#include "x.hpp" slrn::XEngine* xengine = new slrn::XEngine(); slrn::XEngine::XEngine() { m_keypressed = false; m_display = NULL; m_visual = NULL; m_screen = NULL; m_good = false; m_mousex = -1; m_mousey = -1; m_hoverXWindow = None; } slrn::XEngine::~XEngine() { if ( !m_good ) { return; } for ( unsigned int i=0; i= m_mouse.size() ) { return false; } return m_mouse.at( button ); } int slrn::XEngine::init( std::string display ) { // Initialize display m_display = XOpenDisplay( display.c_str() ); if ( !m_display ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: Failed to open X display %s\n", display.c_str() ); return 1; } m_screen = ScreenOfDisplay( m_display, DefaultScreen( m_display ) ); m_visual = DefaultVisual ( m_display, XScreenNumberOfScreen( m_screen ) ); m_colormap = DefaultColormap( m_display, XScreenNumberOfScreen( m_screen ) ); m_root = RootWindow ( m_display, XScreenNumberOfScreen( m_screen ) ); m_good = true; return 0; } int slrn::XEngine::grabKeyboard() { if ( !m_good ) { return 1; } int err = XGrabKeyboard( m_display, m_root, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime ); if ( err != GrabSuccess ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: Failed to grab X keyboard.\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "This can be caused by launching slrn incorrectly.\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "gnome-session launches it fine from keyboard binds.\n" ); return 1; } } int slrn::XEngine::releaseKeyboard() { if ( !m_good ) { return 1; } XUngrabKeyboard( m_display, CurrentTime ); return 0; } // Grabs the cursor, be wary that setCursor changes the mouse masks. int slrn::XEngine::grabCursor( slrn::CursorType type ) { if ( !m_good ) { return 1; } int xfontcursor = getCursor( type ); int err = XGrabPointer( m_display, m_root, False, PointerMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, m_root, xfontcursor, CurrentTime ); if ( err != GrabSuccess ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: Failed to grab X cursor.\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "This can be caused by launching slrn incorrectly.\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "gnome-session launches it fine from keyboard binds.\n" ); return 1; } // Quickly set the mouse position so we don't have to worry about x11 generating an event. Window root, child; int mx, my; int wx, wy; unsigned int mask; XQueryPointer( m_display, m_root, &root, &child, &mx, &my, &wx, &wy, &mask ); m_mousex = mx; m_mousey = my; // Oh and while we're at it, make sure we set the window we're hoving over as well. updateHoverWindow( child ); return 0; } int slrn::XEngine::releaseCursor() { if ( !m_good ) { return 1; } XUngrabPointer( m_display, CurrentTime ); return 0; } void slrn::XEngine::tick() { if ( !m_good ) { return; } XFlush( m_display ); XEvent event; while ( XPending( m_display ) ) { XNextEvent( m_display, &event ); switch ( event.type ) { case MotionNotify: { m_mousex = event.xmotion.x; m_mousey = event.xmotion.y; break; } case ButtonPress: { // Our pitiful mouse manager-- if ( m_mouse.size() > event.xbutton.button ) { m_mouse.at( event.xbutton.button ) = true; } else { m_mouse.resize( event.xbutton.button+2, false ); m_mouse.at( event.xbutton.button ) = true; } break; } case ButtonRelease: { if ( m_mouse.size() > event.xbutton.button ) { m_mouse.at( event.xbutton.button ) = false; } else { m_mouse.resize( event.xbutton.button+2, false ); m_mouse.at( event.xbutton.button ) = false; } break; } // For this particular utility, we only care if a key is pressed. // I'm too lazy to implement an actual keyhandler for that. case KeyPress: { m_keypressed = true; break; } // Since we also don't care if it's released, do nothing! yay case KeyRelease: { //m_keypressed = false; break; } default: break; } } // Since I couldn't get Xlib to send EnterNotify or LeaveNotify events, we need to query the underlying window every frame. updateHoverWindow(); } // This converts an enum into a preallocated cursor, the cursor will automatically deallocate itself on ~XEngine Cursor slrn::XEngine::getCursor( slrn::CursorType type ) { int xfontcursor; switch ( type ) { default: case Left: xfontcursor = XC_left_ptr; break; case Crosshair: xfontcursor = XC_crosshair; break; case Cross: xfontcursor = XC_cross; break; case UpperLeftCorner: xfontcursor = XC_ul_angle; break; case UpperRightCorner: xfontcursor = XC_ur_angle; break; case LowerLeftCorner: xfontcursor = XC_ll_angle; break; case LowerRightCorner: xfontcursor = XC_lr_angle; break; } Cursor newcursor = 0; if ( m_cursors.size() > xfontcursor ) { newcursor = m_cursors.at( xfontcursor ); } if ( !newcursor ) { newcursor = XCreateFontCursor( m_display, xfontcursor ); m_cursors.resize( xfontcursor+2, 0 ); m_cursors.at( xfontcursor ) = newcursor; } return newcursor; } // Swaps out the current cursor, bewary that XChangeActivePointerGrab also resets masks, so if you change the mouse masks on grab you need to change them here too. void slrn::XEngine::setCursor( slrn::CursorType type ) { if ( !m_good ) { return; } Cursor xfontcursor = getCursor( type ); XChangeActivePointerGrab( m_display, PointerMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask, xfontcursor, CurrentTime ); } slrn::Rectangle::~Rectangle() { //XFreeGC( xengine->m_display, m_gc ); if ( m_window == None ) { return; } //XFreeColors( xengine->m_display, xengine->m_colormap, m_color.pixel, 1, XUnmapWindow( xengine->m_display, m_window ); XDestroyWindow( xengine->m_display, m_window ); } slrn::Rectangle::Rectangle( int x, int y, int width, int height, int border, int padding, float r, float g, float b ) { m_xoffset = 0; m_yoffset = 0; m_x = x; m_y = y; m_width = width; m_height = height; m_border = border; m_padding = padding; m_window = None; // Convert the width, height, x, and y to coordinates that don't have negative values. // (also adjust for padding and border size.) constrain( width, height ); // If we don't have a border, we don't exist, so just die. if ( m_border == 0 ) { return; } // This sets up m_color int err = convertColor( r, g, b ); if ( err ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't allocate color of value %f,%f,%f!\n", r, g, b ); } XSetWindowAttributes attributes; // Set up the window so it's our color attributes.background_pixmap = None; attributes.background_pixel = m_color.pixel; // Not actually sure what this does, but it keeps the window from bugging out :u. attributes.override_redirect = True; // We must use our color map, because that's where our color is allocated. attributes.colormap = xengine->m_colormap; unsigned long valueMask = CWBackPixmap | CWBackPixel | CWOverrideRedirect | CWColormap; // Create the window offset by our generated offsets (see constrain( float, float )) m_window = XCreateWindow( xengine->m_display, xengine->m_root, m_x+m_xoffset, m_y+m_yoffset, m_width+m_border*2, m_height+m_border*2, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, valueMask, &attributes ); // Now punch a hole into it so it looks like a selection rectangle! XRectangle rect; rect.x = rect.y = m_border; rect.width = m_width; rect.height = m_height; XShapeCombineRectangles( xengine->m_display, m_window, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeSubtract, 0); XMapWindow( xengine->m_display, m_window ); } void slrn::Rectangle::setPos( int x, int y ) { if ( m_x == x && m_y == y ) { return; } m_x = x; m_y = y; // If we don't have a border, we don't exist, so just die. if ( m_border == 0 ) { return; } XMoveWindow( xengine->m_display, m_window, m_x+m_xoffset, m_y+m_yoffset ); } void slrn::Rectangle::setDim( int w, int h ) { if ( m_width == w && m_height == h ) { return; } constrain( w, h ); // If we don't have a border, we don't exist, so just die. if ( m_border == 0 ) { return; } // Change the window size and location to our generated offsets (see constrain( float, float )) XResizeWindow( xengine->m_display, m_window, m_width+m_border*2, m_height+m_border*2 ); XMoveWindow( xengine->m_display, m_window, m_x+m_xoffset, m_y+m_yoffset ); // Regenerate our hole XRectangle rect; rect.x = rect.y = 0; rect.width = m_width+m_border*2; rect.height = m_height+m_border*2; XShapeCombineRectangles( xengine->m_display, m_window, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeSet, 0); // Then punch out another. rect.x = rect.y = m_border; rect.width = m_width; rect.height = m_height; XShapeCombineRectangles( xengine->m_display, m_window, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeSubtract, 0); } void slrn::XEngine::updateHoverWindow() { Window root, child; int mx, my; int wx, wy; unsigned int mask; // Query the pointer for the child window, the child window is basically the window we're hovering over. XQueryPointer( m_display, m_root, &root, &child, &mx, &my, &wx, &wy, &mask ); // If we already know that we're hovering over it, do nothing. if ( m_hoverXWindow == child ) { return; } // Make sure we can't select one of our selection rectangles, that's just weird. for ( unsigned int i=0; im_window == child ) { return; } } m_hoverXWindow = child; if ( child == None ) { return; } // Generate the geometry values so we can use them if needed. unsigned int depth; XGetGeometry( m_display, child, &root, &(m_hoverWindow.m_x), &(m_hoverWindow.m_y), &(m_hoverWindow.m_width), &(m_hoverWindow.m_height), &(m_hoverWindow.m_border), &depth ); } void slrn::XEngine::updateHoverWindow( Window child ) { // Same thing as updateHoverWindow but it uses the specified child. // It's used when we first grab the cursor so it's slightly more effecient // than calling XQueryPointer twice. if ( m_hoverXWindow == child ) { return; } for ( unsigned int i=0; im_window == child ) { return; } } m_hoverXWindow = child; if ( child == None ) { return; } unsigned int depth; Window root; XGetGeometry( m_display, child, &root, &(m_hoverWindow.m_x), &(m_hoverWindow.m_y), &(m_hoverWindow.m_width), &(m_hoverWindow.m_height), &(m_hoverWindow.m_border), &depth ); } // Keeps our rectangle's sizes all positive, so Xlib doesn't throw an exception. // It also keeps our values in absolute coordinates which is nice. void slrn::Rectangle::constrain( int w, int h ) { int pad = m_padding; if ( pad < 0 && std::abs( w ) < std::abs( pad )*2 ) { pad = 0; } if ( w < 0 ) { m_flippedx = true; m_xoffset = w - pad - m_border; m_width = -w + pad*2; } else { m_flippedx = false; m_xoffset = -pad - m_border; m_width = w + pad*2; } pad = m_padding; if ( pad < 0 && std::abs( h ) < std::abs( pad )*2 ) { pad = 0; } if ( h < 0 ) { m_flippedy = true; m_yoffset = h - pad - m_border; m_height = -h + pad*2; } else { m_flippedy = false; m_yoffset = -pad - m_border; m_height = h + pad*2; } } int slrn::Rectangle::convertColor( float r, float g, float b ) { // Convert float colors to shorts. short red = short( floor( r * 65535.f ) ); short green = short( floor( g * 65535.f ) ); short blue = short( floor( b * 65535.f ) ); XColor color; color.red = red; color.green = green; color.blue = blue; // I don't deallocate this anywhere, I think X handles it ??? int err = XAllocColor( xengine->m_display, xengine->m_colormap, &color ); if ( err == BadColor ) { return err; } m_color = color; return 0; }