Notes: example to show idea of dependency markup


This is for demonstration of way of showing dependency.

The idea is to use dependency points. The dependency point (DP) is a special TC that is identified by {ID}, where ID conforms to a unix path.

  • the divider is /

  • one special case is root DP, which has has name /

  • you can call DP by something like {/env2/}. Scope of this declaration is downwards, until next one or end

{/} prepare env0

  1. x = 1
  2. y = 2
  3. m =

{/env2} prepare env called 1

  1. prepare env0
  2. m = one

{/env2} prepare something two

  1. prepare env0
  2. m = two


case 1.1

  1. prepare env1
  2. do thing 1.1.1
  3. do thing 1.1.2

case 1.2

  1. do thing 1.2.1
  2. do thing 1.2.2


case 2.1

  1. prepare env2
  2. do thing 2.1.2
  3. do thing 2.1.2

case 2.2

  1. prepare env2
  2. do thing 2.2.1
  3. do thing 2.2.2