In cases when (more or less) the same test procedure needs to be performd on a group of equivalent and independent objects, it might be desirable to generate collective form, usable for testing in parallel.
Master template defines actions that are only valid under certain circumstances.
Name: Release Client - parallel
Description: Example of parallel procedures
Vars: arch=amd64,x86
# Parallel showcase #
## Install ##
1. Create a folder with CJK characters
2. Install Product
3. Open Start menu -> ACME
4. Check links
* Help.lnk
* Product.lnk
* Product (64-bit).lnk {arch==amd64}
5. Restart
The above can result in two Slaves:
Master: /release/rc.stm
Master Revision: 123
Params: arch=amd64
# Parallel showcase #
## Install ##
1. Create a folder with CJK characters
2. Install Product
3. Open Start menu -> ACME
4. Check links
* Help.lnk
* Product.lnk
* Product (64-bit).lnk
5. Restart
Master: /release/rc.stm
Master Revision: 123
Params: arch=x86
# Parallel showcase #
## Install ##
1. Create a folder with CJK characters
2. Install Product
3. Open Start menu -> ACME
4. Check links
* Help.lnk
* Product.lnk
5. Restart
Or one "double" Slave -- notice Params:
Master: /release/rc.stm
Master Revision: 123
Params: arch=x86+amd64
# Parallel showcase #
## Install ##
1. Create a folder with CJK characters
2. Install Product
3. Open Start menu -> ACME
4. Check links
* Help.lnk
* Product.lnk
* Product (64-bit).lnk {arch==amd64}
5. Restart
The point is that the double Slave can be rendered for parallel processing:
| |
| ## Install ## x86 amd64 |
| 1. Create a folder with CJK characters [ Passed ] [ Passed ] |
| 2. Install Product [ Passed ] [ Passed ] |
| 3. Open Start menu -> ACME [ Passed ] [ Passed ] |
| 4. Check links [ Passed ] [ Passed ] |
| * Help.lnk [ Passed ] [ Passed ] |
| * Product.lnk [ Passed ] [ Failed ] |
| * Product (64-bit).lnk [ Passed ] |
| 5. Restart [ Passed ] [ Passed ] |
| |