MATRICES ======== In cases when (more or less) the same test procedure needs to be performd on a group of equivalent and independent objects, it might be desirable to generate collective form, usable for testing in parallel. Example ------- Source STM defines actions that are only valid under certain circumstances. Name: Release Client - parallel Description: Example of parallel procedures Vars: arch=amd64,x86 # Parallel showcase # ## Install ## 1. Create a folder with CJK characters 2. Install Product 3. Open Start menu -> ACME 4. Check links * Help.lnk * Product.lnk * Product (64-bit).lnk {arch==amd64} 5. Restart The above can result in two STS: Stm: /release/rc.stm Stm Revision: 123 Params: arch=amd64 # Parallel showcase # ## Install ## 1. Create a folder with CJK characters 2. Install Product 3. Open Start menu -> ACME 4. Check links * Help.lnk * Product.lnk * Product (64-bit).lnk 5. Restart Stm: /release/rc.stm Stm Revision: 123 Params: arch=x86 # Parallel showcase # ## Install ## 1. Create a folder with CJK characters 2. Install Product 3. Open Start menu -> ACME 4. Check links * Help.lnk * Product.lnk 5. Restart Or one "double" STS -- notice `Params:` header: Stm: /release/rc.stm Stm Revision: 123 Params: arch=x86+amd64 # Parallel showcase # ## Install ## 1. Create a folder with CJK characters 2. Install Product 3. Open Start menu -> ACME 4. Check links * Help.lnk * Product.lnk * Product (64-bit).lnk {arch==amd64} 5. Restart The point is that the double STM can be rendered for parallel processing: +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PARALLEL SHOWCASE | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | ## Install ## x86 amd64 | | 1. Create a folder with CJK characters [ Passed ] [ Passed ] | | 2. Install Product [ Passed ] [ Passed ] | | 3. Open Start menu -> ACME [ Passed ] [ Passed ] | | 4. Check links [ Passed ] [ Passed ] | | * Help.lnk [ Passed ] [ Passed ] | | * Product.lnk [ Passed ] [ Failed ] | | * Product (64-bit).lnk [ Passed ] | | 5. Restart [ Passed ] [ Passed ] | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+