123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 |
- [36mcommit 15bfa564b9db08fb277a343a3d0a01d377800606
- [0m[36mAuthor: Matthew Wang <XXXXXXX@gmail.com>
- [0m[36mDate: Thu Jan 31 15:27:17 2013 +0800
- [0m[36m
- [0m[36m Default width is now 80
- [0m[36m
- [0m[36mdiff --git a/src/cdiff.py b/src/cdiff.py
- [0m[36mindex 13f725f..bf15ef1 100755
- [0m[33m--- a/src/cdiff.py
- [0m[33m+++ b/src/cdiff.py
- [0m[1;34m@@ -128,9 +128,7 @@ class Diff(object):
- [0m[0m yield self._markup_common(' ' + old[1])
- [0m[0m
- [0m[0m def markup_side_by_side(self, width):
- [0m[1;31m-[0m[31m[7m[31m """width of 0 means infinite width, None means auto detect. Returns a
- [0m[31m[0m[1;32m+[0m[32m[7m[32m """Returns a generator"""
- [0m[32m[0m[1;31m- generator
- [0m[1;31m- """
- [0m[0m def _normalize(line):
- [0m[0m return line.replace('\t', ' ' * 8).replace('\n', '')
- [0m[0m
- [0m[1;34m@@ -147,7 +145,8 @@ class Diff(object):
- [0m[0m return markup
- [0m[0m
- [0m[0m
- [0m[1;31m-[0m[31m[7m[31m if not width: width = 80
- [0m[31m[0m[1;32m+[0m[32m[7m[32m if width <= 0:
- [0m[32m[0m[1;32m+ width = 80
- [0m[0m (start, offset) = self._hunks[-1].get_old_addr()
- [0m[0m max1 = start + offset - 1
- [0m[0m (start, offset) = self._hunks[-1].get_new_addr()
- [0m[1;34m@@ -430,13 +429,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- [0m[0m parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
- [0m[0m parser.add_option('-s', '--side-by-side', action='store_true',
- [0m[0m help=('show in side-by-side mode'))
- [0m[1;31m-[0m[31m parser.add_option('-w', '--width', type='int', default=[4m[31mNone[0m[31m,
- [0m[1;32m+[0m[32m parser.add_option('-w', '--width', type='int', default=[4m[32m80[0m[32m,
- [0m[1;31m-[0m[31m help='set line width (side-by-side mode only)')
- [0m[1;32m+[0m[32m help='set line width (side-by-side mode only)[7m[32m, default is 80[0m[32m')
- [0m[0m opts, args = parser.parse_args()
- [0m[1;31m-
- [0m[1;31m- if opts.width and opts.width < 0:
- [0m[1;31m- opts.width = 0
- [0m[0m
- [0m[0m if len(args) >= 1:
- [0m[0m diff_hdl = open(args[0], 'r')
- [0m[0m elif sys.stdin.isatty():
- [0m