Name: Fridge Ops
Tools-required: fridge; elephant; giraffe
Description: Typical scenarios inviolving fridge ops
Putting giraffe into fridge
- Open the fridge
- Put the giraffe into the fridge
- Close the fridge
Putting elephant into fridge
- Open the fridge
- Take the giraffe put of the fridge
- Put the elephant into the fridge
- Close the fridge
- Open the fridge
- What is inside the fridge?
- elephant: take out the elephant
- giraffe: take out the giraffe
- Closer the fridge
!. Fridge is empty
Taking elephant out of the fridge
- There is an elephant inside the firdge
- Open the fridge
> fridge opens well
- Look inside the fridge
> you see elephant
> elephant has a pullover
> elephant is not cold
- Take the elephant out of the fridge
> elephant does not fight
> elephant looks happier outside the fridge
> it does not make too much sound
- everybody is sleeping
- Close the fridge
> Fridge closes well