#include "options.hpp" slop::Options* options = new slop::Options(); slop::Options::Options() { m_version = "v2.0.6"; m_borderSize = 10; m_padding = 0; m_xdisplay = ":0"; m_tolerance = 2; m_red = 0; m_green = 0; m_blue = 0; m_gracetime = 0.4; m_keyboard = true; m_decorations = true; m_minimumsize = 0; m_maxsize = 0; } void slop::Options::printHelp() { printf( "Usage: slop [options]\n" ); printf( "Print user selected region to stdout. Pressing keys or right-clicking cancels selection.\n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "Options\n" ); printf( " -h, --help Show this message.\n" ); printf( " -nkb, --nokeyboard Disables the ability to cancel selections with the keyboard.\n" ); printf( " -b=INT, --bordersize=INT Set selection rectangle border size.\n" ); printf( " -p=INT, --padding=INT Set padding size for selection.\n" ); printf( " -t=INT, --tolerance=INT How far in pixels the mouse can move after clicking and still be detected\n" ); printf( " as a normal click. Setting to zero will disable window selections.\n" ); printf( " -x=STRING, --xdisplay=STRING Set x display (STRING must be hostname:number.screen_number format)\n" ); printf( " -c=COLOR, --color=COLOR Set selection rectangle color, COLOR is in format FLOAT,FLOAT,FLOAT\n" ); printf( " -g=FLOAT, --gracetime=FLOAT Set the amount of time before slop will check for keyboard cancellations\n" ); printf( " in seconds.\n" ); printf( " -nd, --nodecorations attempts to remove decorations from window selections.\n" ); printf( " -min=INT, --minimumsize=INT sets the minimum output of width or height values, useful to avoid outputting 0\n" ); printf( " -max=INT, --maxsize=INT sets the maximum output of width or height values.\n" ); printf( " widths or heights.\n" ); printf( " -v, --version prints version.\n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "Examples\n" ); printf( " $ # Gray, thick border for maximum visiblity.\n" ); printf( " $ slop -b=20 -c=0.5,0.5,0.5\n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( " $ # Remove window decorations.\n" ); printf( " $ slop -nd\n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( " $ # Disable window selections. Useful for selecting individual pixels.\n" ); printf( " $ slop -t=0\n" ); } int slop::Options::parseOptions( int argc, char** argv ) { // Simple command parsing. Just uses sscanf to read each argument. // It looks complicated because you have to have spaces for delimiters for sscanf. for ( int i=0; i m_maximumsize && m_maximumsize > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: minimumsize is greater than maximumsize.\n" ); return 1; } return 0; } int slop::Options::parseInt( std::string arg, int* returnInt ) { std::string copy = arg; int find = copy.find( "=" ); if ( find != copy.npos ) { copy.at( find ) = ' '; } // Just in case we error out, grab the actual argument name into x. char* x = new char[ arg.size() ]; int num = sscanf( copy.c_str(), "%s %i", x, returnInt ); if ( num != 2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing command arguments near %s\n", arg.c_str() ); fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s=INT\n", x ); fprintf( stderr, "Example: %s=10 or %s=-12\n", x, x ); fprintf( stderr, "Try -h or --help for help.\n" ); delete[] x; return 1; } delete[] x; return 0; } int slop::Options::parseFloat( std::string arg, float* returnFloat ) { std::string copy = arg; int find = copy.find( "=" ); if ( find != copy.npos ) { copy.at( find ) = ' '; } // Just in case we error out, grab the actual argument name into x. char* x = new char[ arg.size() ]; int num = sscanf( copy.c_str(), "%s %f", x, returnFloat ); if ( num != 2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing command arguments near %s\n", arg.c_str() ); fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s=FLOAT\n", x ); fprintf( stderr, "Example: %s=3.14 or %s=-99\n", x, x ); fprintf( stderr, "Try -h or --help for help.\n" ); delete[] x; return 1; } delete[] x; return 0; } bool slop::Options::matches( std::string arg, std::string shorthand, std::string longhand ) { if ( arg.substr( 0, shorthand.size() ) == shorthand ) { if ( arg == shorthand || shorthand[shorthand.length()-1] == '=' ) { return true; } } if ( longhand.size() && arg.substr( 0, longhand.size() ) == longhand ) { if ( arg == longhand || longhand[longhand.length()-1] == '=' ) { return true; } } return false; } int slop::Options::parseString( std::string arg, std::string* returnString ) { std::string copy = arg; int find = copy.find( "=" ); if ( find != copy.npos ) { copy.at( find ) = ' '; } // Just in case we error out, grab the actual argument name into x. char* x = new char[ arg.size() ]; char* y = new char[ arg.size() ]; int num = sscanf( copy.c_str(), "%s %s", x, y ); if ( num != 2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing command arguments near %s\n", arg.c_str() ); fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s=STRING\n", x ); fprintf( stderr, "Example: %s=:0 or %s=hostname:0.1\n", x, x ); fprintf( stderr, "Try -h or --help for help.\n" ); delete[] x; delete[] y; return 1; } *returnString = y; delete[] x; delete[] y; return 0; } int slop::Options::parseColor( std::string arg, float* r, float* g, float* b ) { std::string copy = arg; int find = copy.find( "=" ); while( find != copy.npos ) { copy.at( find ) = ' '; find = copy.find( "," ); } // Just in case we error out, grab the actual argument name into x. char* x = new char[ arg.size() ]; int num = sscanf( copy.c_str(), "%s %f %f %f", x, r, g, b ); if ( num != 4 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing command arguments near %s\n", arg.c_str() ); fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s=COLOR\n", x ); fprintf( stderr, "Example: %s=0,0,0 or %s=0.7,0.2,1\n", x, x ); fprintf( stderr, "Try -h or --help for help.\n" ); delete[] x; return 1; } delete[] x; return 0; } int slop::Options::parseGeometry( std::string arg, int* x, int* y, int* w, int* h ) { std::string copy = arg; // Replace the first =, all x's and +'s with spaces. int find = copy.find( "=" ); while( find != copy.npos ) { copy.at( find ) = ' '; find = copy.find( "x" ); } find = copy.find( "+" ); while( find != copy.npos ) { copy.at( find ) = ' '; find = copy.find( "+" ); } // Just in case we error out, grab the actual argument name into x. char* foo = new char[ arg.size() ]; int num = sscanf( copy.c_str(), "%s %d %d %d %d", foo, w, h, x, y ); if ( num != 5 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing command arguments near %s\n", arg.c_str() ); fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s=GEOMETRY\n", foo ); fprintf( stderr, "Example: %s=1920x1080+0+0 or %s=256x256+100+-200\n", foo, foo ); fprintf( stderr, "Try -h or --help for help.\n" ); delete[] foo; return 1; } delete[] foo; return 0; }