# - Find XExt # Find the XExtension libraries (WARNING: It's geared and tested specifically for the XShape extension though) # # This module defines the following variables: # XEXT_FOUND - 1 if XEXT_INCLUDE_DIR & XEXT_LIBRARY are found, 0 otherwise # XEXT_INCLUDE_DIR - where to find Xlib.h, etc. # XEXT_LIBRARY - the X11 library # find_path( XEXT_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES X11/extensions/shape.h PATH_SUFFIXES X11/extensions DOC "The XExtension include directory" ) find_library( XEXT_LIBRARY NAMES Xext PATHS /usr/lib /lib DOC "The XExtension library" ) if( XEXT_INCLUDE_DIR AND XEXT_LIBRARY ) set( XEXT_FOUND 1 ) else() set( XEXT_FOUND 0 ) endif() mark_as_advanced( XEXT_INCLUDE_DIR XEXT_LIBRARY )