123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537 |
- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: Python
- " Maintainer: Dmitry Vasiliev <dima at hlabs dot org>
- " URL: https://github.com/hdima/vim-scripts/blob/master/syntax/python/python.vim
- " Last Change: 2013-03-10
- " Filenames: *.py
- " Version: 3.3.0
- "
- " Based on python.vim (from Vim 6.1 distribution)
- " by Neil Schemenauer <nas at python dot ca>
- "
- " Bugs and feature requests can be reported through email
- " <dima at hlabs dot org>, GitHub at:
- "
- " https://github.com/hdima/vim-scripts/issues
- "
- " , or Twitter:
- "
- " https://twitter.com/hdima
- "
- " Contributors
- " ============
- "
- " Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
- " Pedro Algarvio
- " John Eikenberry
- " Caleb Adamantine
- " Andrea Riciputi
- " Anton Butanaev
- " Marc Weber
- "
- " Options
- " =======
- "
- " :let OPTION_NAME = 1 Enable option
- " :let OPTION_NAME = 0 Disable option
- "
- "
- " Option to select Python version
- " -------------------------------
- "
- " python_version_2 Enable highlighting for Python 2
- " (Python 3 highlighting is enabled
- " by default). Can also be set as
- " a buffer (b:python_version_2)
- " variable.
- "
- " You can also use the following local to buffer commands to switch
- " between two highlighting modes:
- "
- " :Python2Syntax Switch to Python 2 highlighting
- " mode
- " :Python3Syntax Switch to Python 3 highlighting
- " mode
- "
- " Option names used by the script
- " -------------------------------
- "
- " python_highlight_builtins Highlight builtin functions and
- " objects
- " python_highlight_builtin_objs Highlight builtin objects only
- " python_highlight_builtin_funcs Highlight builtin functions only
- " python_highlight_exceptions Highlight standard exceptions
- " python_highlight_string_formatting Highlight
- " python_highlight_string_format Highlight str.format syntax
- " python_highlight_string_templates Highlight string.Template syntax
- " python_highlight_indent_errors Highlight indentation errors
- " python_highlight_space_errors Highlight trailing spaces
- " python_highlight_doctests Highlight doc-tests
- " python_print_as_function Highlight 'print' statement as
- " function for Python 2
- "
- " python_highlight_all Enable all the options above
- " NOTE: This option don't override
- " any previously set options
- "
- " python_slow_sync Can be set to 0 for slow machines
- "
- " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
- " For versions greater than 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
- if version < 600
- syntax clear
- elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- "
- " Commands
- "
- command! -buffer Python2Syntax let b:python_version_2 = 1 | if exists("g:syntax_on") | syn off | endif | syn enable
- command! -buffer Python3Syntax let b:python_version_2 = 0 | if exists("g:syntax_on") | syn off | endif | syn enable
- " Enable option if it's not defined
- function! s:EnableByDefault(name)
- if !exists(a:name)
- let {a:name} = 1
- endif
- endfunction
- " Check if option is enabled
- function! s:Enabled(name)
- return exists(a:name) && {a:name} != 0
- endfunction
- " Is it Python 2 syntax?
- function! s:Python2Syntax()
- return s:Enabled("b:python_version_2") || s:Enabled("g:python_version_2")
- endfunction
- "
- " Default options
- "
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_slow_sync")
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_all")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_builtins")
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_builtins")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_builtin_objs")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_builtin_funcs")
- endif
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_exceptions")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_string_formatting")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_string_format")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_string_templates")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_indent_errors")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_space_errors")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_highlight_doctests")
- call s:EnableByDefault("g:python_print_as_function")
- endif
- "
- " Keywords
- "
- syn keyword pythonStatement break continue del
- syn keyword pythonStatement exec return
- syn keyword pythonStatement pass raise
- syn keyword pythonStatement global assert
- syn keyword pythonStatement lambda yield
- syn keyword pythonStatement with
- syn keyword pythonStatement def class nextgroup=pythonFunction skipwhite
- syn keyword pythonRepeat for while
- syn keyword pythonConditional if elif else
- syn keyword pythonPreCondit import from
- syn keyword pythonException try except finally
- syn keyword pythonOperator and in is not or
- " added by aloism
- syn keyword pythonConvention self
- syn keyword pythonConvention cls
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- if !s:Enabled("g:python_print_as_function")
- syn keyword pythonStatement print
- endif
- syn keyword pythonPreCondit as
- syn match pythonFunction "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" display contained
- else
- syn keyword pythonStatement as nonlocal False None True
- syn match pythonFunction "\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*" display contained
- endif
- "
- " Decorators (new in Python 2.4)
- "
- syn match pythonDecorator "@" display nextgroup=pythonDottedName skipwhite
- syn match pythonDottedName "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\%(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)*" display contained
- syn match pythonDot "\." display containedin=pythonDottedName
- "
- " Comments
- "
- syn match pythonComment "#.*$" display contains=pythonTodo,@Spell
- syn match pythonRun "\%^#!.*$"
- syn match pythonCoding "\%^.*\%(\n.*\)\?#.*coding[:=]\s*[0-9A-Za-z-_.]\+.*$"
- syn keyword pythonTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
- "
- " Errors
- "
- syn match pythonError "\<\d\+\D\+\>" display
- syn match pythonError "[$?]" display
- syn match pythonError "[&|]\{2,}" display
- syn match pythonError "[=]\{3,}" display
- " Mixing spaces and tabs also may be used for pretty formatting multiline
- " statements
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_indent_errors")
- syn match pythonIndentError "^\s*\%( \t\|\t \)\s*\S"me=e-1 display
- endif
- " Trailing space errors
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_space_errors")
- syn match pythonSpaceError "\s\+$" display
- endif
- "
- " Strings
- "
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- " Python 2 strings
- syn region pythonString start=+[bB]\='+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'\|\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,@Spell
- syn region pythonString start=+[bB]\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,@Spell
- syn region pythonString start=+[bB]\="""+ end=+"""+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn region pythonString start=+[bB]\='''+ end=+'''+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,pythonDocTest,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- else
- " Python 3 byte strings
- syn region pythonBytes start=+[bB]'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'\|\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonBytesError,pythonBytesContent,@Spell
- syn region pythonBytes start=+[bB]"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonBytesError,pythonBytesContent,@Spell
- syn region pythonBytes start=+[bB]"""+ end=+"""+ keepend contains=pythonBytesError,pythonBytesContent,pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn region pythonBytes start=+[bB]'''+ end=+'''+ keepend contains=pythonBytesError,pythonBytesContent,pythonDocTest,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn match pythonBytesError ".\+" display contained
- syn match pythonBytesContent "[\u0000-\u00ff]\+" display contained contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError
- endif
- syn match pythonBytesEscape +\\[abfnrtv'"\\]+ display contained
- syn match pythonBytesEscape "\\\o\o\=\o\=" display contained
- syn match pythonBytesEscapeError "\\\o\{,2}[89]" display contained
- syn match pythonBytesEscape "\\x\x\{2}" display contained
- syn match pythonBytesEscapeError "\\x\x\=\X" display contained
- syn match pythonBytesEscape "\\$"
- syn match pythonUniEscape "\\u\x\{4}" display contained
- syn match pythonUniEscapeError "\\u\x\{,3}\X" display contained
- syn match pythonUniEscape "\\U\x\{8}" display contained
- syn match pythonUniEscapeError "\\U\x\{,7}\X" display contained
- syn match pythonUniEscape "\\N{[A-Z ]\+}" display contained
- syn match pythonUniEscapeError "\\N{[^A-Z ]\+}" display contained
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- " Python 2 Unicode strings
- syn region pythonUniString start=+[uU]'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'\|\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,@Spell
- syn region pythonUniString start=+[uU]"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,@Spell
- syn region pythonUniString start=+[uU]"""+ end=+"""+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn region pythonUniString start=+[uU]'''+ end=+'''+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,pythonDocTest,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- else
- " Python 3 strings
- syn region pythonString start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'\|\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,@Spell
- syn region pythonString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,@Spell
- syn region pythonString start=+"""+ end=+"""+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn region pythonString start=+'''+ end=+'''+ keepend contains=pythonBytesEscape,pythonBytesEscapeError,pythonUniEscape,pythonUniEscapeError,pythonDocTest,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- endif
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- " Python 2 Unicode raw strings
- syn region pythonUniRawString start=+[uU][rR]'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'\|\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonRawEscape,pythonUniRawEscape,pythonUniRawEscapeError,@Spell
- syn region pythonUniRawString start=+[uU][rR]"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonRawEscape,pythonUniRawEscape,pythonUniRawEscapeError,@Spell
- syn region pythonUniRawString start=+[uU][rR]"""+ end=+"""+ keepend contains=pythonUniRawEscape,pythonUniRawEscapeError,pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn region pythonUniRawString start=+[uU][rR]'''+ end=+'''+ keepend contains=pythonUniRawEscape,pythonUniRawEscapeError,pythonDocTest,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn match pythonUniRawEscape "\([^\\]\(\\\\\)*\)\@<=\\u\x\{4}" display contained
- syn match pythonUniRawEscapeError "\([^\\]\(\\\\\)*\)\@<=\\u\x\{,3}\X" display contained
- endif
- " Python 2/3 raw strings
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- syn region pythonRawString start=+[bB]\=[rR]'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'\|\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonRawEscape,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawString start=+[bB]\=[rR]"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonRawEscape,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawString start=+[bB]\=[rR]"""+ end=+"""+ keepend contains=pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawString start=+[bB]\=[rR]'''+ end=+'''+ keepend contains=pythonDocTest,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- else
- syn region pythonRawString start=+[rR]'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'\|\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonRawEscape,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawString start=+[rR]"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonRawEscape,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawString start=+[rR]"""+ end=+"""+ keepend contains=pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawString start=+[rR]'''+ end=+'''+ keepend contains=pythonDocTest,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawBytes start=+[bB][rR]'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'\|\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonRawEscape,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawBytes start=+[bB][rR]"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonRawEscape,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawBytes start=+[bB][rR]"""+ end=+"""+ keepend contains=pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- syn region pythonRawBytes start=+[bB][rR]'''+ end=+'''+ keepend contains=pythonDocTest,pythonSpaceError,@Spell
- endif
- syn match pythonRawEscape +\\['"]+ display transparent contained
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_string_formatting")
- "
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- syn match pythonStrFormatting "
- syn match pythonStrFormatting "
- else
- syn match pythonStrFormatting "
- syn match pythonStrFormatting "
- endif
- endif
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_string_format")
- " str.format syntax
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- syn match pythonStrFormat "{{\|}}" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonUniString,pythonUniRawString,pythonRawString
- syn match pythonStrFormat "{\%(\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*\|\d\+\)\=\%(\.\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*\|\[\%(\d\+\|[^!:\}]\+\)\]\)*\%(![rsa]\)\=\%(:\%({\%(\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*\|\d\+\)}\|\%([^}]\=[<>=^]\)\=[ +-]\=#\=0\=\d*,\=\%(\.\d\+\)\=[bcdeEfFgGnosxX%]\=\)\=\)\=}" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonUniString,pythonUniRawString,pythonRawString
- else
- syn match pythonStrFormat "{{\|}}" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonRawString
- syn match pythonStrFormat "{\%(\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*\|\d\+\)\=\%(\.\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*\|\[\%(\d\+\|[^!:\}]\+\)\]\)*\%(![rsa]\)\=\%(:\%({\%(\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*\|\d\+\)}\|\%([^}]\=[<>=^]\)\=[ +-]\=#\=0\=\d*,\=\%(\.\d\+\)\=[bcdeEfFgGnosxX%]\=\)\=\)\=}" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonRawString
- endif
- endif
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_string_templates")
- " string.Template format
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- syn match pythonStrTemplate "\$\$" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonUniString,pythonUniRawString,pythonRawString
- syn match pythonStrTemplate "\${[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*}" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonUniString,pythonUniRawString,pythonRawString
- syn match pythonStrTemplate "\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonUniString,pythonUniRawString,pythonRawString
- else
- syn match pythonStrTemplate "\$\$" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonRawString
- syn match pythonStrTemplate "\${[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*}" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonRawString
- syn match pythonStrTemplate "\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" contained containedin=pythonString,pythonRawString
- endif
- endif
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_doctests")
- " DocTests
- syn region pythonDocTest start="^\s*>>>" end=+'''+he=s-1 end="^\s*$" contained
- syn region pythonDocTest2 start="^\s*>>>" end=+"""+he=s-1 end="^\s*$" contained
- endif
- "
- " Numbers (ints, longs, floats, complex)
- "
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- syn match pythonHexError "\<0[xX]\x*[g-zG-Z]\+\x*[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonOctError "\<0[oO]\=\o*\D\+\d*[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonBinError "\<0[bB][01]*\D\+\d*[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonHexNumber "\<0[xX]\x\+[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonOctNumber "\<0[oO]\o\+[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonBinNumber "\<0[bB][01]\+[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonNumberError "\<\d\+\D[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonNumber "\<\d[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonNumber "\<[0-9]\d\+[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonNumber "\<\d\+[lLjJ]\>" display
- syn match pythonOctError "\<0[oO]\=\o*[8-9]\d*[lL]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonBinError "\<0[bB][01]*[2-9]\d*[lL]\=\>" display
- else
- syn match pythonHexError "\<0[xX]\x*[g-zG-Z]\x*\>" display
- syn match pythonOctError "\<0[oO]\=\o*\D\+\d*\>" display
- syn match pythonBinError "\<0[bB][01]*\D\+\d*\>" display
- syn match pythonHexNumber "\<0[xX]\x\+\>" display
- syn match pythonOctNumber "\<0[oO]\o\+\>" display
- syn match pythonBinNumber "\<0[bB][01]\+\>" display
- syn match pythonNumberError "\<\d\+\D\>" display
- syn match pythonNumberError "\<0\d\+\>" display
- syn match pythonNumber "\<\d\>" display
- syn match pythonNumber "\<[1-9]\d\+\>" display
- syn match pythonNumber "\<\d\+[jJ]\>" display
- syn match pythonOctError "\<0[oO]\=\o*[8-9]\d*\>" display
- syn match pythonBinError "\<0[bB][01]*[2-9]\d*\>" display
- endif
- syn match pythonFloat "\.\d\+\%([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=[jJ]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonFloat "\<\d\+[eE][+-]\=\d\+[jJ]\=\>" display
- syn match pythonFloat "\<\d\+\.\d*\%([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=[jJ]\=" display
- "
- " Builtin objects and types
- "
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_builtin_objs")
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinObj True False None
- endif
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinObj Ellipsis NotImplemented
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinObj __debug__ __doc__ __file__ __name__ __package__
- endif
- "
- " Builtin functions
- "
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_builtin_funcs")
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc apply basestring buffer callable coerce
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc execfile file help intern long raw_input
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc reduce reload unichr unicode xrange
- if s:Enabled("g:python_print_as_function")
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc print
- endif
- else
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc ascii exec memoryview print
- endif
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc __import__ abs all any
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc bin bool bytearray bytes
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc chr classmethod cmp compile complex
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc delattr dict dir divmod enumerate eval
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc filter float format frozenset getattr
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc globals hasattr hash hex id
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc input int isinstance
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc issubclass iter len list locals map max
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc min next object oct open ord
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc pow property range
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc repr reversed round set setattr
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc slice sorted staticmethod str sum super tuple
- syn keyword pythonBuiltinFunc type vars zip
- endif
- "
- " Builtin exceptions and warnings
- "
- if s:Enabled("g:python_highlight_exceptions")
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- syn keyword pythonExClass StandardError
- else
- syn keyword pythonExClass BlockingIOError ChildProcessError
- syn keyword pythonExClass ConnectionError BrokenPipeError
- syn keyword pythonExClass ConnectionAbortedError ConnectionRefusedError
- syn keyword pythonExClass ConnectionResetError FileExistsError
- syn keyword pythonExClass FileNotFoundError InterruptedError
- syn keyword pythonExClass IsADirectoryError NotADirectoryError
- syn keyword pythonExClass PermissionError ProcessLookupError TimeoutError
- syn keyword pythonExClass ResourceWarning
- endif
- syn keyword pythonExClass StandardError
- syn keyword pythonExClass BaseException
- syn keyword pythonExClass Exception ArithmeticError
- syn keyword pythonExClass LookupError EnvironmentError
- syn keyword pythonExClass AssertionError AttributeError BufferError EOFError
- syn keyword pythonExClass FloatingPointError GeneratorExit IOError
- syn keyword pythonExClass ImportError IndexError KeyError
- syn keyword pythonExClass KeyboardInterrupt MemoryError NameError
- syn keyword pythonExClass NotImplementedError OSError OverflowError
- syn keyword pythonExClass ReferenceError RuntimeError StopIteration
- syn keyword pythonExClass SyntaxError IndentationError TabError
- syn keyword pythonExClass SystemError SystemExit TypeError
- syn keyword pythonExClass UnboundLocalError UnicodeError
- syn keyword pythonExClass UnicodeEncodeError UnicodeDecodeError
- syn keyword pythonExClass UnicodeTranslateError ValueError VMSError
- syn keyword pythonExClass WindowsError ZeroDivisionError
- syn keyword pythonExClass Warning UserWarning BytesWarning DeprecationWarning
- syn keyword pythonExClass PendingDepricationWarning SyntaxWarning
- syn keyword pythonExClass RuntimeWarning FutureWarning
- syn keyword pythonExClass ImportWarning UnicodeWarning
- endif
- if s:Enabled("g:python_slow_sync")
- syn sync minlines=2000
- else
- " This is fast but code inside triple quoted strings screws it up. It
- " is impossible to fix because the only way to know if you are inside a
- " triple quoted string is to start from the beginning of the file.
- syn sync match pythonSync grouphere NONE "):$"
- syn sync maxlines=200
- endif
- if version >= 508 || !exists("did_python_syn_inits")
- if version <= 508
- let did_python_syn_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink pythonStatement Statement
- HiLink pythonPreCondit Statement
- HiLink pythonFunction Function
- HiLink pythonConditional Conditional
- HiLink pythonRepeat Repeat
- HiLink pythonException Exception
- HiLink pythonOperator Operator
- HiLink pythonDecorator Define
- HiLink pythonDottedName Function
- HiLink pythonDot Normal
- HiLink pythonComment Comment
- HiLink pythonCoding Special
- HiLink pythonRun Special
- HiLink pythonTodo Todo
- HiLink pythonError Error
- HiLink pythonIndentError Error
- HiLink pythonSpaceError Error
- HiLink pythonString String
- HiLink pythonRawString String
- HiLink pythonUniEscape Special
- HiLink pythonUniEscapeError Error
- if s:Python2Syntax()
- HiLink pythonUniString String
- HiLink pythonUniRawString String
- HiLink pythonUniRawEscape Special
- HiLink pythonUniRawEscapeError Error
- else
- HiLink pythonBytes String
- HiLink pythonRawBytes String
- HiLink pythonBytesContent String
- HiLink pythonBytesError Error
- HiLink pythonBytesEscape Special
- HiLink pythonBytesEscapeError Error
- endif
- HiLink pythonStrFormatting Special
- HiLink pythonStrFormat Special
- HiLink pythonStrTemplate Special
- HiLink pythonDocTest Special
- HiLink pythonDocTest2 Special
- " added by aloism
- HiLink pythonConvention Define
- HiLink pythonNumber Number
- HiLink pythonHexNumber Number
- HiLink pythonOctNumber Number
- HiLink pythonBinNumber Number
- HiLink pythonFloat Float
- HiLink pythonNumberError Error
- HiLink pythonOctError Error
- HiLink pythonHexError Error
- HiLink pythonBinError Error
- HiLink pythonBuiltinObj Structure
- HiLink pythonBuiltinFunc Function
- HiLink pythonExClass Structure
- delcommand HiLink
- endif
- let b:current_syntax = "python"