123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180 |
- #! /usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Above the run-comment and file encoding comment.
- # Comments.
- # Keywords.
- with break continue del exec return pass print raise global assert yield
- for while if elif else import from as try except finally and in is not or
- lambda: a + 1
- lambda x, y: x + y
- yield from
- def functionname
- class Classname
- def функция
- class Класс
- await
- async def Test
- async with
- async for
- # Type annotations
- def myfunc(a: str, something_other,
- b: Callable[[str, str], int]) -> Any:
- myval: float
- mygood: Optional[int, Any] = b('wow', 'oops')
- myarr: Sequence[int] = origarr[aa:bb] + (lambda: x)()
- mykey = a
- wow = {
- mykey: this_should_not_be_type_anno[Any],
- 'b': some_data,
- }
- call_with_dict(a={
- 'a': asdf,
- 'b': 'zxcb',
- mykey: this_should_not_be_type_anno[Any],
- }, b=mydata['a'])
- vanilla_lambda = lambda x, y: myval + 1.0
- call_with_lambda(lambda x, y: myval + 1.0)
- call_with_slice(mydata[range_start:range_end])
- # Builtin objects.
- True False Ellipsis None NotImplemented
- # Builtin function and types.
- __import__() abs() all() any() apply() basestring() bool() buffer() callable() chr() classmethod()
- cmp() coerce() compile() complex() delattr() dict() dir() divmod() enumerate() eval() execfile() file()
- filter() float() frozenset() getattr() globals() hasattr() hash() help() hex() id() input() int()
- intern() isinstance() issubclass() iter() len() list() locals() long() map() max() min() object() oct()
- open() ord() pow() property() range() raw_input() reduce() reload() repr() reversed() round() set()
- setattr() slice() sorted() staticmethod() str() sum() super() tuple() type() unichr() unicode() vars()
- xrange() zip()
- when_we_dont_call = a.float
- float = when_we_dont_call
- when_we_call = float(x)
- when_we_call = min(a, b)
- # Builtin exceptions and warnings.
- BaseException Exception StandardError ArithmeticError LookupError
- EnvironmentError
- AssertionError AttributeError EOFError FloatingPointError GeneratorExit IOError
- ImportError IndexError KeyError KeyboardInterrupt MemoryError NameError
- NotImplementedError OSError OverflowError ReferenceError RuntimeError
- StopIteration SyntaxError IndentationError TabError SystemError SystemExit
- TypeError UnboundLocalError UnicodeError UnicodeEncodeError UnicodeDecodeError
- UnicodeTranslateError ValueError WindowsError ZeroDivisionError
- Warning UserWarning DeprecationWarning PendingDepricationWarning SyntaxWarning
- RuntimeWarning FutureWarning ImportWarning UnicodeWarning
- # Decorators.
- @ decoratorname
- @ object.__init__(arg1, arg2)
- @ декоратор
- @ декоратор.décorateur
- # Numbers
- 0 1 2 9 10 0x1f .3 12.34 0j 124j 34.2E-3 0b10 0o77 1023434 0x0
- 1_1 1_1.2_2 1_2j 0x_1f 0x1_f 34_56e-3 34_56e+3_1 0o7_7
- # Erroneous numbers
- 077 100L 0xfffffffL 0L 08 0xk 0x 0b102 0o78 0o123LaB
- 0_ 0_1 0_x1f 0x1f_ 0_b77 0b77_ .2_ 1_j
- # Strings
- " test " ' test '
- """
- test
- """
- '''
- test
- '''
- " \a\b\c\"\'\n\r \x34\077 \08 \xag"
- r" \" \' "
- "testтест"
- b"test"
- b"test\r\n\xffff"
- b"тестtest"
- br"test"
- br"\a\b\n\r"
- # Formattings
- " %f "
- b" %f "
- "{0.name!r:b} {0[n]} {name!s: } {{test}} {{}} {} {.__len__:s}"
- b"{0.name!r:b} {0[n]} {name!s: } {{test}} {{}} {} {.__len__:s}"
- "${test} ${test ${test}aname $$$ $test+nope"
- b"${test} ${test ${test}aname $$$ $test+nope"
- f"{var}...{arr[123]} normal {var['{'] // 0xff} \"xzcb\" 'xzcb' {var['}'] + 1} text"
- f"{expr1 if True or False else expr2} wow {','.join(c.lower() for c in 'asdf')}"
- f"hello {expr:.2f} yes {(lambda: 0b1)():#03x} lol {var!r}"
- # Doctests.
- """
- Test:
- >>> a = 5
- >>> a
- 5
- Test
- """
- '''
- Test:
- >>> a = 5
- >>> a
- 5
- Test
- '''
- # Erroneous symbols or bad variable names.
- $ ? 6xav
- && || ===
- # Indentation errors.
- break
- # Trailing space errors.
- break
- """
- test
- """