Matthew Wang 423551ffc1 Handle interrupts; default encoding and nonblocking I/O fix 11 years ago
tests Fix an unit test fails in python 2.5 for issue #31 11 years ago
.gitignore Add target for coverage html report 11 years ago
.travis.yml Install patchutils on Travis CI 11 years ago
CHANGES Version bumped up to 0.9.3 11 years ago
LICENSE Read version from source code; add --version; try protect my email from spambot 11 years ago Use wrapper `cdiff` instead of symlink for future unit test; doc update 11 years ago
Makefile Version info and document update for 0.9 11 years ago
README.rst Fix screenshot link 11 years ago
cdiff Conform PEP8 (with minor own flavors) 11 years ago Version bumped up to 0.9.3 11 years ago Change 'Development Status' to stable 11 years ago



.. image::
:alt: Build status

Term based tool to view *colored*, *incremental* diff in a *Git/Mercurial/Svn*
workspace or from stdin, with *side by side* and *auto pager* support. Requires
python (>= 2.5.0) and ``less``.

.. image::
:alt: default
:align: center

.. image::
:alt: side by side
:align: center
:width: 900 px


Install with pip

Cdiff is already listed on `PyPI `_, you can
install with ``pip`` if you have the tool.

.. code:: sh

pip install --upgrade cdiff

Install with

You can also run the from the source if you don't have ``pip``.

.. code:: sh

git clone
cd cdiff
./ install

Download directly

Just save ` `_ to
whatever directory which is in your ``$PATH``, for example, ``$HOME/bin`` is in
my ``$PATH``, so I save the script there and name as ``cdiff``.

.. code:: sh

curl > ~/bin/cdiff
chmod +x ~/bin/cdiff


Type ``cdiff -h`` to show usage::

$ cdiff -h
Usage: cdiff [options] [file|dir ...]

View colored, incremental diff in a workspace or from stdin, with side by side
and auto pager support

--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --side-by-side enable side-by-side mode
-w N, --width=N set text width for side-by-side mode, default is 80
-l, --log show log with changes from revision control
-c M, --color=M colorize mode 'auto' (default), 'always', or 'never'

Option parser will stop on first unknown option and pass them down to
underneath revision control

Read diff from local modification in a *Git/Mercurial/Svn* workspace (output
from e.g. ``git diff``, ``svn diff``):

.. code:: sh

cd proj-workspace
cdiff # view colored incremental diff
cdiff -s # view side by side
cdiff -s -w 90 # use text width 90 other than default 80
cdiff -s file1 dir2 # view modification of given files/dirs only
cdiff -s -w90 -- -U10 # pass '-U10' to underneath revision diff tool
cdiff -s -w90 -U10 # '--' is optional as it's unknown to cdiff
cdiff -s --cached # show git staged diff (git diff --cached)
cdiff -s -r1234 # show svn diff to revision 1234

Read log with changes in a *Git/Mercurial/Svn* workspace (output from e.g.
``git log -p``, ``svn log --diff``), note *--diff* option is new in svn 1.7.0:

.. code:: sh

cd proj-workspace
cdiff -l # read log along with changes
cdiff -ls # equivalent to cdiff -l -s, view side by side
cdiff -ls -w90 # set text width 90 as well
cdiff -ls file1 dir2 # see log with changes of given files/dirs only

Pipe in a diff:

.. code:: sh

git log -p -2 | cdiff # view git log with changes of last 2 commits
git show 15bfa | cdiff -s # view a given git commit, side by side
svn diff -r1234 | cdiff -s # view svn diff comparing to given revision
diff -u file1 file2 | cdiff # view diff between two files (note the '-u')
diff -ur dir1 dir2 | cdiff # view diff between two dirs

# View diff in a GitHub pull request, side by side
curl | cdiff -s

# View a patch file in unified or context format, the latter depends on
# command `filterdiff` from package `patchutils` which is available in
# major Linux distros and MacPorts.
cdiff -s < foo.patch

Redirect output to another patch file is safe:

.. code:: sh

svn diff -r PREV | cdiff -s > my.patch


Cdiff has following known issues:

- Does not recognize `normal` diff, and depends on ``filterdiff`` (patchutils)
to read `context` diff
- Side by side mode has alignment problem for wide chars
- Terminal might be in a mess on exception (type ``reset`` can fix it)

Pull requests are very welcome, please make sure your changes can pass unit
tests and regression tests by run ``make test`` (required tool *coverage* can
be installed with ``pip install coverage``). Also watch out `travis build
`_ after push, make sure it
passes as well.

See also

I have another tool `coderev `_ which
generates side-by-side diff pages for code review from two given files or
directories, I found it's not easy to extend to support git so invented
`cdiff`. Idea of ansi color markup is also from project `colordiff