#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Term based tool to view **colored**, **incremental** diff in Git/Mercurial/Svn workspace, given patch or two files, or from stdin, with **side by side** and **auto pager** support. Requires python (>= 2.5.0) and ``less``. """ META_INFO = { 'version' : '0.5.1', 'license' : 'BSD-3', 'author' : 'Matthew Wang', 'email' : 'mattwyl(@)gmail(.)com', 'url' : 'https://github.com/ymattw/cdiff', 'keywords' : 'colored incremental side-by-side diff', 'description' : ('View colored, incremental diff in workspace, given patch ' 'or two files, or from stdin, with side by side and auto ' 'pager support') } import sys if sys.hexversion < 0x02050000: raise SystemExit("*** Requires python >= 2.5.0") IS_PY3 = sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000 import re import subprocess import errno import difflib COLORS = { 'reset' : '\x1b[0m', 'underline' : '\x1b[4m', 'reverse' : '\x1b[7m', 'red' : '\x1b[31m', 'green' : '\x1b[32m', 'yellow' : '\x1b[33m', 'blue' : '\x1b[34m', 'magenta' : '\x1b[35m', 'cyan' : '\x1b[36m', 'lightred' : '\x1b[1;31m', 'lightgreen' : '\x1b[1;32m', 'lightyellow' : '\x1b[1;33m', 'lightblue' : '\x1b[1;34m', 'lightmagenta' : '\x1b[1;35m', 'lightcyan' : '\x1b[1;36m', } # Keys for revision control probe, diff and log with diff VCS_INFO = { 'Git': { 'probe' : ['git', 'rev-parse'], 'diff' : ['git', 'diff'], 'log' : ['git', 'log', '--patch'], }, 'Mercurial': { 'probe' : ['hg', 'summary'], 'diff' : ['hg', 'diff'], 'log' : ['hg', 'log', '--patch'], }, 'Svn': { 'probe' : ['svn', 'info'], 'diff' : ['svn', 'diff'], 'log' : ['svn', 'log', '--diff', '--use-merge-history'], }, } def colorize(text, start_color, end_color='reset'): return COLORS[start_color] + text + COLORS[end_color] class Hunk(object): def __init__(self, hunk_headers, hunk_meta, old_addr, new_addr): self._hunk_headers = hunk_headers self._hunk_meta = hunk_meta self._old_addr = old_addr # tuple (start, offset) self._new_addr = new_addr # tuple (start, offset) self._hunk_list = [] # list of tuple (attr, line) def append(self, hunk_line): """hunk_line is a 2-element tuple: (attr, text), where attris : '-': old, '+': new, ' ': common""" self._hunk_list.append(hunk_line) def mdiff(self): r"""The difflib._mdiff() function returns an interator which returns a tuple: (from line tuple, to line tuple, boolean flag) from/to line tuple -- (line num, line text) line num -- integer or None (to indicate a context separation) line text -- original line text with following markers inserted: '\0+' -- marks start of added text '\0-' -- marks start of deleted text '\0^' -- marks start of changed text '\1' -- marks end of added/deleted/changed text boolean flag -- None indicates context separation, True indicates either "from" or "to" line contains a change, otherwise False. """ return difflib._mdiff(self._get_old_text(), self._get_new_text()) def _get_old_text(self): out = [] for (attr, line) in self._hunk_list: if attr != '+': out.append(line) return out def _get_new_text(self): out = [] for (attr, line) in self._hunk_list: if attr != '-': out.append(line) return out def __iter__(self): for hunk_line in self._hunk_list: yield hunk_line class Diff(object): def __init__(self, headers, old_path, new_path, hunks): self._headers = headers self._old_path = old_path self._new_path = new_path self._hunks = hunks # Following detectors, parse_hunk_meta() and parse_hunk_line() are suppose # to be overwritten by derived class. No is_header() anymore, all # non-recognized lines are considered as headers # def is_old_path(self, line): return False def is_new_path(self, line): return False def is_hunk_meta(self, line): return False def parse_hunk_meta(self, line): """Returns a 2-element tuple, each of them is a tuple in form of (start, offset)""" return None def parse_hunk_line(self, line): """Returns a 2-element tuple: (attr, text), where attr is: '-': old, '+': new, ' ': common""" return None def is_old(self, line): return False def is_new(self, line): return False def is_common(self, line): return False def is_eof(self, line): return False def markup_traditional(self): """Returns a generator""" for line in self._headers: yield self._markup_header(line) yield self._markup_old_path(self._old_path) yield self._markup_new_path(self._new_path) for hunk in self._hunks: for hunk_header in hunk._hunk_headers: yield self._markup_hunk_header(hunk_header) yield self._markup_hunk_meta(hunk._hunk_meta) for old, new, changed in hunk.mdiff(): if changed: if not old[0]: # The '+' char after \x00 is kept # DEBUG: yield 'NEW: %s %s\n' % (old, new) line = new[1].strip('\x00\x01') yield self._markup_new(line) elif not new[0]: # The '-' char after \x00 is kept # DEBUG: yield 'OLD: %s %s\n' % (old, new) line = old[1].strip('\x00\x01') yield self._markup_old(line) else: # DEBUG: yield 'CHG: %s %s\n' % (old, new) yield self._markup_old('-') + \ self._markup_mix(old[1], 'red') yield self._markup_new('+') + \ self._markup_mix(new[1], 'green') else: yield self._markup_common(' ' + old[1]) def markup_side_by_side(self, width): """Returns a generator""" wrap_char = colorize('>', 'lightmagenta') def _normalize(line): return line.replace('\t', ' '*8).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') def _fit_with_marker(text, markup_fn, width, pad=False): """Wrap or pad input pure text, then markup""" if len(text) > width: return markup_fn(text[:width-1]) + wrap_char elif pad: pad_len = width - len(text) return '%s%*s' % (markup_fn(text), pad_len, '') else: return markup_fn(text) def _fit_with_marker_mix(text, base_color, width, pad=False): """Wrap or pad input text which contains mdiff tags, markup at the meantime with the markup_fix_fn, note only left side need to set `pad`""" out = [COLORS[base_color]] count = 0 tag_re = re.compile(r'\x00[+^-]|\x01') while text and count < width: if text.startswith('\x00-'): # del out.append(COLORS['reverse'] + COLORS[base_color]) text = text[2:] elif text.startswith('\x00+'): # add out.append(COLORS['reverse'] + COLORS[base_color]) text = text[2:] elif text.startswith('\x00^'): # change out.append(COLORS['underline'] + COLORS[base_color]) text = text[2:] elif text.startswith('\x01'): # reset out.append(COLORS['reset'] + COLORS[base_color]) text = text[1:] else: # FIXME: utf-8 wchar might break the rule here, e.g. # u'\u554a' takes double width of a single letter, also this # depends on your terminal font. I guess audience of this # tool never put that kind of symbol in their code :-) # out.append(text[0]) count += 1 text = text[1:] if count == width and tag_re.sub('', text): # Was stripped: output fulfil and still has normal char in text out[-1] = COLORS['reset'] + wrap_char elif count < width and pad: pad_len = width - count out.append('%s%*s' % (COLORS['reset'], pad_len, '')) else: out.append(COLORS['reset']) return ''.join(out) # Setup line width and number width if width <= 0: width = 80 (start, offset) = self._hunks[-1]._old_addr max1 = start + offset - 1 (start, offset) = self._hunks[-1]._new_addr max2 = start + offset - 1 num_width = max(len(str(max1)), len(str(max2))) left_num_fmt = colorize('%%(left_num)%ds' % num_width, 'yellow') right_num_fmt = colorize('%%(right_num)%ds' % num_width, 'yellow') line_fmt = left_num_fmt + ' %(left)s ' + COLORS['reset'] + \ right_num_fmt + ' %(right)s\n' # yield header, old path and new path for line in self._headers: yield self._markup_header(line) yield self._markup_old_path(self._old_path) yield self._markup_new_path(self._new_path) # yield hunks for hunk in self._hunks: for hunk_header in hunk._hunk_headers: yield self._markup_hunk_header(hunk_header) yield self._markup_hunk_meta(hunk._hunk_meta) for old, new, changed in hunk.mdiff(): if old[0]: left_num = str(hunk._old_addr[0] + int(old[0]) - 1) else: left_num = ' ' if new[0]: right_num = str(hunk._new_addr[0] + int(new[0]) - 1) else: right_num = ' ' left = _normalize(old[1]) right = _normalize(new[1]) if changed: if not old[0]: left = '%*s' % (width, ' ') right = right.lstrip('\x00+').rstrip('\x01') right = _fit_with_marker(right, self._markup_new, width) elif not new[0]: left = left.lstrip('\x00-').rstrip('\x01') left = _fit_with_marker(left, self._markup_old, width) right = '' else: left = _fit_with_marker_mix(left, 'red', width, 1) right = _fit_with_marker_mix(right, 'green', width) else: left = _fit_with_marker(left, self._markup_common, width, 1) right = _fit_with_marker(right, self._markup_common, width) yield line_fmt % { 'left_num': left_num, 'left': left, 'right_num': right_num, 'right': right } def _markup_header(self, line): return colorize(line, 'cyan') def _markup_old_path(self, line): return colorize(line, 'yellow') def _markup_new_path(self, line): return colorize(line, 'yellow') def _markup_hunk_header(self, line): return colorize(line, 'lightcyan') def _markup_hunk_meta(self, line): return colorize(line, 'lightblue') def _markup_common(self, line): return colorize(line, 'reset') def _markup_old(self, line): return colorize(line, 'lightred') def _markup_new(self, line): return colorize(line, 'lightgreen') def _markup_mix(self, line, base_color): del_code = COLORS['reverse'] + COLORS[base_color] add_code = COLORS['reverse'] + COLORS[base_color] chg_code = COLORS['underline'] + COLORS[base_color] rst_code = COLORS['reset'] + COLORS[base_color] line = line.replace('\x00-', del_code) line = line.replace('\x00+', add_code) line = line.replace('\x00^', chg_code) line = line.replace('\x01', rst_code) return colorize(line, base_color) class Udiff(Diff): def is_old_path(self, line): return line.startswith('--- ') def is_new_path(self, line): return line.startswith('+++ ') def is_hunk_meta(self, line): """Minimal valid hunk meta is like '@@ -1 +1 @@', note extra chars might occur after the ending @@, e.g. in git log """ return (line.startswith('@@ -') and line.find(' @@') >= 8) or \ (line.startswith('## -') and line.find(' ##') >= 8) def parse_hunk_meta(self, hunk_meta): # @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ a = hunk_meta.split()[1].split(',') # -3 7 if len(a) > 1: old_addr = (int(a[0][1:]), int(a[1])) else: # @@ -1 +1,2 @@ old_addr = (int(a[0][1:]), 0) b = hunk_meta.split()[2].split(',') # +3 6 if len(b) > 1: new_addr = (int(b[0][1:]), int(b[1])) else: # @@ -0,0 +1 @@ new_addr = (int(b[0][1:]), 0) return (old_addr, new_addr) def parse_hunk_line(self, line): return (line[0], line[1:]) def is_old(self, line): """Exclude old path and header line from svn log --diff output, allow '----' likely to see in diff from yaml file """ return line.startswith('-') and not self.is_old_path(line) and \ not re.match(r'^-{5,}$', line.rstrip()) def is_new(self, line): return line.startswith('+') and not self.is_new_path(line) def is_common(self, line): return line.startswith(' ') def is_eof(self, line): # \ No newline at end of file # \ No newline at end of property return line.startswith(r'\ No newline at end of') class PatchStream(object): def __init__(self, diff_hdl): self._diff_hdl = diff_hdl self._stream_header_size = 0 self._stream_header = [] # Test whether stream is empty by read 1 line line = self._diff_hdl.readline() if not line: self._is_empty = True else: self._stream_header.append(line) self._stream_header_size += 1 self._is_empty = False def is_empty(self): return self._is_empty def read_stream_header(self, stream_header_size): """Returns a small chunk for patch type detect, suppose to call once""" for i in range(1, stream_header_size): line = self._diff_hdl.readline() if not line: break self._stream_header.append(line) self._stream_header_size += 1 return self._stream_header def __iter__(self): for line in self._stream_header: yield line for line in self._diff_hdl: yield line class DiffParser(object): def __init__(self, stream): """Detect Udiff with 3 conditions, '## ' uaually indicates svn property changes in output from `svn log --diff` """ self._stream = stream flag = 0 for line in self._stream.read_stream_header(100): line = decode(line) if line.startswith('--- '): flag |= 1 elif line.startswith('+++ '): flag |= 2 elif line.startswith('@@ ') or line.startswith('## '): flag |= 4 if (flag & 7) == 7: self._type = 'udiff' break else: raise RuntimeError('unknown diff type') def get_diff_generator(self): try: return self._parse() except (AssertionError, IndexError): raise RuntimeError('invalid patch format') def _parse(self): """parse all diff lines, construct a list of Diff objects""" if self._type == 'udiff': difflet = Udiff(None, None, None, None) else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported diff format') diff = Diff([], None, None, []) headers = [] for line in self._stream: line = decode(line) if difflet.is_old_path(line): # FIXME: '--- ' breaks here, need to probe next 3 lines if diff._old_path and diff._new_path and len(diff._hunks) > 0: # One diff constructed yield diff diff = Diff([], None, None, []) diff = Diff(headers, line, None, []) headers = [] elif difflet.is_new_path(line): diff._new_path = line elif difflet.is_hunk_meta(line): hunk_meta = line old_addr, new_addr = difflet.parse_hunk_meta(hunk_meta) hunk = Hunk(headers, hunk_meta, old_addr, new_addr) headers = [] diff._hunks.append(hunk) elif len(diff._hunks) > 0 and (difflet.is_old(line) or \ difflet.is_new(line) or difflet.is_common(line)): diff._hunks[-1].append(difflet.parse_hunk_line(line)) elif difflet.is_eof(line): # ignore pass else: # All other non-recognized lines are considered as headers or # hunk headers respectively # headers.append(line) if headers: raise RuntimeError('dangling header(s):\n%s' % ''.join(headers)) # Validate and yield the last patch set assert diff._old_path is not None assert diff._new_path is not None assert len(diff._hunks) > 0 assert len(diff._hunks[-1]._hunk_meta) > 0 yield diff class DiffMarkup(object): def __init__(self, stream): self._diffs = DiffParser(stream).get_diff_generator() def markup(self, side_by_side=False, width=0): """Returns a generator""" if side_by_side: return self._markup_side_by_side(width) else: return self._markup_traditional() def _markup_traditional(self): for diff in self._diffs: for line in diff.markup_traditional(): yield line def _markup_side_by_side(self, width): for diff in self._diffs: for line in diff.markup_side_by_side(width): yield line def markup_to_pager(stream, opts): markup = DiffMarkup(stream) color_diff = markup.markup(side_by_side=opts.side_by_side, width=opts.width) # args stolen fron git source: github.com/git/git/blob/master/pager.c pager = subprocess.Popen(['less', '-FRSX'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=sys.stdout) try: for line in color_diff: pager.stdin.write(line.encode('utf-8')) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass pager.stdin.close() pager.wait() def check_command_status(arguments): """Return True if command returns 0.""" try: return subprocess.call( arguments, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) == 0 except OSError: return False def revision_control_diff(): """Return diff from revision control system.""" for _, ops in VCS_INFO.items(): if check_command_status(ops['probe']): return subprocess.Popen(ops['diff'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout def revision_control_log(): """Return log from revision control system.""" for _, ops in VCS_INFO.items(): if check_command_status(ops['probe']): return subprocess.Popen(ops['log'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout def decode(line): """Decode UTF-8 if necessary.""" try: return line.decode('utf-8') except AttributeError: return line def main(): import optparse supported_vcs = sorted(VCS_INFO.keys()) usage = """ %prog [options] %prog [options] %prog [options] """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=META_INFO['description'], version='%%prog %s' % META_INFO['version']) parser.add_option('-s', '--side-by-side', action='store_true', help='show in side-by-side mode') parser.add_option('-w', '--width', type='int', default=80, metavar='N', help='set text width (side-by-side mode only), default is 80') parser.add_option('-l', '--log', action='store_true', help='show diff log from revision control') parser.add_option('-c', '--color', default='auto', metavar='X', help='colorize mode "auto" (default), "always", or "never"') opts, args = parser.parse_args() if opts.log: diff_hdl = revision_control_log() if not diff_hdl: sys.stderr.write(('*** Not in a supported workspace, supported ' 'are: %s\n') % ', '.join(supported_vcs)) return 1 elif len(args) > 2: parser.print_help() return 1 elif len(args) == 2: diff_hdl = subprocess.Popen(['diff', '-u', args[0], args[1]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout elif len(args) == 1: if IS_PY3: # Python3 needs the newline='' to keep '\r' (DOS format) diff_hdl = open(args[0], mode='rt', newline='') else: diff_hdl = open(args[0], mode='rt') elif sys.stdin.isatty(): diff_hdl = revision_control_diff() if not diff_hdl: sys.stderr.write(('*** Not in a supported workspace, supported ' 'are: %s\n\n') % ', '.join(supported_vcs)) parser.print_help() return 1 else: diff_hdl = sys.stdin stream = PatchStream(diff_hdl) # Don't let empty diff pass thru if stream.is_empty(): return 0 if opts.color == 'always' or (opts.color == 'auto' and sys.stdout.isatty()): try: markup_to_pager(stream, opts) except IOError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: pass else: # pipe out stream untouched to make sure it is still a patch for line in stream: sys.stdout.write(decode(line)) if diff_hdl is not sys.stdin: diff_hdl.close() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main()) # vim:set et sts=4 sw=4 tw=80: