main.cpp 9.4KB

  1. #include <unistd.h>
  2. #include <cstdio>
  3. #include "x.hpp"
  4. #include "options.hpp"
  5. int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
  6. int err = options->parseOptions( argc, argv );
  7. if ( err ) {
  8. return err;
  9. }
  10. int state = 0;
  11. bool running = true;
  12. slop::Rectangle* selection = NULL;
  13. slop::Rectangle* windowselection = NULL;
  14. Window window = None;
  15. std::string xdisplay = options->m_xdisplay;
  16. int padding = options->m_padding;
  17. int borderSize = options->m_borderSize;
  18. int tolerance = options->m_tolerance;
  19. float r = options->m_red;
  20. float g = options->m_green;
  21. float b = options->m_blue;
  22. bool keyboard = options->m_keyboard;
  23. timespec start, time;
  24. int cx = 0;
  25. int cy = 0;
  26. // First we set up the x interface and grab the mouse,
  27. // if we fail for either we exit immediately.
  28. err = xengine->init( xdisplay.c_str() );
  29. if ( err ) {
  30. printf( "X=0\n" );
  31. printf( "Y=0\n" );
  32. printf( "W=0\n" );
  33. printf( "H=0\n" );
  34. return err;
  35. }
  36. err = xengine->grabCursor( slop::Cross );
  37. if ( err ) {
  38. printf( "X=0\n" );
  39. printf( "Y=0\n" );
  40. printf( "W=0\n" );
  41. printf( "H=0\n" );
  42. return err;
  43. }
  44. if ( keyboard ) {
  45. err = xengine->grabKeyboard();
  46. if ( err ) {
  47. printf( "X=0\n" );
  48. printf( "Y=0\n" );
  49. printf( "W=0\n" );
  50. printf( "H=0\n" );
  51. return err;
  52. }
  53. }
  54. clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &start );
  55. while ( running ) {
  56. clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &time );
  57. // "ticking" the xengine makes it process all queued events.
  58. xengine->tick();
  59. // If the user presses any key on the keyboard, exit the application.
  60. // Make sure at least options->m_gracetime has passed before allowing canceling
  61. double timei = double( time.tv_sec*1000000000L + time.tv_nsec )/1000000000.f;
  62. double starti = double( start.tv_sec*1000000000L + start.tv_nsec )/1000000000.f;
  63. if ( timei - starti > options->m_gracetime ) {
  64. if ( xengine->m_keypressed ) {
  65. printf( "X=0\n" );
  66. printf( "Y=0\n" );
  67. printf( "W=0\n" );
  68. printf( "H=0\n" );
  69. fprintf( stderr, "User pressed key. Canceled selection.\n" );
  70. state = -1;
  71. running = false;
  72. }
  73. } else {
  74. xengine->m_keypressed = false;
  75. }
  76. if ( xengine->mouseDown( 3 ) ) {
  77. printf( "X=0\n" );
  78. printf( "Y=0\n" );
  79. printf( "W=0\n" );
  80. printf( "H=0\n" );
  81. fprintf( stderr, "User right-clicked. Canceled selection.\n" );
  82. state = -1;
  83. running = false;
  84. }
  85. // Our adorable little state manager will handle what state we're in.
  86. switch ( state ) {
  87. default: {
  88. break;
  89. }
  90. case 0: {
  91. // If xengine has found a window we're hovering over (or if it changed)
  92. // create a rectangle around it so the user knows he/she can click on it.
  93. // --but only if the user wants us to
  94. if ( window != xengine->m_hoverXWindow && options->m_window ) {
  95. // Make sure to delete the old selection rectangle.
  96. if ( windowselection ) {
  97. xengine->removeRect( windowselection ); // removeRect also dealloc's the rectangle for us.
  98. }
  99. slop::WindowRectangle t = xengine->m_hoverWindow;
  100. windowselection = new slop::Rectangle( t.m_x - t.m_border,
  101. t.m_y - t.m_border,
  102. t.m_width + t.m_border,
  103. t.m_height + t.m_border,
  104. borderSize, padding,
  105. r, g, b );
  106. xengine->addRect( windowselection );
  107. window = xengine->m_hoverXWindow;
  108. }
  109. // If the user clicked, remove the old selection rectangle and then
  110. // move on to the next state.
  111. if ( xengine->mouseDown( 1 ) ) {
  112. if ( windowselection ) {
  113. xengine->removeRect( windowselection );
  114. }
  115. state++;
  116. }
  117. break;
  118. }
  119. case 1: {
  120. // Set the mouse position of where we clicked, used so that click tolerance doesn't affect the rectangle's position.
  121. cx = xengine->m_mousex;
  122. cy = xengine->m_mousey;
  123. state++;
  124. break;
  125. }
  126. case 2: {
  127. // If the user has let go of the mouse button, we'll just
  128. // continue to the next state.
  129. if ( !xengine->mouseDown( 1 ) ) {
  130. state++;
  131. break;
  132. }
  133. // Check to make sure the user actually wants to drag for a selection before creating a rectangle.
  134. int w = xengine->m_mousex - cx;
  135. int h = xengine->m_mousey - cy;
  136. if ( ( std::abs( w ) > tolerance || std::abs( h ) > tolerance ) && !selection ) {
  137. selection = new slop::Rectangle( cx, cy, 0, 0, borderSize, padding, r, g, b );
  138. xengine->addRect( selection );
  139. } else if ( std::abs( w ) <= tolerance && std::abs( h ) <= tolerance ) {
  140. continue;
  141. }
  142. // Set the selection rectangle's dimensions to mouse movement.
  143. // We use the function setDim since rectangles can't have negative widths,
  144. // and because the rectangles have borders and padding to worry about.
  145. selection->setDim( w, h );
  146. // We also detect which way the user is pulling and set the mouse icon accordingly.
  147. bool x = selection->m_flippedx;
  148. bool y = selection->m_flippedy;
  149. if ( !x && !y ) {
  150. xengine->setCursor( slop::LowerRightCorner );
  151. } else if ( x && !y ) {
  152. xengine->setCursor( slop::LowerLeftCorner );
  153. } else if ( !x && y ) {
  154. xengine->setCursor( slop::UpperRightCorner );
  155. } else {
  156. xengine->setCursor( slop::UpperLeftCorner );
  157. }
  158. break;
  159. }
  160. case 3: {
  161. int x, y, w, h;
  162. // Exit the utility after this state runs once.
  163. running = false;
  164. if ( selection ) {
  165. // We pull the dimensions and positions from the selection rectangle.
  166. // The selection rectangle automatically converts the positions and
  167. // dimensions to absolute coordinates when we set them earilier.
  168. x = selection->m_x+selection->m_xoffset;
  169. y = selection->m_y+selection->m_yoffset;
  170. w = selection->m_width;
  171. h = selection->m_height;
  172. // Delete the rectangle.
  173. xengine->removeRect( selection );
  174. // If the user simply clicked (and thus made the width and height smaller than
  175. // our tolerance) or if we're not hovering over a window, just print the selection
  176. // rectangle's stuff.
  177. if ( w > tolerance || h > tolerance || xengine->m_hoverXWindow == None ) {
  178. printf( "X=%i\n", x );
  179. printf( "Y=%i\n", y );
  180. printf( "W=%i\n", w + 1 );
  181. printf( "H=%i\n", h + 1 );
  182. break;
  183. }
  184. }
  185. // Otherwise lets grab the window's dimensions and use those (with padding).
  186. // --but only if the user lets us, if the user doesn't just select a single pixel there.
  187. if ( options->m_window ) {
  188. slop::WindowRectangle t = xengine->m_hoverWindow;
  189. x = t.m_x - padding - t.m_border;
  190. y = t.m_y - padding - t.m_border;
  191. w = t.m_width + t.m_border + padding*2 + 1;
  192. h = t.m_height + t.m_border + padding*2 + 1;
  193. } else {
  194. x = cx;
  195. y = cy;
  196. w = 1;
  197. h = 1;
  198. }
  199. printf( "X=%i\n", x );
  200. printf( "Y=%i\n", y );
  201. printf( "W=%i\n", w );
  202. printf( "H=%i\n", h );
  203. break;
  204. }
  205. }
  206. // No need to max out CPU
  207. // FIXME: This could be adjusted to measure how much time has passed,
  208. // we may very well need to max out the CPU if someone has a really- really
  209. // bad computer.
  210. usleep( 1000 );
  211. }
  212. xengine->releaseCursor();
  213. xengine->releaseKeyboard();
  214. // Try to process any last-second requests.
  215. xengine->tick();
  216. // Clean up global classes.
  217. delete xengine;
  218. delete options;
  219. // Wait to make sure X11 cleans up our window before we end.
  220. usleep( 100000 );
  221. // If we canceled the selection, return error.
  222. if ( state == -1 ) {
  223. return 1;
  224. }
  225. return 0;
  226. }