does not ignore directories for ignored_pattern in split(&wildignore,',') if stridx(ignored_pattern,'/') != -1 call filter(lResult, 'v:val !~ '.string(ignored_pattern)) endif endfor return a:mustSort ? lh#list#unique_sort(lResult) : lResult endfunction function! lh#path#glob_as_list(pathslist, expr, ...) let mustSort = (a:0 > 0) ? (a:1) : 0 if type(a:expr) == type('string') return s:GlobAsList(a:pathslist, a:expr, mustSort) elseif type(a:expr) == type([]) let res = [] for expr in a:expr call extend(res, s:GlobAsList(a:pathslist, expr, mustSort)) endfor return res else throw "Unexpected type for a:expression" endif endfunction function! lh#path#GlobAsList(pathslist, expr) return lh#path#glob_as_list(a:pathslist, a:expr) endfunction " Function: lh#path#strip_start({pathname}, {pathslist}) {{{3 " Strip occurrence of paths from {pathslist} in {pathname} " @param[in] {pathname} name to simplify " @param[in] {pathslist} list of pathname (can be a |string| of pathnames " separated by ",", of a |List|). function! lh#path#strip_start(pathname, pathslist) if type(a:pathslist) == type('string') " let strip_re = escape(a:pathslist, '\\.') " let strip_re = '^' . substitute(strip_re, ',', '\\|^', 'g') let pathslist = split(a:pathslist, ',') elseif type(a:pathslist) == type([]) let pathslist = deepcopy(a:pathslist) else throw "Unexpected type for a:pathname" endif " apply a realpath like operation let nb_paths = len(pathslist) " set before the loop let i = 0 while i != nb_paths if pathslist[i] =~ '^\.\%(/\|$\)' let path2 = getcwd().pathslist[i][1:] call add(pathslist, path2) endif let i += 1 endwhile " replace path separators by a regex that can match them call map(pathslist, 'substitute(v:val, "[\\\\/]", "[\\\\/]", "g")') " echomsg string(pathslist) " escape . call map(pathslist, '"^".escape(v:val, ".")') " handle "**" as anything call map(pathslist, 'substitute(v:val, "\\*\\*", "\\\\%([^\\\\/]*[\\\\/]\\\\)*", "g")') " reverse the list to use the real best match, which is "after" call reverse(pathslist) if 0 " build the strip regex let strip_re = join(pathslist, '\|') " echomsg strip_re let best_match = substitute(a:pathname, '\%('.strip_re.'\)[/\\]\=', '', '') else let best_match = '' for path in pathslist let a_match = substitute(a:pathname, '\%('.path.'\)[/\\]\=', '', '') if len(a_match) < len(best_match) || empty(best_match) let best_match = a_match endif endfor endif return best_match endfunction function! lh#path#StripStart(pathname, pathslist) return lh#path#strip_start(a:pathname, a:pathslist) endfunction " Function: lh#path#to_regex({pathname}) {{{3 function! lh#path#to_regex(path) let regex = substitute(a:path, '[/\\]', '[/\\\\]', 'g') return regex endfunction " Function: lh#path#find({pathname}, {regex}) {{{3 function! lh#path#find(paths, regex) let paths = (type(a:paths) == type([])) \ ? (a:paths) \ : split(a:paths,',') for path in paths if match(path ,a:regex) != -1 return path endif endfor return '' endfunction " Function: lh#path#vimfiles() {{{3 function! lh#path#vimfiles() let expected_win = $HOME . '/vimfiles' let expected_nix = $HOME . '/.vim' let what = lh#path#to_regex($HOME.'/').'\(vimfiles\|.vim\)' " Comment what let z = lh#path#find(&rtp,what) return z endfunction " }}}1 "============================================================================= let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/position.vim [[[1 96 "============================================================================= " $Id: position.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/position.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 05th Sep 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (05th Sep 2007) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: «description» " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: «history» " v1.0.0: " Creation " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " TODO: " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#position#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#position#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Public {{{2 " Function: lh#position#is_before {{{3 " @param[in] positions as those returned from |getpos()| " @return whether lhs_pos is before rhs_pos function! lh#position#is_before(lhs_pos, rhs_pos) if a:lhs_pos[0] != a:rhs_pos[0] throw "Positions from incompatible buffers can't be ordered" endif "1 test lines "2 test cols let before \ = (a:lhs_pos[1] == a:rhs_pos[1]) \ ? (a:lhs_pos[2] < a:rhs_pos[2]) \ : (a:lhs_pos[1] < a:rhs_pos[1]) return before endfunction function! lh#position#IsBefore(lhs_pos, rhs_pos) return lh#position#is_before(a:lhs_pos, a:rhs_pos) endfunction " Function: lh#position#char_at_mark {{{3 " @return the character at a given mark (|mark|) function! lh#position#char_at_mark(mark) let c = getline(a:mark)[col(a:mark)-1] return c endfunction function! lh#position#CharAtMark(mark) return lh#position#char_at_mark(a:mark) endfunction " Function: lh#position#char_at_pos {{{3 " @return the character at a given position (|getpos()|) function! lh#position#char_at_pos(pos) let c = getline(a:pos[1])[(a:pos[2])-1] return c endfunction function! lh#position#CharAtPos(pos) return lh#position#char_at_pos(a:pos) endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/syntax.vim [[[1 153 "============================================================================= " $Id: syntax.vim 558 2012-04-10 08:00:00Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/syntax.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.1.0 " Created: 05th Sep 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-04-10 10:00:00 +0200 (mar 10 avr 2012) $ (05th Sep 2007) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: «description» " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: «history» " v1.0.0: " Creation ; " Functions moved from lhVimSpell " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " v3.1.0: lh#syntax#is_a_comment() " TODO: " function, to inject "contained", see lhVimSpell approach " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#syntax#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#syntax#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction " # Public {{{2 " Functions: Show name of the syntax kind of a character {{{3 function! lh#syntax#name_at(l,c, ...) let what = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 return synIDattr(synID(a:l, a:c, what),'name') endfunction function! lh#syntax#NameAt(l,c, ...) let what = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 return lh#syntax#name_at(a:l, a:c, what) endfunction function! lh#syntax#name_at_mark(mark, ...) let what = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 return lh#syntax#name_at(line(a:mark), col(a:mark), what) endfunction function! lh#syntax#NameAtMark(mark, ...) let what = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 return lh#syntax#name_at_mark(a:mark, what) endfunction " Functions: skip string, comment, character, doxygen {{{3 func! lh#syntax#skip_at(l,c) return lh#syntax#name_at(a:l,a:c) =~? 'string\|comment\|character\|doxygen' endfun func! lh#syntax#SkipAt(l,c) return lh#syntax#skip_at(a:l,a:c) endfun func! lh#syntax#skip() return lh#syntax#skip_at(line('.'), col('.')) endfun func! lh#syntax#Skip() return lh#syntax#skip() endfun func! lh#syntax#skip_at_mark(mark) return lh#syntax#skip_at(line(a:mark), col(a:mark)) endfun func! lh#syntax#SkipAtMark(mark) return lh#syntax#skip_at_mark(a:mark) endfun " Command: :SynShow Show current syntax kind {{{3 command! SynShow echo 'hi<'.lh#syntax#name_at_mark('.',1).'> trans<' \ lh#syntax#name_at_mark('.',0).'> lo<'. \ synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)), 'name').'> ## ' \ lh#list#transform(synstack(line("."), col(".")), [], 'synIDattr(v:1_, "name")') " Function: lh#syntax#list_raw(name) : string {{{3 function! lh#syntax#list_raw(name) let a_save = @a try redir @a exe 'silent! syn list '.a:name redir END let res = @a finally let @a = a_save endtry return res endfunction " Function: lh#syntax#list(name) : List {{{3 function! lh#syntax#list(name) let raw = lh#syntax#list_raw(a:name) let res = [] let lines = split(raw, '\n') let started = 0 for l in lines if started let li = (l =~ 'links to') ? '' : l elseif l =~ 'xxx' let li = matchstr(l, 'xxx\s*\zs.*') let started = 1 else let li = '' endif if strlen(li) != 0 let li = substitute(li, 'contained\S*\|transparent\|nextgroup\|skipwhite\|skipnl\|skipempty', '', 'g') let kinds = split(li, '\s\+') call extend(res, kinds) endif endfor return res endfunction " Function: lh#syntax#is_a_comment(mark) : bool {{{3 function! lh#syntax#is_a_comment(mark) let stack = synstack(line(a:mark), col(a:mark)) for syn in stack if synIDattr(syn, 'name') =~? 'comment' return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: autoload/lh/visual.vim [[[1 58 "============================================================================= " $Id$ " File: autoload/lh/visual.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 08th Sep 2008 " Last Update: $Date$ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Helpers functions releated to the visual mode " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Drop it into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Vim 7+ required. " History: " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " v2.2.5: lh#visual#cut() " v2.0.6: First appearance " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Functions {{{1 " Function: lh#visual#selection() {{{3 " @return the text currently selected function! lh#visual#selection() try let a_save = @a normal! gv"ay return @a finally let @a = a_save endtry endfunction " Function: lh#visual#cut() {{{3 " @return and delete the text currently selected function! lh#visual#cut() try let a_save = @a normal! gv"ad return @a finally let @a = a_save endtry endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: doc/lh-vim-lib.txt [[[1 1369 *lh-vim-lib.txt* Vim common libraries (v3.1.0) For Vim version 7+ Last change: $Date: 2012-04-10 10:00:00 +0200 (mar 10 avr 2012) $ By Luc Hermitte hermitte {at} free {dot} fr ============================================================================== CONTENTS *lhvl-contents* {{{1 |lhvl-presentation| Presentation |lhvl-functions| Functions |add-local-help| Instructions on installing this help file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRESENTATION *lhvl-presentation* {{{1 |lh-vim-lib| is a library that defines some common VimL functions I use in my various plugins and ftplugins. This library has been conceived as a suite of |autoload| plugins, and a few |macros| plugins. As such, it requires Vim 7+. ============================================================================== FUNCTIONS *lhvl-functions* {{{1 {{{2Functions list~ Miscellanous functions: |lhvl#misc| - |lh#askvim#exe()| - |lh#common#check_deps()| - |lh#common#error_msg()| - |lh#common#warning_msg()| - |lh#common#echomsg_multilines()| - |lh#encoding#iconv()| - |lh#encoding#strlen()| - |lh#encoding#strpart()| - |lh#event#register_for_one_execution_at()| - |lh#option#get()| - |lh#option#get_non_empty()| - |lh#position#char_at_mark()| - |lh#position#char_at_pos()| - |lh#position#is_before()| - |lh#visual#selection()| - |lh#visual#cut()| Functors related functions: |lhvl#function| - |lh#function#bind()| - |lh#function#execute()| - |lh#function#prepare()| Lists related functions: |lhvl#list| - |lh#list#accumulate()| - |lh#list#at()| - |lh#list#copy_if()| - |lh#list#equal_range()|, - |lh#list#Find_if()| and |lh#list#find_if()| - |lh#list#intersect()| - |lh#list#lower_bound()| and |lh#list#upper_bound()| - |lh#list#match()| - |lh#list#matches()| - |lh#list#not_found()| - |lh#list#remove()| - |lh#list#subset()| - |lh#list#Transform()| and |lh#list#transform()| - |lh#list#transform_if()| - |lh#list#unique_sort()| and |lh#list#unique_sort2()| Graphs related functions: |lhvl#graph| - |lh#graph#tsort#depth()| - |lh#graph#tsort#breadth()| Paths related functions: |lhvl#path| - |lh#path#common()| - |lh#path#depth()| - |lh#path#glob_as_list()| - |lh#path#is_absolute_path()| - |lh#path#is_url()| - |lh#path#select_one()| - |lh#path#simplify()| - |lh#path#strip_common()| - |lh#path#strip_start()| - |lh#path#to_dirname()| - |lh#path#to_relative()| - |lh#path#relative_to()| - |lh#path#to_regex()| Commands related functions: |lhvl#command| - |lh#command#new()| (alpha version) - |lh#command#Fargs2String()| (alpha version) - |lh#command#complete()| (alpha version) Menus related functions: |lhvl#menu| - |lh#menu#def_toggle_item()| - |lh#menu#text()| - |lh#menu#make()| - |lh#menu#IVN_make()| - |lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode()| - |lh#menu#map_all()| - |lh#askvim#menu()| (beta version) Buffers related functions: |lhvl#buffer| - |lh#buffer#list()| - |lh#buffer#find()| - |lh#buffer#jump()| - |lh#buffer#scratch()| - |lh#buffer#dialog#| functions for building interactive dialogs - |lh#buffer#dialog#new()| - |lh#buffer#dialog#add_help()| - |lh#buffer#dialog#select()| - |lh#buffer#dialog#quit()| - |lh#buffer#dialog#update()| Syntax related functions: |lhvl#syntax| - |lh#syntax#name_at()| - |lh#syntax#name_at_mark()| - |lh#syntax#skip()| - |lh#syntax#skip_at()| - |lh#syntax#skip_at_mark()| - |lh#syntax#list_raw()| - |lh#syntax#list()| Completion related functions |lhvl#completion| }}}2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISCELLANOUS FUNCTIONS *lhvl#misc* {{{2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#common#echomsgMultilines()* {{{3 lh#common#echomsgMultilines()({text}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#common#echomsg_multilines()* lh#common#echomsg_multilines()({text})~ @param {text} Message to display on several lines @return Nothing This function executes |:echomsg| as many times as required as there are lines in the original {text}. This is a workaround |:echomsg| that is unable to handle correctly multi-lines messages. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#common#ErrorMsg()* {{{3 lh#common#ErrorMsg({text}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#common#error_msg()* lh#common#error_msg({text})~ @param {text} Error message to display @return Nothing This function displays an error message in a |confirm()| box if gvim is being used, or as a standard vim error message through |:echoerr| otherwise. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#common#WarningMsg()* {{{3 lh#common#WarningMsg({text}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#common#warning_msg()* lh#common#warning_msg({text})~ @param {text} Error message to display @return Nothing This function displays a warning message highlighted with |WarningMsg| syntax. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#common#CheckDeps()* {{{3 lh#common#CheckDeps({symbol},{file},{path},{requester}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#common#check_deps()* lh#common#check_deps({symbol},{file},{path},{requester})~ @param {symbol} Symbol required, see |exists()| for symbol format. @param {file} File in which the symbol is expected to be defined @param {path} Path where the file can be found @param {requester} Name of the script in need of this symbol @return 0/1 whether the {symbol} exists Checks if {symbol} exists in vim. If not, this function first tries to |:source| the {file} in which the {symbol} is expected to be defined. If the {symbol} is still not defined, an error message is issued (with |lh#common#error_msg()|, and 0 is returned. Example: > if \ !lh#common#check_deps('*Cpp_CurrentScope', \ 'cpp_FindContextClass.vim', 'ftplugin/cpp/', \ 'cpp#GotoFunctionImpl.vim') \ || !lh#common#check_deps(':CheckOptions', \ 'cpp_options-commands.vim', 'ftplugin/cpp/', \ 'cpp#GotoFunctionImpl.vim') let &cpo=s:cpo_save finish endif Note: Since the introduction of |autoload| plugins in Vim 7, this function has lost most of its interrest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#option#Get()* {{{3 lh#option#Get({name},{default}[,{scopes}]) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#option#get()* lh#option#get({name},{default}[,{scopes}])~ @param {name} Name of the option to fetch @param {default} Default value in case the option is not defined @param {scopes} Vim scopes in which the options must be searched, default="bg". @return b:{name} if it exists, or g:{name} if it exists, or {default} otherwise. @see For development oriented options, |lh-dev| provides a dedicated function: |lh#dev#option#get()|. This function fetches the value of an user defined option (not Vim |options|). The option can be either a |global-variable|, a |buffer-variable|, or even a|window-variable|. The order of the variables checked can be specified through the optional argument {scopes}. By default, buffer-local options have the priority over global options. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#option#GetNonEmpty()* {{{3 lh#option#GetNonEmpty({name},{default}[,{scopes}]) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#option#get_non_empty()* lh#option#get_non_empty({name},{default}[,{scopes}])~ @param {name} Name of the option to fetch @param {default} Default value in case the option is not defined, nor empty @param {scopes} Vim scopes in which the options must be searched, default="bg". @return b:{name} If it exists, of g:{name} if it exists, or {default} otherwise. This function works exactly like |lh#option#get()| except that a defined variable with an empty value will be ignored as well. An |expr-string| will be considered empty if its |strlen()| is 0, an |expr-number| when it values 0, |Lists| and |Dictionaries| when their |len()| is 0. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#askvim#Exe()* {{{3 lh#askvim#Exe({command}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#askvim#exe()* lh#askvim#exe({command})~ @param {command} Command to execute from vim. @return What the command echoes while executed. @note This function encapsultates |redir| without altering any register. Some information aren't directly accessible (yet) through vim API (|functions|). However, they can be obtained by executing some commands, and redirecting the result of these commands. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#askvim#menu()* {{{3 lh#askvim#menu({menuid},{modes})~ @param {menuid} Menu identifier. @param {modes} List of modes @return Information related to the {menuid} @todo Still bugged This function provides a way to obtain information related to a menu entry in Vim. The format of the result being «to be stabilized» - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#position#IsBefore()* {{{3 lh#position#IsBefore({lhs_pos},{rhs_pos}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#position#is_before()* lh#position#is_before({lhs_pos},{rhs_pos})~ @param[in] Positions as those returned from |getpos()| @return Whether {lhs_pos} is before {rhs_pos} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#position#CharAtMark()* {{{3 lh#position#CharAtMark({mark}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#position#char_at_mark()* lh#position#char_at_mark({mark})~ @return The character at a given |mark|. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#position#CharAtPos()* {{{3 lh#position#CharAtPos({pos}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#position#char_at_pos()* {{{3 lh#position#char_at_pos({pos})~ @return The character at a position (see |getpos()|). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#visual#selection()* {{{3 lh#visual#selection()~ @return The current visual selection @post |registers| are not altered by this function *lh#visual#cut()* {{{3 lh#visual#cut()~ @return The current visual selection @post |registers| are not altered by this function ; selection is deleted. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#event#RegisterForOneExecutionAt()* {{{3 lh#event#RegisterForOneExecutionAt({event}, {cmd}, {group}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#event#register_for_one_execution_at()* lh#event#register_for_one_execution_at({event}, {cmd}, {group})~ Registers a command to be executed once (and only once) when {event} is triggered on the current file. @param {event} Event that will trigger the execution of {cmd}|autocmd-events| @param {cmd} |expression-command| to execute @param {group} |autocmd-groups| under which the internal autocommand will be registered. @todo possibility to specify the file pattern - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#encoding#iconv()* {{{3 lh#encoding#iconv({expr}, {from}, {to})~ This function just calls |iconv()| with the same arguments. The only difference is that it return {expr} when we know that |iconv()| will return an empty string. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#encoding#strlen()* {{{3 lh#encoding#strlen({mb_string})~ This function returns the length of the multi-bytes string. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#encoding#at()* {{{3 lh#encoding#at({mb_string}, {i})~ Returns the i-th character in a multi-bytes string. @param {i} 0-indexed offset. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#encoding#strpart()* {{{3 lh#encoding#strpart({mb_string}, {position}, {length})~ Returns {length} extracted characters from {position} in a multi-bytes string. @param {position} 0-indexed offset. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#float#max()* *lh#float#min()* {{{3 *lh#float#arg_max()* *lh#float#arg_min()* lh#float#min({list})~ lh#float#arg_min({list})~ lh#float#min({list})~ lh#float#arg_min({list})~ Returns The minimum, /arg-minimum, /maximum, /arg-maximum of a |List| of |expr-float|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTORS RELATED FUNCTIONS *lhvl#function* {{{2 This sub-library helps defining functors-like variables, and execute them. NB: C++ developpers may be already familiar with boost.bind (/std(::tr1)::bind) function that inspired by feature. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lhvl#functor* {{{3 A functor is implemented as a |Dictionary| that has the following fields: - {execute} is the |Funcref| that will be actually executed by |lh#function#execute()|. Its only argument is a |List| of arguments for {function}. - {function} that identifies the function to execute, internals: it could be either a |Funcref|or a |expr-string|, or whatever is compatible with the {execute} |FuncRef| field. - {args} will contain the binded arguments as defined by |lh#function#bind()|. If you attach a {execute} function of your own to a functor, you don't need to fill "args". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#function#bind()* {{{3 lh#function#bind({fn} [, {arguments} ...])~ This function creates a new |lhvl#functor| based on a given function {fn}, and where some arguments are binded to the ones from {arguments}. The result is a new function-like data having for parameter v:1_, v:2_, ... that were specified in |lh#function#bind()| {arguments} list. Examples:~ See tests/lh/function.vim Let's suppose Print(...) a VimL variadic function that echoes the arguments it receives, i.e. > call Print(1,2,"text", ['foo', 'bar']) will echo: > 1 ## 2 ## 'text' ## ['foo', 'bar'] * Binding a |FuncRef|:~ and reverse the arguments given to it when it will be executed > >:let func = lh#function#bind(function('Print'), 'v:3_', 'v:2_', 'v:1_') >:echo lh#function#execute(func, 1, 'two', [3]) [3] ## 'two' ## 1 * Binding a named function:~ the new function has 3 parameters and calls the named function with its 3rd parameter, 42, its second and its first parameters as arguments. > >:let func = lh#function#bind('Print', 'v:3_', 42, 'v:2_', 'v:1_') >:echo lh#function#execute(func, 1, 'two', [3]) [3] ## 42 ## 'two' ## 1 < NB: if exists('*'.func_name) is false, then the string is considered to be an expression that will be evaluated as specified in the next use case. * Binding an expression:~ This time more complex on-the-fly computations on the |lhvl#functor| parameters can be accomplished > >:let func = lh#function#bind('Print(len(v:3_), 42, v:2_, v:1_)') >:echo lh#function#execute(func, 1, 'two', [1,2,3]) 3 ## 42 ## 'two' ## 1 < NB: func["args"] is defined, but empty, and unused. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#function#execute()* {{{3 lh#function#execute({functor} [, {arguments} ...])~ While |lh#function#bind()| defines a |lhvl#functor| that can be stored and used later, |lh#function#execute()| directly executes the {functor} received. Different kind of {functors} are accepted: - |FuncRef|, and function names, where arguments are |lh#function#execute()| ones ; - |expr-string|, where "v:{pos}_" strings are binded on-the-fly to {arguments} ; - |lhvl#functor|, that will be given {arguments} as arguments. Examples:~ See tests/lh/function.vim - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#function#prepare()* {{{3 lh#function#prepare({function}, {arguments} ...)~ This function expands all the elements from the {arguments} |List|, and prepares a |expr-string| that once evaluated will call the n-ary {function} with the n-{arguments}. The evaluation is meant to be done with |eval()|. > >:let call = lh#function#prepare('Print', [1,2,"foo"]) >:echo eval(call) 1 ## 2 ## 'foo' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LISTS RELATED FUNCTIONS *lhvl#list* {{{2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#Match()* {{{3 lh#list#Match({list},{pattern}[, {start-pos}]) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#list#match()* lh#list#match({list},{pattern}[, {start-pos}])~ @param {list} |List| @param {pattern} |expr-string| @param {start-pos} First index to check @return The lowest index, >= {start-pos}, in |List| {list} where the item matches {pattern}. @return -1 if no item matches {pattern}. @see |index()|, |match()| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#matches()* {{{3 lh#list#match({list},{pattern}[, {start-pos}])~ @param {list} |List| @param {pattern} |expr-string| @param {start-pos} First index to check @return The |List| of indices, >= {start-pos}, in |List| {list} where the item matches {pattern}. @return [] if no item matches {pattern}. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#find_if()* *lh#list#Find_if()* {{{3 lh#list#Find_if({list},{string-predicate} [, {pred-parameters}][, {start-pos}])~ lh#list#find_if({list},{functor-predicate} [, {pred-parameters}][, {start-pos}])~ @param {list} |List| @param {*-predicate} Predicate to evaluate @param {pred-parameters}] |List| of Parameters to bind to special arguments in the {predicate}. @param {start-pos} First index to check @return The lowest index, >= {start-pos}, in |List| {list} where the {predicate} evals to true. @return -1 if no item matches {pattern}. @see |index()|, |eval()| The {string-predicate} recognizes some special arguments: - |v:val| is substituted with the current element being evaluated in the list - *v:1_* *v:2_* , ..., are substituted with the i-th elements from {pred-parameters}. NB: the "v:\d\+_" are 1-indexed while {pred-parameters} is indeed seen as 0-indexed by Vim. This particular feature permits to pass any type of variable to the predicate: a |expr-string|, a |List|, a |Dictionary|, ... e.g.: > :let b = { 'min': 12, 'max': 42 } :let l = [ 1, 5, 48, 25, 5, 28, 6] :let i = lh#list#Find_if(l, 'v:val>v:1_.min && v:val :let l = [ 1, 5, 48, 25, 5, 28, 6] :let i = lh#list#find_if(l, 'v:1_>12 && v:1_<42 && v:1_%2==0') :echo l[i] 28 NB: Expect the Find_if() version to be replaced with the find_if() one. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#lower_bound()* *lh#list#upper_bound()* {{{3 *lh#list#equal_range()* lh#list#lower_bound({list}, {value} [, {first}][, {last}])~ lh#list#upper_bound({list}, {value} [, {first}][, {last}])~ lh#list#equal_range({list}, {value} [, {first}][, {last}])~ @param {list} Sorted |List| @param {value} Value to search @param {first} First index to check @param {last} Last+1 index to check @return The lowest index, >= {first} and < {last}, in |List| {list} such as the index is <= first {value} occurrence, in lower_bound case such as the index is > last {value} occurrence, in upper_bound case @return -1 if no item matches {pattern}. @return the pair [lower_bound(), upper_bound()] in equal_range() case @see C++ STL eponym algorithms. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#not_found()* {{{3 lh#list#not_found({range})~ Returns whether the {range} is empty. This function can be used to check |lh#list#equal_range()| functions results - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#unique_sort()* *lh#list#unique_sort2()* {{{3 lh#list#unique_sort({list} [, {cmp}])~ lh#list#unique_sort2({list} [, {cmp}])~ @param[in] {list} |List| to sort @param {cmp} |Funcref| or function name that acts as a compare predicate. It seems to be required in order to not compare number with a lexicographic order (with vim 7.1-156) @return A new |List| sorted with no element repeated @todo support an optional {equal} predicate to use in the /unique/ making process. The difference between the two functions is the following: - unique_sort() stores all the elements in a |Dictionary|, then sort the values stored in the dictionary ; - unique_sort2() sorts all the elements from the initial |List|, and then keeps only the elements that appear once. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#Transform()* {{{3 lh#list#Transform({input},{output},{action})~ @param[in] {input} Input |List| to transform @param[out] {output} Output |List| where the transformed elements will be appended. @param {action} Stringified action to apply on each element from {input}. The string "v:val" will always be replaced with the element currently transformed. @return {output} This function is actually returning > extend(a:output, map(copy(a:input), a:action)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#transform()* {{{3 lh#list#transform({input},{output},{action})~ @param[in] {input} Input |List| to transform @param[out] {output} Output |List| where the transformed elements will be appended. @param {action}|lhvl#functor| action to apply on each element from {input}. @return {output} This function is equivalent to (|lh#list#Transform()|) > extend(a:output, map(copy(a:input), a:action)) except the action is not a string but a |lhvl#functor|. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#transform_if()* {{{3 lh#list#transform_if({input},{output},{action},{predicate})~ @param[in] {input} Input |List| to transform @param[out] {output} Output |List| where the transformed elements will be appended. @param {action}|lhvl#functor| action to apply on each element from {input} that verifies the {predicate}. @param {predicate} Boolean |lhvl#functor| tested on each element before transforming it. @return {output} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#copy_if()* {{{3 lh#list#copy_if({input},{output},{predicate})~ Appends in {output} the elements from {input} that verifies the {predicate}. @param[in] {input} Input |List| to transform @param[out] {output} Output |List| where the elements that verify the {predicate} will be appended. @param {predicate} Boolean |lhvl#functor| tested on each element. @return {output} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#accumulate()* {{{3 lh#list#accumulate({input},{transformation},{accumulator})~ Accumulates the transformed elements from {input}. @param[in] {input} Input |List| to transform @param {transformation}|lhvl#functor| applied on each element from {input}. @param {accumulator}|lhvl#functor| taking the list of tranformaed elements as input @return the result of {accumulator} Examples: > :let strings = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'toto' ] :echo eval(lh#list#accumulate(strings, 'strlen', 'join(v:1_, "+")')) 10 :let l = [ 1, 2, 'foo', ['bar']] :echo lh#list#accumulate(l, 'string', 'join(v:1_, "##")') - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#subset()* {{{3 lh#list#subset({input},{indices})~ Returns a subset slice of the {input} list. @param[in] {input} Input |List| from which element will be extracted @param[in] {indices}|List| of indices to extract @return a |List| of the elements from {input} indexed by the {indices} Example: > :let l = [ 1, 25, 5, 48, 25, 5, 28, 6] :let indices = [ 0, 5, 7, 3 ] :echo lh#list#subset(l, indices) [ 1, 5, 6, 48 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#remove()* {{{3 lh#list#remove({input},{indices})~ Returns a subset slice of the {input} list trimmed of elements. @param[in,out] {input} Input |List| from which element will be removed @param[in] {indices}|List| of indices to remove @return a |List| of the elements from {input} not indexed by the {indices} @pre {indices} MUST be sorted Example: > :let l = [ 1, 25, 5, 48, 25, 5, 28, 6] :let indices = [ 0, 3, 5, 7 ] :echo lh#list#remove(l, indices) [ 25, 5, 25, 28 ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#list#intersect()* {{{3 lh#list#intersect({list1},{list2})~ Returns the elements present in both input lists. @param[in] {list1}|List| @param[in] {list2}|List| @return a |List| of the elements in both {list1} and {list2}, the elements are kepts in the same order as in {list1} @note the algorithm is in O(len({list1})*len({list2})) Example: > :let l1 = [ 1, 25, 7, 48, 26, 5, 28, 6] :let l2 = [ 3, 8, 7, 25, 6 ] :echo lh#list#intersect(l1, l2) [ 25, 7, 6 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRAPHS RELATED FUNCTIONS *lhvl#graph* {{{2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#graph#tsort#depth()* {{{3 *lh#graph#tsort#breadth()* {{{3 lh#graph#tsort#depth({dag}, {start-nodes})~ lh#graph#tsort#breadth({dag}, {start-nodes})~ These two functions implement a topological sort on the Direct Acyclic Graph. - depth() is a recursive implementation of a depth-first search. - breadth() is a non recursive implementation of a breadth-first search. @param {dag} is a direct acyclic graph defined either: - as a |Dictionnary| that associates to each node, the |List| of all its successors - or as a /fetch/ |function()| that returns the |List| of the successors of a given node -- works only with depth() which takes care of not calling this function more than once for each given node. @param {start-nodes} is a |List| of start nodes with no incoming edge @throw "Tsort: cyclic graph detected:" if {dag} is not a DAG. @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sort @since Version 2.1.0 @test tests/lh/topological-sort.vim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATHS RELATED FUNCTIONS *lhvl#path* {{{2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#depth()* {{{3 lh#path#depth({dirname})~ Returns the depth of a directory name. @param {dirname} Pathname to simplify @return the depth of the simplified directory name, i.e. lh#path#depth("bar/b2/../../foo/") returns 1 @todo However, it is not able to return depth of negative paths like "../../foo/". I still need to decide whether the function should return -1 or 3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#dirname()* {{{3 lh#path#dirname({dirname})~ Ensures the returned directory name ends with a '/' or a '\'. @todo On windows, it should take 'shellslash' into account to decide the character to append. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#Simplify()* {{{3 lh#path#Simplify({pathname}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#path#simplify()* lh#path#simplify({pathname} [{make_relative_to_pwd])~ Simplifies a path by getting rid of useless '../' and './'. @param {pathname} Pathname to simplify @param {make_relative_to_pwd} The {pathname} is made relative to pwd when set @return the simplified pathname This function works like |simplify()|, except that it also strips the leading "./". Note: when vim is compiled for unix, it seems unable to |simplify()| paths containing "..\". (It likelly works this way when vim is compiled without 'shellslash' support) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#common()* {{{3 lh#path#common({pathnames})~ @param[in] {pathnames} |List| of pathnames to analyse @return the common leading path between all {pathnames} e.g.: > :echo lh#path#common(['foo/bar/file','foo/file', 'foo/foo/file']) echoes > foo/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#StripCommon()* {{{3 lh#path#StripCommon({pathnames}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#path#strip_common()* lh#path#strip_common({pathnames})~ @param[in,out] {pathnames} |List| of pathnames to simplify @return the simplified pathnames This function strips all pathnames from their common leading part. The compuation of the common leading part is ensured by |lh#path#common()| thank. e.g.: > :echo lh#path#strip_common(['foo/bar/file','foo/file', 'foo/foo/file']) echoes > ['bar/file','file', 'foo/file'] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#StripStart()* {{{3 lh#path#StripStart({pathname}, {pathslist}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#path#strip_start()* lh#path#strip_start({pathname}, {pathslist})~ @param[in] {pathname} name to simplify @param[in] {pathslist} list of pathname (can be a |string| of pathnames separated by ",", of a |List|). Strips {pathname} from any path from {pathslist}. e.g.: > :echo lh#path#strip_start($HOME.'/.vim/template/bar.template', \ ['/home/foo/.vim', '/usr/local/share/vim/']) :echo lh#path#strip_start($HOME.'/.vim/template/bar.template',&rtp) echoes > template/bar.template - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#IsAbsolutePath()* {{{3 lh#path#IsAbsolutePath({path}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#path#is_absolute_path()* lh#path#is_absolute_path({path})~ @return {path} Path to test @return whether the path is an absolute path @note Supports Unix absolute paths, Windows absolute paths, and UNC paths - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#IsURL()* {{{3 lh#path#IsURL({path}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#path#is_url()* lh#path#is_url({path})~ @return {path} Path to test @return whether the path is an URL @note Supports http(s)://, (s)ftp://, dav://, fetch://, file://, rcp://, rsynch://, scp:// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#SelectOne()* {{{3 lh#path#SelectOne({pathnames},{prompt}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#path#select_one()* lh#path#select_one({pathnames},{prompt})~ @param[in] {pathnames} |List| of pathname @param {prompt} Prompt for the dialog box @return "" if len({pathnames}) == 0 @return {pathnames}[0] if len({pathnames}) == 1 @return the selected pathname otherwise Asks the end-user to choose a pathname among a list of pathnames. The pathnames displayed will be simplified thanks to |lh#path#strip_common()| -- the pathname returned is the "full" original pathname matching the simplified pathname selected. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#ToRelative()* {{{3 lh#path#ToRelative({pathname}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#path#to_relative()* lh#path#to_relative({pathname})~ @param {pathname} Pathname to convert @return the simplified {pathname} in its relative form as it would be seen from the current directory. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#relative_to()* {{{3 lh#path#relative_to({from}, {to})~ Returns the relative directory that indentifies {to} from {from} location. @param {from} origin directory @param {to} destination directory @return the simplified pathname {to} in its relative form as it would be seen from the {from} directory. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#GlobAsList()* {{{3 lh#path#GlobAsList({pathslist}, {expr}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#path#glob_as_list()* lh#path#glob_as_list({pathslist}, {expr} [,{must_sort}])~ @param[in] {pathslist} list (|List|, or comma separated list) of paths where to search. @param[in] {expr} glob expression of the files to search. @param[in] {mustSort} tells whether the results shall be sorted per {pathslist}, default: true. @return |globpath()|'s result, but formatted as a list of matching pathnames. In case {expr} is a |List|, |globpath()| is applied on each expression in {expr}. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#find()* {{{3 lh#path#find({pathslist}, {regex})~ @param[in] {pathslist} List of paths which can be received as a |List| or as a string made of coma separated paths. @return the path that matches the given {regex} e.g.: > let expected_win = $HOME . '/vimfiles' let expected_nix = $HOME . '/.vim' let what = lh#path#to_regex($HOME.'/').'\(vimfiles\|.vim\)' let z = lh#path#find(&rtp,what) if has('win16')||has('win32')||has('win64') Assert z == expected_win else Assert z == expected_nix endif - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#path#to_regex()* {{{3 lh#path#to_regex({pathname})~ Transforms the {pathname} to separate each node-name by the string '[/\\]' The rationale behind this function is to build system independant regex pattern to use on pathnames as sometimes pathnames are built by appending '/stuff/like/this' without taking 'shellslash' into account. e.g.: > echo lh#path#to_regex('/home/luc/').'\(vimfiles\|.vim\)' echoes > [/\\]home[/\\]luc[/\\]\(vimfiles\|.vim\) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MENUS RELATED FUNCTIONS *lhvl#menu* {{{2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#menu#def_toggle_item()* {{{3 lh#menu#def_toggle_item({Data})~ @param[in,out] {Data} Definition of a |menu| item. This function defines a |menu| entry that will be associated to a |global-variable| whose values can be cycled and explored from the menu. This global variable can be seen as an enumerate whose value can be cyclically updated through a menu. {Data} is a |Dictionary| whose keys are: - "variable": name of the |global-variable| to bind to the menu entry Mandatory. - "values": associated values of string or integers (|List|) Mandatory. - "menu": describes where the menu entry must be placed (|Dictionary|) - "priority": complete priority of the entry (see |sub-menu-priority|) - "name": complete name of the entry -- ampersand (&) can be used to define shortcut keys Mandatory. - "idx_crt_value": index of the current value for the option (|expr-number|) This is also an internal variable that will be automatically updated to keep the index of the current value of the "variable" in "values". Optional ; default value is 1, or the associated index of the initial value of the variable (in "values") before the function call. - "texts": texts to display according to the variable value (|List|) Optional, "values" will be used by default. This option is to be used to distinguish the short encoded value, from the long self explanatory name. - "hook": |function| to call, or command to |:execute| when the value of the variable is toggled through toggle-menu ; default: none. - "actions": list of functions to call, or commands to execute when the value of the variable is toggled through toggle-menu. There shall be one action per possible value when defined ; default: empty list Warning: If the variable is changed by hand without using the menu, then the menu and the variable will be out of synch. Unless the command |lhvl-:Toggle| is used to change the value of the options (and keep the menu synchronized). Examples: See tests/lh/test-toggle-menu.vim *lhvl-:Toggle* :Toggle {variable-name} [{text-value}]~ @param {variable-name} must be a |global-variable| name used as "variable" in the definition of a toggable menu item thanks to |lh#menu#def_toggle_item()|. @param {text-value} when specified, :Toggle directly sets the variable to the value associated to {text-value}. This command supports autocompletion on the {variable-name}, and on {text-value}. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#menu#text()* {{{3 lh#menu#text({text})~ @param[in] {text} Text to send to |:menu| commands @return a text to be used in menus where "\" and spaces have been escaped. This helper function transforms a regular text into a text that can be directly used with |:menu| commands. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#menu#make()* {{{3 option: *[gb]:want_buffermenu_or_global_disable* If Michael Geddes's |buffer-menu| plugin is installed, this option tells whether we want to take advantage of it to define menus or to ignore it. lh#menu#make({modes}, {menu-priority}, {menu-text}, {key-binding}, [,] {action})~ Creates a menu entry and its associated mappings for several modes at once. @param[in] {modes} Vim modes the menus and maps will be provided for @param[in] {menu-priority} |sub-menu-priority| for the new menu entry @param[in] {menu-text} Name of the new menu entry @param[in] {key-binding} Sequence of keys to execute the associated action @param[in] "" If the string "" is provided, then the associated mapping will be a |map-|, and the menu will be available to the current buffer only. See |[gb]:want_buffermenu_or_global_disable| When "" is set, the call to lh#menu#make() must be done in the buffer-zone from a |ftplugin|, or from a |local_vimrc|. @param[in] {action} Action to execute when {key-binding} is typed, or when the menu entry is selected. @todo support select ('s') and visual-not-select ('x') modes First example:~ The following call will add the menu "LaTeX.Run LaTeX once ", with the priority (placement) 50.305, for the NORMAL, INSERT and COMMAND modes. The action associated first saves all the changed buffers and then invokes LaTeX. The same action is also binded to for the same modes, with the nuance that the maps will be local to the buffer. > call lh#menu#make("nic", '50.305', '&LaTeX.Run LaTeX &once', "", \ '', ":wa:call TKMakeDVIfile(1)") Second example:~ This example demonstrates an hidden, but useful, behavior: if the mode is the visual one, then the register v is filled with the text of the visual area. This text can then be used in the function called. Here, it will be proposed as a default name for the section to insert: > function! TKinsertSec() " ... if (strlen(@v) != 0) && (visualmode() == 'v') let SecName = input("name of ".SecType.": ", @v) else let SecName = input("name of ".SecType.": ") endif " ... endfunction call lh#menu#make("vnic", '50.360.100', '&LaTeX.&Insert.&Section', \ "", '', ":call TKinsertSec()") We have to be cautious to one little thing, there is a side effect: the visual mode vanishes when we enter the function. If you don't want this to happen, use the non-existant command: |:VCall|. Third example:~ If it is known that a function will be called only under |VISUAL-mode|, and that we don't want of the previous behavior, we can explicitly invoke the function with |:VCall| -- command that doesn't actually exist. Check lh-tex/ftplugin/tex/tex-set.vim |s:MapMenu4Env| for such an example. Fourth thing: actually, lh#menu#make() is not restricted to commands. The action can be anything that could come at the right hand side of any |:map| or |:menu| action. But this time, you have to be cautious with the modes you dedicate your map to. I won't give any related example ; this is the underlying approach in |lh#menu#IVN_make()|. *lh#menu#make()_modes* Implementation details:~ The actual creation of the mappings is delegated to |lh#menu#map_all()|. If the {action} to execute doesn't start with ':', it is left untransformed, otherwise it is adapted depending on each {mode}: - INSERT-mode: each recognized |:command| call is prepended with |i_CTRL-O| - NORMAL-mode: the {action} is used as it is - VISUAL-mode: ":Vcall" is replaced by "\gV", otherwise the selection is recorded into @v register, the {action} command is executed after a |v_CTRL-C|, and eventually @v is cleared. The use is @v is deprecated, rely instead on |lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode()| and on |lh#selection#visual()|. - COMMAND-mode: the {action} is prepended with |c_CTRL-C|. Examples: See tests/lh/test-menu-map.vim - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#menu#IVN_make()* {{{3 Mappings & menus inserting text~ lh#menu#IVN_make(, {text}, {key}, {IM-action}, {VM-action}, {NM-action} [, {nore-IM}, {nore-VM}, {nore-NM}])~ lh#menu#IVN_MenuMake() accepts three different actions for the three modes: INSERT, VISUAL and NORMAL. The mappings defined will be relative to the current buffer -- this function is addressed to ftplugins writers. The last arguments specify whether the inner mappings and abbreviations embedded within the actions should be expanded or not ; i.e. are we defining «noremaps/noremenus» ? You will find very simple examples of what could be done at the end of menu-map.vim. Instead, I'll show here an extract of my TeX ftplugin: it defines complex functions that will help to define very simply the different mappings I use. You could find another variation on this theme in ftplugin/html/html_set.vim. > :MapMenu 50.370.300 &LaTeX.&Fonts.&Emphasize ]em emph call MapMenu4Env("50.370.200", '&LaTeX.&Environments.&itemize', \ ']ei', 'itemize', '\item ') The first command binds ]em to \emph{} for the three different modes. In INSERT mode, the cursor is positioned between the curly brackets, and a marker is added after the closing bracket -- cf. my bracketing system. In VISUAL mode, the curly brackets are added around the visual area. In NORMAL mode, the area is considered to be the current word. The second call binds for the three modes: ]ei to: > \begin{itemize} \item \end{itemize} The definition of the different functions and commands involved just follows. > command -nargs=1 -buffer MapMenu :call MapMenu() function! s:MapMenu(code,text,binding, tex_cmd, ...) let _2visual = (a:0 > 0) ? a:1 : "viw" " If the tex_cmd starts with an alphabetic character, then suppose the " command must begin with a '\'. let texc = ((a:tex_cmd[0] =~ '\a') ? '\' : "") . a:tex_cmd call lh#menu#IVN_make(a:code, a:text.' -- ' . texc .'{}', a:binding, \ texc.'{', \ '`>a}`%l', \ ( (_2visual=='0') ? "" : _2visual.a:binding), \ 0, 1, 0) endfunction " a function and its map to close a "}", and that works whatever the " activation states of the brackets and marking features are. function! s:Close() if strlen(maparg('{')) == 0 | exe "normal a} \" elseif exists("b:usemarks") && (b:usemarks==1) | exe "normal ¡jump! " else | exe "normal a " endif endfunction imap ¡close! :call Close() function! s:MapMenu4Env(code,text,binding, tex_env, middle, ...) let _2visual = (a:0 > 0) ? a:1 : "vip" let b = "'" . '\begin{' . a:tex_env . '}' . "'" let e = "'" . '\end{' . a:tex_env . '}' . "'" call IVN_MenuMake(a:code, a:text, a:binding, \ '\begin{'.a:tex_env.'¡close!'.a:middle.' \end{'.a:tex_env.'}ks', \ ':VCall MapAroundVisualLines('.b. ',' .e.',1,1)', \ _2visual.a:binding, \ 0, 1, 0) endfunction Examples: See tests/lh/test-menu-map.vim - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode()* {{{3 lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode()~ @return a boolean that tells whether the {action} used in |lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode()| has been invoked from the VISUAL-mode. NB: this function deprecates the test on @v. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#menu#map_all()* {{{3 lh#menu#map_all({map-type}[, {map-args...}])~ This function is a helper function that defines several mappings at once as |:amenu| would do. @param {map-type} String of the form "[aincv]*(nore)?map" that tells the mode on which mappings should be defined, and whether the mappings shall be |:noremap|. @param {map-args...} Rest of the parameters that defines the mapping The action to execute will be corrected depending on the current mode. See |lh#menu#make()_modes| for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMANDS RELATED FUNCTIONS *lhvl#command* {{{2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#command#new()* {{{3 Highly Experimental. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#command#Fargs2String()* {{{3 lh#command#Fargs2String({aList})~ @param[in,out] aList list of params from @see tests/lh/test-Fargs2String.vim - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#command#complete()* {{{3 lh#command#complete({argLead}, {cmdLine}, {cursorPos})~ Under developpement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUFFERS RELATED FUNCTIONS *lhvl#buffer* {{{2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#buffer#list()* {{{3 lh#buffer#list()~ @return The |List| of |buflisted| buffers. e.g.: > echo lh#list#transform(lh#buffer#list(), [], "bufname") - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#buffer#Find()* {{{3 lh#buffer#Find({filename}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#buffer#find()* lh#buffer#find({filename})~ Searchs for a window where the buffer is opened. @param {filename} @return The number of the first window found, in which {filename} is opened. If {filename} is opened in a window, jump to this window. Otherwise, return -1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#buffer#Jump()* {{{3 lh#buffer#Jump({filename}, {cmd}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#buffer#jump()* lh#buffer#jump({filename}, {cmd})~ Jumps to the window where the buffer is opened, or open the buffer in a new windows if none match. @param {filename} @param {cmd} @return Nothing. If {filename} is opened in a window, jump to this window. Otherwise, execute {cmd} with {filename} as a parameter. Typical values for the command will be "sp" or "vsp". (see |:split|, |:vsplit|). N.B.: While it is not the rationale behind this function, other commands that does not open the buffer may be used in the {cmd} parameter. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#buffer#Scratch()* {{{3 lh#buffer#Scratch({bname},{where}) (*deprecated*)~ *scratch* *lh#buffer#scratch()* lh#buffer#scratch({bname},{where})~ Split-opens a new scratch buffer. @param {bname} Name for the new scratch buffer @param {where} Where the new scratch buffer will be opened ('', or 'v') @post The buffer has the following properties set: 'bt'=nofile, 'bh'=wipe, 'nobl', 'noswf', 'ro' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lhvl-dialog* *lh#buffer#dialog#* {{{3 Functions for building interactive dialogs~ Unlike other |lh-vim-lib| functions which can be used independently from each others, all the lh#buffer#dialog#*() functions constitute a coherent framework to define interactive dialogs. For the moment it only supports the selection of one or several items in a list. From a end-user point of view, a list of items is displayed in a (|scratch|) buffer. If enabled, the user can select (/tag) one or several items, and then validate its choice. He can always abort and quit the dialog. A few other features are also supported: a help message can be shown, the list may be colored, etc. The items displayed can be of any kind (function signatures, email addresses, suggested spellings, ...), as well as the validating action. The help-header can be customized, as well as colours, other mappings, ... However the list displaying + selection aspect is almost hardcoded. How it works~ ------------ Scripts have to call the function *lh#buffer#dialog#new()* lh#buffer#dialog#new(bname, title, where, support-tagging, action, choices)~ with: - {bname} being the name the |scratch| buffer will receive. - {title} the title that appears at the first line of the scratch buffer. I usually use it to display the name of the "client" script, its version, and its purpose/what to do. - {where} are |:split| options (like "bot below") used to open the scratch buffer. - {support-tagging} is a boolean (0/1) option to enable the multi-selection. - {action} is the name of the callback function (more advanced calling mechanisms latter may be supported later with |lhvl-functions|). - {choices} is the |List| of exact strings to display. The #new function builds and returns a |Dictionary|, it also opens and fills the scratch buffer, and put us within its context -- i.e. any |:map-| or other buffer-related definitions will done in the new scratch buffer. Thus, if we want to add other mappings, and set a syntax highlighting for the new buffer, it is done at this point (see the *s:PostInit()* function in my "client" scripts like |lh-tags|). At this point, I also add all the high level information to the dictionary (for instance, the list of function signatures is nice, but it does not provides enough information (the corresponding file, the command to jump to the definition/declaration, the scope, ...) The dictionary returned is filled with the following information: - buffer ids, - where was the cursor at the time of the creation of the new scratch buffer, - name of the callback function. Regarding the callback function: *lhvl-dialog-select-callback* - It ca not be a |script-local| function, only global and autoload functions are supported. - When called, we are still within the scratch buffer context. - It must accept a |List| of numbers as its first parameter: the index (+1) of the items selected. - The number 0, when in the list, means "aborted". In that case, the callback function is expected to call |lh#buffer#dialog#quit()| that will terminate the scratch buffer (with |:quit|), and jump back to where we were when #new was called, and display a little "Abort" message. - We can terminate the dialog with just :quit if we don't need to jump back anywhere. For instance, lh-tags callback function first terminates the dialog, then jumps to the file where the selected tag comes from. - It's completely asynchronous: the callback function does not return anything to anyone, but instead applies transformations in other places. This aspect is very important. I don't see how this kind of feature can work if not asynchronously in vim. How to customize it: - *lh#buffer#dialog#quit()* can be explicitly called, from a registered select callback (|lhvl-dialog-select-callback|), in order to terminate the dialog. - *lh#buffer#dialog#add_help()* can be used to complete the help/usage message in both its short and long form. - *lh#buffer#dialog#update()* can be called after the list of items has been altered in order to refresh what is displayed. The rationale behind this feature is to support sorting, filtering, items expansion, etc. See |lh-tags| implementation for an example. - *lh#buffer#dialog#select()* can be used in new mappings in order to handle differently the selected items. |lh-tags| uses this function to map 'o' to the split-opening of the selected items. NB: the way this feature is supported may change in future releases. Limitations: This script is a little bit experimental (even if it the result of almost 10 years of evolution), and it is a little bit cumbersome. - it is defined to support only one callback -- see the hacks in |lh-tags| to workaround this limitation. - it is defined to display list of items, and to select one or several items in the end. - and of course, it requires many other functions from |lh-vim-lib|, but nothing else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYNTAX RELATED FUNCTIONS *lhvl#syntax* {{{2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#syntax#NameAt()* {{{3 lh#syntax#NameAt({lnum},{col}[,{trans}]) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#syntax#name_at()* lh#syntax#name_at({lnum},{col}[,{trans}])~ @param {lnum} line of the character @param {col} column of the character @param {trans} see |synID()|, default=0 @return the syntax kind of the given character at {lnum}, {col} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#syntax#NameAtMark()* {{{3 lh#syntax#NameAtMark({mark}[,{trans}]) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#syntax#is_a_comment()* {{{3 lh#syntax#is_a_comment({mark})~ @param {mark} position of the character @return whether the character is within a Comment syntax element. *lh#syntax#name_at_mark()* {{{3 lh#syntax#name_at_mark({mark}[,{trans}])~ @param {mark} position of the character @param {trans} see |synID()|, default=0 @return the syntax kind of the character at the given |mark|. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#syntax#Skip()* *lh#syntax#SkipAt()* *lh#syntax#SkipAtMark()* {{{3 lh#syntax#Skip() (*deprecated*)~ lh#syntax#SkipAt({lnum},{col}) (*deprecated*)~ lh#syntax#SkipAtMark({mark}) (*deprecated*)~ *lh#syntax#skip()* *lh#syntax#skip_at()* *lh#syntax#skip_at_mark()* lh#syntax#skip()~ lh#syntax#skip_at({lnum},{col})~ lh#syntax#skip_at_mark({mark})~ Functions to be used with |searchpair()| functions in order to search for a pair of elements, without taking comments, strings, characters and doxygen (syntax) contexts into account while searching. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#syntax#list_raw()* {{{3 lh#syntax#list_raw({name})~ @param {group-name} @return the result of "syn list {group-name}" as a string - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *lh#syntax#list()* {{{3 lh#syntax#list()~ @param {group-name} @return the result of "syn list {group-name}" as a list. This function tries to interpret the result of the raw list of syntax elements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPLETION RELATED FUNCTIONS *lhvl#completion* {{{2 *lh#icomplete#run()* {{{3 lh#icomplete#run(startcol, matches, Hook)~ Runs |complete()| and registers the {Hook} to be executed when the user selects one entry in the menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ }}}1 ============================================================================== © Luc Hermitte, 2001-2012 , CC by SA 3.0 {{{1 $Id: lh-vim-lib.txt 558 2012-04-10 08:00:00Z luc.hermitte $ VIM: let b:VS_language = 'american' vim:ts=8:sw=4:tw=80:fo=tcq2:ft=help: vim600:fdm=marker: lh-vim-lib-addon-info.txt [[[1 10 { "name" : "lh-vim-lib", "version" : "dev", "author" : "Luc Hermitte ", "maintainer" : "Luc Hermitte ", "repository" : {"type": "svn", "url": "http://lh-vim.googlecode.com/svn/vim-lib/trunk"}, "dependencies" : {}, "description" : "Library of VimL functions", "homepage" : "http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/wiki/lhVimLib" } lh-vim-lib.README [[[1 20 ------------------ lh-vim-lib 3.1.0 ------------------ lh-vim-lib is a library plugin for vim v7+. It is just a collection of functions that are meant to be used by script writers. Audience : Vim script writers Requirements : Vim 7.1, Vim 7.3 for some functions Required by : Just a few other plugins for the moment Author : Luc Hermitte License : GPLv3 with exceptions http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/wiki/License More Help At : http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/wiki/lhVimLib Vim script#214: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=214 Repository : svn checkout http://lh-vim.googlecode.com/svn/vim-lib/trunk lh-vim-lib VAM : http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/source/browse/vim-lib/trunk/lh-vim-lib-addon-info.txt macros/menu-map.vim [[[1 87 "=========================================================================== " $Id: menu-map.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: macros/menu-map.vim " Author: Luc Hermitte " " " Purpose: Define functions to build mappings and menus at the same time " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (02nd Dec 2006) " " Last Changes: {{{ " Version 3.0.0: " GPLv3 " Version 2.0.0: " Moved to vim7, " Functions moved to {rtp}/autoload/ " Version 1.6.2: " (*) Silent mappings and menus " Version 1.6. : " (*) Uses has('gui_running') instead of has('gui') to check if " we can generate the menu. " Version 1.5. : " (*) visual mappings launched from select-mode don't end with " text still selected -- applied to :VCalls " Version 1.4. : " (*) address obfuscated for spammers " (*) support the local option " b:want_buffermenu_or_global_disable if we don't want " buffermenu to be used systematically. " 0 -> buffer menu not used " 1 -> buffer menu used " 2 -> the VimL developper will use a global disable. " cf.: tex-maps.vim:: s:SimpleMenu() " and texmenus.vim " Version 1.3. : " (*) add continuation lines support ; cf 'cpoptions' " Version 1.2. : " (*) Code folded. " (*) Take advantage of buffermenu.vim if present for local " menus. " (*) If non gui is available, the menus won't be defined " Version 1.1. : " (*) Bug corrected : " vnore(map\|menu) does not imply v+n(map\|menu) any more " }}} " " Inspired By: A function from Benji Fisher " " TODO: (*) no menu if no gui. " "=========================================================================== if exists("g:loaded_menu_map") | finish | endif let g:loaded_menu_map = 1 "" line continuation used here ?? let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim "========================================================================= " Commands {{{ command! -nargs=+ -bang MAP map command! -nargs=+ IMAP imap command! -nargs=+ NMAP nmap command! -nargs=+ CMAP cmap command! -nargs=+ VMAP vmap command! -nargs=+ AMAP \ call lh#menu#map_all('amap', ) command! -nargs=+ -bang NOREMAP noremap command! -nargs=+ INOREMAP inoremap command! -nargs=+ NNOREMAP nnoremap command! -nargs=+ CNOREMAP cnoremap command! -nargs=+ VNOREMAP vnoremap command! -nargs=+ ANOREMAP \ call lh#menu#map_all('anoremap', ) " }}} " End ! let &cpo = s:cpo_save finish "========================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: mkVba/mk-lh-vim-lib.vim [[[1 60 "============================================================================= " $Id: mk-lh-vim-lib.vim 606 2012-05-31 17:09:46Z luc.hermitte@gmail.com $ " File: mkVba/mk-lh-lib.vim " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.1.1 let s:version = '3.1.1' " Created: 06th Nov 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-05-31 19:09:46 +0200 (jeu 31 mai 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ cd :p:h try let save_rtp = &rtp let &rtp = expand(':p:h:h').','.&rtp exe '24,$MkVimball! lh-vim-lib-'.s:version set modifiable set buftype= finally let &rtp = save_rtp endtry finish autoload/lh/askvim.vim autoload/lh/buffer.vim autoload/lh/buffer/dialog.vim autoload/lh/command.vim autoload/lh/common.vim autoload/lh/encoding.vim autoload/lh/env.vim autoload/lh/event.vim autoload/lh/float.vim autoload/lh/function.vim autoload/lh/graph/tsort.vim autoload/lh/icomplete.vim autoload/lh/list.vim autoload/lh/menu.vim autoload/lh/option.vim autoload/lh/path.vim autoload/lh/position.vim autoload/lh/syntax.vim autoload/lh/visual.vim doc/lh-vim-lib.txt lh-vim-lib-addon-info.txt lh-vim-lib.README macros/menu-map.vim mkVba/mk-lh-vim-lib.vim plugin/let.vim plugin/lhvl.vim plugin/ui-functions.vim plugin/words_tools.vim tests/lh/function.vim tests/lh/list.vim tests/lh/path.vim tests/lh/test-Fargs2String.vim tests/lh/test-askmenu.vim tests/lh/test-command.vim tests/lh/test-menu-map.vim tests/lh/test-toggle-menu.vim tests/lh/topological-sort.vim plugin/let.vim [[[1 57 "============================================================================= " $Id: let.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: plugin/let.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 31st May 2010 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines a command :LetIfUndef that sets a variable if undefined " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop this file into {rtp}/plugin " Requires Vim7+ " History: " v2.2.1: first version of this command into lh-vim-lib " v3.0.0: GPLv3 " TODO: " }}}1 "============================================================================= " Avoid global reinclusion {{{1 let s:k_version = 300 if &cp || (exists("g:loaded_let") \ && (g:loaded_let >= s:k_version) \ && !exists('g:force_reload_let')) finish endif let g:loaded_let = s:k_version let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim " Avoid global reinclusion }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Commands and Mappings {{{1 command! -nargs=+ LetIfUndef call s:LetIfUndef() " Commands and Mappings }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Functions {{{1 " Note: most functions are best placed into " autoload/«your-initials»/«let».vim " Keep here only the functions are are required when the plugin is loaded, " like functions that help building a vim-menu for this plugin. function! s:LetIfUndef(var, value) if !exists(a:var) let {a:var} = eval(a:value) endif endfunction " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: plugin/lhvl.vim [[[1 48 "============================================================================= " $Id: lhvl.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: plugin/lhvl.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 27th Apr 2010 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Non-function resources from lh-vim-lib " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop the file into {rtp}/plugin " History: " v2.2.1 first version " v3.0.0 GPLv3 " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= " Avoid global reinclusion {{{1 let s:k_version = 300 if &cp || (exists("g:loaded_lhvl") \ && (g:loaded_lhvl >= s:k_version) \ && !exists('g:force_reload_lhvl')) finish endif let g:loaded_lhvl = s:k_version let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim " Avoid global reinclusion }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Commands and Mappings {{{1 " Moved from lh-cpp command! PopSearch :call histdel('search', -1)| let @/=histget('search',-1) " Commands and Mappings }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Functions {{{1 " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: plugin/ui-functions.vim [[[1 490 "============================================================================= " File: plugin/ui-functions.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 18th nov 2002 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (19th Mar 2012) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: Functions for the interaction with a User Interface. " The UI can be graphical or textual. " At first, this was designed to ease the syntax of " mu-template's templates. " " Option: {{{2 " {[bg]:ui_type} " = "g\%[ui]", " = "t\%[ext]" ; the call must not be |:silent| " = "f\%[te]" " }}}2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: Drop this into one of your {rtp}/plugin/ directories. " History: {{{2 " v0.01 Initial Version " v0.02 " (*) Code "factorisations" " (*) Help on enhanced. " (*) Small changes regarding the parameter accepted " (*) Function SWITCH " v0.03 " (*) Small bug fix with INPUT() " v0.04 " (*) New function: WHICH() " v0.05 " (*) In vim7e, inputdialog() returns a trailing '\n'. INPUT() strips the " NL character. " v0.06 " (*) :s/echoerr/throw/ => vim7 only " v2.2.0 " (*) menu to switch the ui_type " v2.2.6 " (*) CONFIRM() and WHICH() accept lists of {choices} " v3.0.0 GPLv3 " " TODO: {{{2 " (*) Save the hl-User1..9 before using them " (*) Possibility other than &statusline: " echohl User1 |echon "bla"|echohl User2|echon "bli"|echohl None " (*) Wraps too long choices-line (length > term-width) " (*) Add to the documentation: "don't use CTRL-C to abort !!" " (*) Look if I need to support 'wildmode' " (*) 3rd mode: return string for FTE " (*) 4th mode: interaction in a scratch buffer " " }}}1 "============================================================================= " Avoid reinclusion {{{1 " if exists("g:loaded_ui_functions") && !exists('g:force_reload_ui_functions') finish endif let g:loaded_ui_functions = 1 let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim " }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " External functions {{{1 " Function: IF(var, then, else) {{{2 function! IF(var,then, else) let o = s:Opt_type() " {{{3 if o =~ 'g\%[ui]\|t\%[ext]' " {{{4 return a:var ? a:then : a:else elseif o =~ 'f\%[te]' " {{{4 return s:if_fte(a:var, a:then, a:else) else " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::IF(): Unkonwn user-interface style (".o.")" endif " }}}3 endfunction " Function: SWITCH(var, case, action [, case, action] [default_action]) {{{2 function! SWITCH(var, ...) let o = s:Opt_type() " {{{3 if o =~ 'g\%[ui]\|t\%[ext]' " {{{4 let explicit_def = ((a:0 % 2) == 1) let default = explicit_def ? a:{a:0} : '' let i = a:0 - 1 - explicit_def while i > 0 if a:var == a:{i} return a:{i+1} endif let i -= 2 endwhile return default elseif o =~ 'f\%[te]' " {{{4 return s:if_fte(a:var, a:then, a:else) else " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::SWITCH(): Unkonwn user-interface style (".o.")" endif " }}}3 endfunction " Function: CONFIRM(text [, choices [, default [, type]]]) {{{2 function! CONFIRM(text, ...) " 1- Check parameters {{{3 if a:0 > 4 " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::CONFIRM(): too many parameters" return 0 endif " build the parameters string {{{4 let i = 1 while i <= a:0 if i == 1 if type(a:1) == type([]) let params = string(join(a:1, "\n")) else let params = 'a:{1}' endif else | let params .= ',a:{'.i.'}' endif let i += 1 endwhile " 2- Choose the correct way to execute according to the option {{{3 let o = s:Opt_type() if o =~ 'g\%[ui]' " {{{4 exe 'return confirm(a:text,'.params.')' elseif o =~ 't\%[ext]' " {{{4 if !has('gui_running') && has('dialog_con') exe 'return confirm(a:text,'.params.')' else exe 'return s:confirm_text("none", a:text,'.params.')' endif elseif o =~ 'f\%[te]' " {{{4 exe 'return s:confirm_fte(a:text,'.params.')' else " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::CONFIRM(): Unkonwn user-interface style (".o.")" endif " }}}3 endfunction " Function: INPUT(prompt [, default ]) {{{2 function! INPUT(prompt, ...) " 1- Check parameters {{{3 if a:0 > 4 " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::INPUT(): too many parameters" return 0 endif " build the parameters string {{{4 let i = 1 | let params = '' while i <= a:0 if i == 1 | let params = 'a:{1}' else | let params .= ',a:{'.i.'}' endif let i += 1 endwhile " 2- Choose the correct way to execute according to the option {{{3 let o = s:Opt_type() if o =~ 'g\%[ui]' " {{{4 exe 'return matchstr(inputdialog(a:prompt,'.params.'), ".\\{-}\\ze\\n\\=$")' elseif o =~ 't\%[ext]' " {{{4 exe 'return input(a:prompt,'.params.')' elseif o =~ 'f\%[te]' " {{{4 exe 'return s:input_fte(a:prompt,'.params.')' else " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::INPUT(): Unkonwn user-interface style (".o.")" endif " }}}3 endfunction " Function: COMBO(prompt, choice [, ... ]) {{{2 function! COMBO(prompt, ...) " 1- Check parameters {{{3 if a:0 > 4 " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::COMBO(): too many parameters" return 0 endif " build the parameters string {{{4 let i = 1 while i <= a:0 if i == 1 | let params = 'a:{1}' else | let params .= ',a:{'.i.'}' endif let i += 1 endwhile " 2- Choose the correct way to execute according to the option {{{3 let o = s:Opt_type() if o =~ 'g\%[ui]' " {{{4 exe 'return confirm(a:prompt,'.params.')' elseif o =~ 't\%[ext]' " {{{4 exe 'return s:confirm_text("combo", a:prompt,'.params.')' elseif o =~ 'f\%[te]' " {{{4 exe 'return s:combo_fte(a:prompt,'.params.')' else " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::COMBO(): Unkonwn user-interface style (".o.")" endif " }}}3 endfunction " Function: WHICH(function, prompt, choice [, ... ]) {{{2 function! WHICH(fn, prompt, ...) " 1- Check parameters {{{3 " build the parameters string {{{4 let i = 1 while i <= a:0 if i == 1 if type(a:1) == type([]) let choices = a:1 else let choices = split(a:1, "\n") endif let params = 'a:{1}' else | let params .= ',a:{'.i.'}' endif let i += 1 endwhile " 2- Execute the function {{{3 exe 'let which = '.a:fn.'(a:prompt,'.params.')' if 0 >= which | return '' else return substitute(choices[which-1], '&', '', '') endif " }}}3 endfunction " Function: CHECK(prompt, choice [, ... ]) {{{2 function! CHECK(prompt, ...) " 1- Check parameters {{{3 if a:0 > 4 " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::CHECK(): too many parameters" return 0 endif " build the parameters string {{{4 let i = 1 while i <= a:0 if i == 1 | let params = 'a:{1}' else | let params .= ',a:{'.i.'}' endif let i += 1 endwhile " 2- Choose the correct way to execute according to the option {{{3 let o = s:Opt_type() if o =~ 'g\%[ui]' " {{{4 exe 'return s:confirm_text("check", a:prompt,'.params.')' elseif o =~ 't\%[ext]' " {{{4 exe 'return s:confirm_text("check", a:prompt,'.params.')' elseif o =~ 'f\%[te]' " {{{4 exe 'return s:check_fte(a:prompt,'.params.')' else " {{{4 throw "UI-Fns::CHECK(): Unkonwn user-interface style (".o.")" endif " }}}3 endfunction " }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Options setting {{{1 let s:OptionData = { \ "variable": "ui_type", \ "idx_crt_value": 1, \ "values": ['gui', 'text', 'fte'], \ "menu": { "priority": '500.2700', "name": '&Plugin.&LH.&UI type'} \} call lh#menu#def_toggle_item(s:OptionData) " }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Internal functions {{{1 function! s:Option(name, default) " {{{2 if exists('b:ui_'.a:name) | return b:ui_{a:name} elseif exists('g:ui_'.a:name) | return g:ui_{a:name} else | return a:default endif endfunction function! s:Opt_type() " {{{2 return s:Option('type', 'gui') endfunction " " Function: s:status_line(current, hl [, choices] ) {{{2 " a:current: current item " a:hl : Generic, Warning, Error function! s:status_line(current, hl, ...) " Highlightning {{{3 if a:hl == "Generic" | let hl = '%1*' elseif a:hl == "Warning" | let hl = '%2*' elseif a:hl == "Error" | let hl = '%3*' elseif a:hl == "Info" | let hl = '%4*' elseif a:hl == "Question" | let hl = '%5*' else | let hl = '%1*' endif " Build the string {{{3 let sl_choices = '' | let i = 1 while i <= a:0 if i == a:current let sl_choices .= ' '. hl . \ substitute(a:{i}, '&\(.\)', '%6*\1'.hl, '') . '%* ' else let sl_choices .= ' ' . \ substitute(a:{i}, '&\(.\)', '%6*\1%*', '') . ' ' endif let i += 1 endwhile " }}}3 return sl_choices endfunction " Function: s:confirm_text(box, text [, choices [, default [, type]]]) {{{2 function! s:confirm_text(box, text, ...) let help = "///////" " 1- Retrieve the parameters {{{3 let choices = ((a:0>=1) ? a:1 : '&Ok') let default = ((a:0>=2) ? a:2 : (('check' == a:box) ? 0 : 1)) let type = ((a:0>=3) ? a:3 : 'Generic') if 'none' == a:box | let prefix = '' elseif 'combo' == a:box | let prefix = '( )_' elseif 'check' == a:box | let prefix = '[ ]_' let help = '/ '.help else | let prefix = '' endif " 2- Retrieve the proposed choices {{{3 " Prepare the hot keys let i = 0 while i != 26 let hotkey_{nr2char(i+65)} = 0 let i += 1 endwhile let hotkeys = '' | let help_k = '/' " Parse the choices let i = 0 while choices != "" let i += 1 let item = matchstr(choices, "^.\\{-}\\ze\\(\n\\|$\\)") let choices = matchstr(choices, "\n\\zs.*$") " exe 'anoremenu ]'.a:text.'.'.item.' :let s:choice ='.i.'' if ('check' == a:box) && (strlen(default)>=i) && (1 == default[i-1]) " let choice_{i} = '[X]' . substitute(item, '&', '', '') let choice_{i} = '[X]_' . item else " let choice_{i} = prefix . substitute(item, '&', '', '') let choice_{i} = prefix . item endif if i == 1 let list_choices = 'choice_{1}' else let list_choices .= ',choice_{'.i.'}' endif " Update the hotkey. let key = toupper(matchstr(choice_{i}, '&\zs.\ze')) let hotkey_{key} = i let hotkeys .= tolower(key) . toupper(key) let help_k .= tolower(key) endwhile let nb_choices = i if default > nb_choices | let default = nb_choices | endif " 3- Run an interactive text menu {{{3 " Note: emenu can not be used through ":exe" {{{4 " let wcm = &wcm " set wcm= " exe ':emenu ]'.a:text.'.'."" " let &wcm = wcm " 3.1- Preparations for the statusline {{{4 " save the statusline let sl = &l:statusline " Color schemes for selected item {{{5 :hi User1 term=inverse,bold cterm=inverse,bold ctermfg=Yellow \ guifg=Black guibg=Yellow :hi User2 term=inverse,bold cterm=inverse,bold ctermfg=LightRed \ guifg=Black guibg=LightRed :hi User3 term=inverse,bold cterm=inverse,bold ctermfg=Red \ guifg=Black guibg=Red :hi User4 term=inverse,bold cterm=inverse,bold ctermfg=Cyan \ guifg=Black guibg=Cyan :hi User5 term=inverse,bold cterm=inverse,bold ctermfg=LightYellow \ guifg=Black guibg=LightYellow :hi User6 term=inverse,bold cterm=inverse,bold ctermfg=LightGray \ guifg=DarkRed guibg=LightGray " }}}5 " 3.2- Interactive loop {{{4 let help = "\r-- Keys available (".help_k.help.")" " item selected at the start let i = ('check' != a:box) ? default : 1 let direction = 0 | let toggle = 0 while 1 if 'combo' == a:box let choice_{i} = substitute(choice_{i}, '^( )', '(*)', '') endif " Colored statusline " Note: unfortunately the 'statusline' is a global option, {{{ " not a local one. I the hope that may change, as it does not provokes any " error, I use '&l:statusline'. }}} exe 'let &l:statusline=s:status_line(i, type,'. list_choices .')' if has(':redrawstatus') redrawstatus! else redraw! endif " Echo the current selection echo "\r". a:text.' '.substitute(choice_{i}, '&', '', '') " Wait the user to hit a key let key=getchar() let complType=nr2char(key) " If the key hit matched awaited keys ... if -1 != stridx(" \\\".hotkeys,complType) || \ (key =~ "\\\|\\\|\\\|\") if key == "\" " Help {{{5 redraw! echohl StatusLineNC echo help echohl None let key=getchar() let complType=nr2char(key) endif " TODO: support CTRL-D if complType == "\" " Validate {{{5 break elseif complType == " " " check box {{{5 let toggle = 1 elseif complType == "\" " Abort {{{5 let i = -1 | break elseif complType == "\" || key == "\" " Next {{{5 let direction = 1 elseif key =~ "\\\|\" " Previous {{{5 let direction = -1 elseif -1 != stridx(hotkeys, complType ) " Hotkeys {{{5 if '' == complType | continue | endif let direction = hotkey_{toupper(complType)} - i let toggle = 1 " else endif " }}}5 endif if direction != 0 " {{{5 if 'combo' == a:box let choice_{i} = substitute(choice_{i}, '^(\*)', '( )', '') endif let i += direction if i > nb_choices | let i = 1 elseif i == 0 | let i = nb_choices endif let direction = 0 endif if toggle == 1 " {{{5 if 'check' == a:box let choice_{i} = ((choice_{i}[1] == ' ')? '[X]' : '[ ]') \ . strpart(choice_{i}, 3) endif let toggle = 0 endif endwhile " }}}4 " 4- Terminate {{{3 " Clear screen redraw! " Restore statusline let &l:statusline=sl " Return if (i == -1) || ('check' != a:box) return i else let r = '' | let i = 1 while i <= nb_choices let r .= ((choice_{i}[1] == 'X') ? '1' : '0') let i += 1 endwhile return r endif endfunction " }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Functions that insert fte statements {{{1 " Function: s:if_fte(var, then, else) {{{2 " Function: s:confirm_fte(text, [, choices [, default [, type]]]) {{{2 " Function: s:input_fte(prompt [, default]) {{{2 " Function: s:combo_fte(prompt, choice [, ...]) {{{2 " Function: s:check_fte(prompt, choice [, ...]) {{{2 " }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: plugin/words_tools.vim [[[1 105 " File: plugin/words_tools.vim " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ (19th Mar 2012) " Purpose: Define functions better than expand("") " " Note: They are expected to be used in insert mode (thanks to " or ) " "=========================================================================== " Return the current keyword, uses spaces to delimitate {{{1 function! GetNearestKeyword() let c = col ('.')-1 let ll = getline('.') let ll1 = strpart(ll,0,c) let ll1 = matchstr(ll1,'\k*$') let ll2 = strpart(ll,c,strlen(ll)-c+1) let ll2 = matchstr(ll2,'^\k*') " let ll2 = strpart(ll2,0,match(ll2,'$\|\s')) return ll1.ll2 endfunction " Return the current word, uses spaces to delimitate {{{1 function! GetNearestWord() let c = col ('.')-1 let l = line('.') let ll = getline(l) let ll1 = strpart(ll,0,c) let ll1 = matchstr(ll1,'\S*$') let ll2 = strpart(ll,c,strlen(ll)-c+1) let ll2 = strpart(ll2,0,match(ll2,'$\|\s')) ""echo ll1.ll2 return ll1.ll2 endfunction " Return the word before the cursor, uses spaces to delimitate {{{1 " Rem : is the word under or after the cursor function! GetCurrentWord() let c = col ('.')-1 let l = line('.') let ll = getline(l) let ll1 = strpart(ll,0,c) let ll1 = matchstr(ll1,'\S*$') if strlen(ll1) == 0 return ll1 else let ll2 = strpart(ll,c,strlen(ll)-c+1) let ll2 = strpart(ll2,0,match(ll2,'$\|\s')) return ll1.ll2 endif endfunction " Return the keyword before the cursor, uses \k to delimitate {{{1 " Rem : is the word under or after the cursor function! GetCurrentKeyword() let c = col ('.')-1 let l = line('.') let ll = getline(l) let ll1 = strpart(ll,0,c) let ll1 = matchstr(ll1,'\k*$') if strlen(ll1) == 0 return ll1 else let ll2 = strpart(ll,c,strlen(ll)-c+1) let ll2 = matchstr(ll2,'^\k*') " let ll2 = strpart(ll2,0,match(ll2,'$\|\s')) return ll1.ll2 endif endfunction " Extract the word before the cursor, {{{1 " use keyword definitions, skip latter spaces (see "bla word_accepted ") function! GetPreviousWord() let lig = getline(line('.')) let lig = strpart(lig,0,col('.')-1) return matchstr(lig, '\<\k*\>\s*$') endfunction " GetLikeCTRL_W() retrieves the characters that i_CTRL-W deletes. {{{1 " Initial need by Hari Krishna Dara " Last ver: " Pb: "if strlen(w) == " --> ") == " instead of just "== ". " There still exists a bug regarding the last char of a line. VIM bug ? function! GetLikeCTRL_W() let lig = getline(line('.')) let lig = strpart(lig,0,col('.')-1) " treat ending spaces apart. let s = matchstr(lig, '\s*$') let lig = strpart(lig, 0, strlen(lig)-strlen(s)) " First case : last characters belong to a "word" let w = matchstr(lig, '\<\k\+\>$') if strlen(w) == 0 " otherwise, they belong to a "non word" (without any space) let w = substitute(lig, '.*\(\k\|\s\)', '', 'g') endif return w . s endfunction " }}}1 "======================================================================== " vim60: set fdm=marker: tests/lh/function.vim [[[1 288 "============================================================================= " $Id: function.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: tests/lh/function.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 03rd Nov 2008 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Tests for autoload/lh/function.vim " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: «install details» " History: «history» " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= UTSuite [lh-vim-lib] Testing lh#function plugin runtime autoload/lh/function.vim let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! Test(...) let nb = len(a:000) " echo "test(".nb.':' .join(a:000, ' -- ')')' let i =0 while i!= len(a:000) echo "Test: type(".i.")=".type(a:000[i]).' --> '. string(a:000[i]) let i += 1 endwhile endfunction function! Print(...) let res = lh#list#accumulate([1,2,'foo'], 'string', 'join(v:1_, " ## ")') return res endfunction function! Id(...) return copy(a:000) endfunction function! s:TestId() let r = Id(1, 'string', [0], [[1]], {'ffo':42}, function('exists'), 1.2) Assert! len(r) == 7 Assert! should#be#number (r[0]) Assert! should#be#string (r[1]) Assert! should#be#list (r[2]) Assert! should#be#list (r[3]) Assert! should#be#dict (r[4]) Assert! should#be#funcref(r[5]) Assert! should#be#float (r[6]) Assert r[0] == 1 Assert r[1] == 'string' Assert r[2] == [0] Assert r[3] == [[1]] Assert r[4].ffo == 42 Assert r[5] == function('exists') Assert r[6] == 1.2 endfunction function! s:Test_bind() " lh#function#bind + lh#function#execute let rev4 = lh#function#bind(function('Id'), 'v:4_', 42, 'v:3_', 'v:2_', 'v:1_') let r = lh#function#execute(rev4, 1,'two','three', [4,5]) Assert! len(r) == 5 Assert! should#be#list (r[0]) Assert! should#be#number (r[1]) Assert! should#be#string (r[2]) Assert! should#be#string (r[3]) Assert! should#be#number (r[4]) Assert r[0] == [4,5] Assert r[1] == 42 Assert r[2] == 'three' Assert r[3] == 'two' Assert r[4] == 1 endfunction function! s:Test_bind_compound_vars() " lh#function#bind + lh#function#execute let rev4 = lh#function#bind(function('Id'), 'v:4_', 'v:1_ . v:2_', 'v:3_', 'v:2_', 'v:1_') let r = lh#function#execute(rev4, 1,'two','three', [4,5]) Assert! len(r) == 5 Assert! should#be#list (r[0]) Assert! should#be#string (r[1]) Assert! should#be#string (r[2]) Assert! should#be#string (r[3]) Assert! should#be#number (r[4]) Assert r[0] == [4,5] Assert r[1] == '1two' Assert r[2] == 'three' Assert r[3] == 'two' Assert r[4] == 1 endfunction function! s:Test_execute_func_string_name() " function name as string let r = lh#function#execute('Id', 1,'two',3) Assert! len(r) == 3 Assert! should#be#number (r[0]) Assert! should#be#string (r[1]) Assert! should#be#number (r[2]) Assert r[0] == 1 Assert r[1] == 'two' Assert r[2] == 3 endfunction function! s:Test_execute_string_expr() " exp as binded-string let r = lh#function#execute('Id(12,len(v:2_).v:2_, 42, v:3_, v:1_)', 1,'two',3) Assert! len(r) == 5 Assert! should#be#number (r[0]) Assert! should#be#string (r[1]) Assert! should#be#number (r[2]) Assert! should#be#number (r[3]) Assert! should#be#number (r[4]) Assert r[0] == 12 Assert r[1] == len('two').'two' Assert r[2] == 42 Assert r[3] == 3 Assert r[4] == 1 endfunction function! s:Test_execute_func() " calling a function() + bind let r = lh#function#execute(function('Id'), 1,'two','v:1_',['a',42]) Assert! len(r) == 4 Assert! should#be#number (r[0]) Assert! should#be#string (r[1]) Assert! should#be#string (r[2]) Assert! should#be#list (r[3]) Assert r[0] == 1 Assert r[1] == 'two' Assert r[2] == 'v:1_' Assert r[3] == ['a', 42] endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:Test_bind_func_string_name_AND_execute() " function name as string let rev3 = lh#function#bind('Id', 'v:3_', 12, 'v:2_', 'v:1_') let r = lh#function#execute(rev3, 1,'two',3) Assert! len(r) == 4 Assert! should#be#number (r[0]) Assert! should#be#number (r[1]) Assert! should#be#string (r[2]) Assert! should#be#number (r[3]) Assert r[0] == 3 Assert r[1] == 12 Assert r[2] == 'two' Assert r[3] == 1 endfunction function! s:Test_bind_string_expr_AND_execute() " expressions as string let rev3 = lh#function#bind('Id(12,len(v:2_).v:2_, 42, v:3_, v:1_)') let r = lh#function#execute(rev3, 1,'two',3) Assert! len(r) == 5 Assert! should#be#number (r[0]) Assert! should#be#string (r[1]) Assert! should#be#number (r[2]) Assert! should#be#number (r[3]) Assert! should#be#number (r[4]) Assert r[0] == 12 Assert r[1] == len('two').'two' Assert r[2] == 42 Assert r[3] == 3 Assert r[4] == 1 endfunction function! s:Test_double_bind_func_name() let f1 = lh#function#bind('Id', 1, 2, 'v:1_', 4, 'v:2_') " Comment "f1=".string(f1) let r = lh#function#execute(f1, 3, 5) Assert! len(r) == 5 let i = 0 while i != len(r) Assert! should#be#number (r[i]) Assert r[i] == i+1 let i += 1 endwhile " f2 let f2 = lh#function#bind(f1, 'v:1_', 5) " Comment "f2=f1(v:1_, 5)=".string(f2) let r = lh#function#execute(f2, 3) Assert! len(r) == 5 let i = 0 while i != len(r) Assert! should#be#number (r[i]) " echo "?? ".(r[i])."==".(i+1) Assert r[i] == i+1 let i += 1 endwhile endfunction function! s:Test_double_bind_func() let f1 = lh#function#bind(function('Id'), 1, 2, 'v:1_', 4, 'v:2_') " Comment "f1=".string(f1) let r = lh#function#execute(f1, 3, 5) Assert! len(r) == 5 let i = 0 while i != len(r) Assert! should#be#number (r[i]) Assert r[i] == i+1 let i += 1 endwhile " f2 let f2 = lh#function#bind(f1, 'v:1_', 5) " Comment "f2=f1(v:1_, 5)=".string(f2) let r = lh#function#execute(f2, 3) Assert! len(r) == 5 let i = 0 while i != len(r) Assert! should#be#number (r[i]) Assert r[i] == i+1 let i += 1 endwhile endfunction function! s:Test_double_bind_func_cplx() let g:bar = "bar" let f1 = lh#function#bind(function('Id'), 1, 2, 'v:1_', 4, 'v:2_', 'v:3_', 'v:4_', 'v:5_', 'v:6_', 'v:7_') " Comment "2bcpl# f1=".string(f1) let f2 = lh#function#bind(f1, 'len(g:bar.v:1_)+v:1_', [1,2], '[v:1_, v:2_]', 4,5,6,7) " let f2 = lh#function#bind(f1, 'v:1_', 5, 'foo', g:bar, 'len(g:bar.v:1_)+v:1_', [1,2], '[v:1_, v:2_]') " Comment "2bcpl# f2=f1(v:1_, 5)=".string(f2) let r = lh#function#execute(f2, 42, "foo") Assert! 0 && "not ready" Comment "2bcpl# ".string(r) endfunction function! s:Test_double_bind_expr() let f1 = lh#function#bind('Id(1, 2, v:1_, v:3_, v:2_)') Comment "2be# f1=".string(f1) let r = lh#function#execute(f1, 3, 5, 4) Comment "2be# ".string(r) Assert! len(r) == 5 let i = 0 while i != len(r) Assert! should#be#number (r[i]) Assert r[i] == i+1 let i += 1 endwhile " f2 let f2 = lh#function#bind(f1, 'v:1_', '"foo"', []) Comment "2be# f2=f1(v:1_, 5)=".string(f2) let r = lh#function#execute(f2, 3) Comment "2be# ".string(r) Assert! len(r) == 5 let i = 0 while i != len(r)-2 Assert! should#be#number (r[i]) Assert r[i] == i+1 let i += 1 endwhile Assert! should#be#list (r[-2]) Assert r[-2] == [] Assert! should#be#string (r[-1]) Assert r[-1] == 'foo' endfunction "todo: write double-binded tests for all kind of binded parameters: " 'len(g:bar)' " 42 " [] " v:1_ + len(v:2_.v:3_) " '"foo"' " v:1_ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: tests/lh/list.vim [[[1 167 "============================================================================= " $Id: list.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: tests/lh/list.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 19th Nov 2008 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Tests for autoload/lh/list.vim " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: «install details» " History: «history» " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= UTSuite [lh-vim-lib] Testing lh#list functions runtime autoload/lh/function.vim runtime autoload/lh/list.vim let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Find_if function! s:Test_Find_If_string_predicate() :let b = { 'min': 12, 'max': 42 } :let l = [ 1, 5, 48, 25, 5, 28, 6] :let i = lh#list#Find_if(l, 'v:val>v:1_.min && v:val12 && v:1_<42 && v:1_%2==0') " echo i . '/' . len(l) Assert i == 5 Assert l[i] == 28 " :echo l[i] endfunction function! s:Test_find_if_double_bind() :let b = { 'min': 12, 'max': 42 } :let l = [ 1, 5, 48, 25, 5, 28, 6] :let f = lh#function#bind( 'v:3_>v:1_.min && v:3_ 5") " Comment string(s) Assert s == expected endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " subset function! s:Test_subset() :let l = [ 1, 25, 5, 48, 25, 5, 28, 6] :let indices = [ 0, 5, 7, 3 ] :let expected = [ 1, 5, 6, 48 ] :let s = lh#list#subset(l, indices) " Comment string(s) Assert s == expected endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " intersect function! s:Test_intersect() :let l1 = [ 1, 25, 7, 48, 26, 5, 28, 6] :let l2 = [ 3, 8, 7, 25, 6 ] :let expected = [ 25, 7, 6 ] :let s = lh#list#intersect(l1, l2) " Comment string(s) Assert s == expected endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: tests/lh/path.vim [[[1 180 "============================================================================= " $Id: path.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: tests/lh/path.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 28th May 2009 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Tests for autoload/lh/path.vim " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: «install details» " History: «history» " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= UTSuite [lh-vim-lib] Testing lh#path functions runtime autoload/lh/path.vim let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:Test_simplify() Assert lh#path#simplify('a/b/c') == 'a/b/c' Assert lh#path#simplify('a/b/./c') == 'a/b/c' Assert lh#path#simplify('./a/b/./c') == 'a/b/c' Assert lh#path#simplify('./a/../b/./c') == 'b/c' Assert lh#path#simplify('../a/../b/./c') == '../b/c' Assert lh#path#simplify('a\b\c') == 'a\b\c' Assert lh#path#simplify('a\b\.\c') == 'a\b\c' Assert lh#path#simplify('.\a\b\.\c') == 'a\b\c' if exists('+shellslash') Assert lh#path#simplify('.\a\..\b\.\c') == 'b\c' Assert lh#path#simplify('..\a\..\b\.\c') == '..\b\c' endif endfunction function! s:Test_strip_common() let paths = ['foo/bar/file', 'foo/file', 'foo/foo/file'] let expected = [ 'bar/file', 'file', 'foo/file'] Assert lh#path#strip_common(paths) == expected endfunction function! s:Test_common() " Pick one ... Assert 'foo/' == lh#path#common(['foo/bar/dir', 'foo']) Assert 'foo/bar/' == lh#path#common(['foo/bar/dir', 'foo/bar']) Assert 'foo/' == lh#path#common(['foo/bar/dir', 'foo/bar2']) Assert 'foo' == lh#path#common(['foo/bar/dir', 'foo']) Assert 'foo/bar' == lh#path#common(['foo/bar/dir', 'foo/bar']) Assert 'foo' == lh#path#common(['foo/bar/dir', 'foo/bar2']) endfunction function! s:Test_strip_start() let expected = 'template/bar.template' Assert lh#path#strip_start($HOME.'/.vim/template/bar.template', \ [ $HOME.'/.vim', $HOME.'/vimfiles', '/usr/local/share/vim' ]) \ == expected Assert lh#path#strip_start($HOME.'/vimfiles/template/bar.template', \ [ $HOME.'/.vim', $HOME.'/vimfiles', '/usr/local/share/vim' ]) \ == expected Assert lh#path#strip_start('/usr/local/share/vim/template/bar.template', \ [ $HOME.'/.vim', $HOME.'/vimfiles', '/usr/local/share/vim' ]) \ == expected endfunction function! s:Test_IsAbsolutePath() " nix paths Assert lh#path#is_absolute_path('/usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_absolute_path($HOME) Assert ! lh#path#is_absolute_path('./usr/local') Assert ! lh#path#is_absolute_path('.usr/local') " windows paths Assert lh#path#is_absolute_path('e:\usr\local') Assert ! lh#path#is_absolute_path('.\usr\local') Assert ! lh#path#is_absolute_path('.usr\local') " UNC paths Assert lh#path#is_absolute_path('\\usr\local') Assert lh#path#is_absolute_path('//usr/local') endfunction function! s:Test_IsURL() " nix paths Assert ! lh#path#is_url('/usr/local') Assert ! lh#path#is_url($HOME) Assert ! lh#path#is_url('./usr/local') Assert ! lh#path#is_url('.usr/local') " windows paths Assert ! lh#path#is_url('e:\usr\local') Assert ! lh#path#is_url('.\usr\local') Assert ! lh#path#is_url('.usr\local') " UNC paths Assert ! lh#path#is_url('\\usr\local') Assert ! lh#path#is_url('//usr/local') " URLs Assert lh#path#is_url('http://www.usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_url('https://www.usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_url('ftp://www.usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_url('sftp://www.usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_url('dav://www.usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_url('fetch://www.usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_url('file://www.usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_url('rcp://www.usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_url('rsynch://www.usr/local') Assert lh#path#is_url('scp://www.usr/local') endfunction function! s:Test_ToRelative() let pwd = getcwd() Assert lh#path#to_relative(pwd.'/foo/bar') == 'foo/bar' Assert lh#path#to_relative(pwd.'/./foo') == 'foo' Assert lh#path#to_relative(pwd.'/foo/../bar') == 'bar' " Does not work yet as it returns an absolute path it that case Assert lh#path#to_relative(pwd.'/../bar') == '../bar' endfunction function! s:Test_relative_path() Assert lh#path#relative_to('foo/bar/dir', 'foo') == '../../' Assert lh#path#relative_to('foo', 'foo/bar/dir') == 'bar/dir/' Assert lh#path#relative_to('foo/bar', 'foo/bar2/dir') == '../bar2/dir/' let pwd = getcwd() Assert lh#path#relative_to(pwd ,pwd.'/../bar') == '../bar/' endfunction function! s:Test_search_vimfiles() let expected_win = $HOME . '/vimfiles' let expected_nix = $HOME . '/.vim' let what = lh#path#to_regex($HOME.'/').'\(vimfiles\|.vim\)' " Comment what let z = lh#path#find(&rtp,what) if has('win16')||has('win32')||has('win64') Assert z == expected_win else Assert z == expected_nix endif endfunction function! s:Test_path_depth() Assert 0 == lh#path#depth('.') Assert 0 == lh#path#depth('./') Assert 0 == lh#path#depth('.\') Assert 1 == lh#path#depth('toto') Assert 1 == lh#path#depth('toto/') Assert 1 == lh#path#depth('toto\') Assert 1 == lh#path#depth('toto/.') Assert 1 == lh#path#depth('toto\.') Assert 1 == lh#path#depth('toto/./.') Assert 1 == lh#path#depth('toto\.\.') Assert 0 == lh#path#depth('toto/..') if exists('+shellslash') Assert 0 == lh#path#depth('toto\..') endif Assert 2 == lh#path#depth('toto/titi/') Assert 2 == lh#path#depth('toto\titi\') Assert 2 == lh#path#depth('/toto/titi/') Assert 2 == lh#path#depth('c:/toto/titi/') Assert 2 == lh#path#depth('c:\toto/titi/') " todo: make a choice about "negative" paths like "../../foo" Assert -1 == lh#path#depth('../../foo') endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: tests/lh/test-Fargs2String.vim [[[1 85 "============================================================================= " $Id: test-Fargs2String.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: tests/lh/test-Fargs2String.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 16th Apr 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: Tests for lh-vim-lib . lh#command#Fargs2String " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Relies on the version «patched by myself|1?» of vim_units " History: «history» " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= function! s:TestEmpty() let empty = [] let res = lh#command#Fargs2String(empty) call VUAssertEquals(len(empty), 0, 'Expected empty', 22) call VUAssertEquals(res, '', 'Expected empty result', 23) endfunction function! s:TestSimpleText1() let expected = 'text' let one = [ expected ] let res = lh#command#Fargs2String(one) call VUAssertEquals(len(one), 0, 'Expected empty', 27) call VUAssertEquals(res, expected, 'Expected a simple result', 28) endfunction function! s:TestSimpleTextN() let expected = 'text' let list = [ expected , 'stuff1', 'stuff2'] let res = lh#command#Fargs2String(list) call VUAssertEquals(len(list), 2, 'Expected not empty', 38) call VUAssertEquals(res, expected, 'Expected a simple result', 39) endfunction function! s:TestComposedN() let expected = '"a several tokens string"' let list = [ '"a', 'several', 'tokens', 'string"', 'stuff1', 'stuff2'] let res = lh#command#Fargs2String(list) call VUAssertEquals(len(list), 2, 'Expected not empty', 46) call VUAssertEquals(res, expected, 'Expected a composed string', 47) call VUAssertEquals(list, ['stuff1', 'stuff2'], 'Expected a list', 48) call VUAssertNotSame(list, ['stuff1', 'stuff2'], 'Expected different lists', 49) endfunction function! s:TestComposed1() let expected = '"string"' let list = [ '"string"', 'stuff1', 'stuff2'] let res = lh#command#Fargs2String(list) call VUAssertEquals(len(list), 2, 'Expected not empty', 56) call VUAssertEquals(res, expected, 'Expected a string', 57) call VUAssertEquals(list, ['stuff1', 'stuff2'], 'Expected a list', 58) call VUAssertNotSame(list, ['stuff1', 'stuff2'], 'Expected different lists', 59) endfunction function! s:TestInvalidString() let expected = '"a string' let list = [ '"a', 'string'] let res = lh#command#Fargs2String(list) call VUAssertEquals(len(list), 0, 'Expected empty', 66) call VUAssertEquals(res, expected, 'Expected an invalid string', 67) endfunction function! AllTests() call s:TestEmpty() call s:TestSimpleText1() call s:TestSimpleTextN() call s:TestComposed1() call s:TestComposedN() endfunction " call VURunnerRunTest('AllTests') VURun % AllTests "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: tests/lh/test-askmenu.vim [[[1 67 "============================================================================= " $Id: test-askmenu.vim 520 2012-03-19 18:09:15Z luc.hermitte $ " File: tests/test-buffer-menu.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte " " License: GPLv3 with exceptions " " Version: 3.0.0 " Created: 18th Apr 2007 " Last Update: $Date: 2012-03-19 19:09:15 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012) $ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Test units for buffermenu.vim " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: Requires: " (*) Vim 7.0+ " (*) vim_units.vim v0.2/1.0? " Vimscript # «???» " (*) lh-vim-lib (lh#ask#menu) " " User Manual: " Source this file. " " History: " (*) 17th Apr 2007: First version " TODO: «missing features» " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Functions {{{1 function! TestAskMenu() imenu 42.40.10 &LH-Tests.&Menu.&ask.i iask inoremenu 42.40.10 &LH-Tests.&Menu.&ask.inore inoreask nmenu 42.40.10 &LH-Tests.&Menu.&ask.n nask nnoremenu 42.40.10 &LH-Tests.&Menu.&ask.nnore nnoreask nmenu