#!/bin/bash ###################################################### ### things to do AFTER host/user-specific settings ### ###################################################### #shellcheck disable=2120 __bashum__lastrv() { local rvfile # path to return value cache file local lastrv # actual last return value local do_rm # true if we should remove the cache rvfile="$RV_TMP/$$.lastrv" lastrv="$(cat "$rvfile")" do_rm=false test "$1" == "-r" && do_rm=true if [ "0$lastrv" -gt 0 ]; then echo "!$lastrv!" else echo "" fi $do_rm && rm -f "$rvfile" } __bashum__save_rv() { local rvfile="$RV_TMP/$$.lastrv" [ -w "${rvfile%/*}" ] && echo "$1" > "$rvfile" } __bashum__task_context() { $BASHUM_TASK_CTX || return 0 local ctx # TaskWarrior context type -t task >/dev/null || return 1 ctx=$(task _get rc.context) test -n "$ctx" || return echo -n "|$ctx" } #shellcheck disable=SC2154 disable=2016 __bashum__mkps1() { # these functions must be already defined by ~/.bash/user/*.bashrc # and ~/.bash/host/*.bashrc test -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" \ && echo -n "$(__bashum__mkps1user)" # username only when on ssh echo -n "$lwhite@" # nice shiny at sign echo -n "$(__bashum__mkps1host)" # hostname colored per host echo -n "$yellow" #\ echo -n '$(__bashum__task_context)' # > taskwarrior's context echo -n "$normal" #/ echo -n "$lwhite:" # nice shiny colon echo -n "$lblue\w$normal" # current workdir echo -n "$green" #\ echo -n '$(__git_ps1 "(%s)")' # > git's PS1 echo -n "$normal" #/ echo -n "$lred" #\ echo -n '$(__bashum__lastrv -r)' # > last exit status (nothing if zero) echo -n "$normal" #/ echo '$ ' # obligatory dollar } #shellcheck disable=SC2154 __bashum__mkps2() { echo "$lwhite·$blue>$yellow>$white>$normal " } # and use to assemble own PS1 PS1=$(__bashum__mkps1) PS2=$(__bashum__mkps2) __bashum__set_title() { # # Show the currently running command in the terminal title: # # http://www.davidpashley.com/articles/xterm-titles-with-bash.html # case "$BASH_COMMAND" in *"\033]"0*) # The command is trying to set the title bar as well; # this is most likely the execution of $PROMPT_COMMAND. # In any case nested escapes confuse the terminal, so don't # output them. ;; "") echo -ne "\033]0;$(__bashum__mkicon) " echo -n "$(__bashum__lastrv)$(__bashum__mkhostid)$(__bashum__wdir normal)\$" echo -ne "\007" ;; *) echo -ne "\033]0;$(__bashum__mkicon) " echo -n "${BASH_COMMAND} ($(__bashum__mkhostid)$(__bashum__wdir normal))" echo -ne "\007" ;; esac } __bashum__wdir() { # # Create abbreviated form of workdir # local mode=${1:-normal} case $mode:$PWD in shrinky:*) __bashum__shrinkypath "$PWD" ;; normal:*) echo "${PWD/$HOME/\~}" ;; short:$HOME) echo "~" ;; short:$HOME/??????????) echo "${PWD/$HOME/\~}" ;; short:$HOME/*/*) echo "…${PWD##*/}" ;; short:$HOME/*) echo "${PWD/$HOME/\~}" ;; short:*) echo "$PWD" ;; esac } __bashum__shrinkypath() { # # Convert path $1 to small path # local path=$1 case $path in $HOME) echo "~"; return ;; $HOME/*) echo -n "~"; __bashum__shrink_relpath "${path#$HOME/}" ;; *) echo "$path"; return ;; esac } __bashum__shrink_relpath() { # # Shrink relative path according to rules # # Rules are: # # * if path has 7 chars or less, it's left as is and printed; # * else if there is only one element, it's left as is, and path is printed' # * else if there are three or more elements, elements # between first and last are replaced by '...', # * if the first element has 3 chars or less, it's left as is # and path is printed, # * else, the first element is # * broken into words by period, # * and each word, if longer than 2 characters, # is shortened to its first character followed by '...' # * and the shortened elements are joined back by period, # * finally the path is printed (first element shortened. '...', and # last element intact) # local path=$1 local elems local frst local last local elnum test "${#path}" -le 7 && echo -n "$path" && return 0 elems=(${path//// }); elnum=${#elems[@]} frst=${elems[0]} last=${elems[$((elnum-1))]} case $elnum in 0) true ;; # hardly possible (caught by -le 7 above) 1) echo -n "$path"; return ;; 2) __bashum__shrink_elem "$frst"; echo -n "/$last" ;; *) __bashum__shrink_elem "$frst"; echo -n "/…/$last" ;; esac } __bashum__shrink_elem() { # # Shrink element by words # local buff=$1 local word local words local head=true words=(${buff//./ }); wnum=${#words[@]} test "$wnum" -eq 0 && echo -n "$buff" && return 0 for word in "${words[@]}"; do $head || { echo -n .; head=false; } case $word in ?|??) echo -n "$word" ;; *) echo -n "${word:0:1}…" ;; esac done } #shellcheck disable=SC2016 __bashum__mkpc() { # # Compose PROMPT_COMMAND body # echo -n '__bashum__save_rv $?;' case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*|screen*) echo -n 'echo -ne "\033]0;' echo -n "$(__bashum__mkicon) " echo -n '$(__bashum__lastrv)' echo -n "$(__bashum__mkhostid)" echo -n '$(__bashum__wdir shrinky)' echo -n '\$' echo -n '\007"' ;; esac } __bashum__mkicon() { case "$SSH_CONNECTION" in "") echo  ;; *) echo  ;; esac } __bashum__mkhostid() { test -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" || return echo "${HOSTNAME%%.*}:" } __bashum__setup_traps() { case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*|screen*) trap __bashum__set_title DEBUG ;; esac } __bashum__setup_traps PROMPT_COMMAND=$(__bashum__mkpc) $BASHUM_BMO_NAG && bmo nag