
Term based tool to view **colored**, **incremental** diff in *git/svn/hg*
workspace, or diff from given file or stdin, with **side by side** and **auto
pager** support. Requires python (>= 2.5.0) and ``less``.

.. image::
:alt: default
:align: center

.. image::
:alt: side by side
:align: center
:width: 900 px


Install with pip

Cdiff is already listed on `PyPI `_, you can
install with ``pip`` if you have the tool.

.. code:: sh

sudo pip install cdiff

Install with

You can also run the from the source if you don't have ``pip``.

.. code:: sh

git clone
cd cdiff
sudo ./ install

Download directly

Both ``pip`` and ```` installs cdiff to system wide directory, if you
want a minimal tool without the boring external dependencies (like me), just
save ` `_ to
whatever directory which is in your ``$PATH``, for example, ``$HOME/bin`` is in
my ``$PATH``, so I save the script there and name as ``cdiff``.

.. code:: sh

curl -ksS > ~/bin/cdiff
chmod +x ~/bin/cdiff


Cdiff reads diff from diff (patch) file if given, or stdin if redirected, or
diff produced by revision tool if in a git/svn/hg workspace. Use option ``-s``
to enable side by side view, and option ``-w N`` to set a text width other than
default ``80``. See examples below.

Show usage::

cdiff -h

View a diff (patch) file:

.. code:: sh

cdiff foo.patch # view colored incremental udiff
cdiff foo.patch -s # view side by side
cdiff foo.patch -s -w 90 # use text width 90 other than default 80

Read diff from local modification in a svn, git, or hg workspace:

.. code:: sh

cd proj-workspace
cdiff -s
cdiff -s -w 90

Pipe in a diff:

.. code:: sh

git log -p -2 | cdiff -s
git show 15bfa56 | cdiff -s
svn diff -r PREV | cdiff -s
diff -u foo | cdiff -s

Redirect output to another patch file is safe:

.. code:: sh

svn diff | cdiff -s > my.patch

Known issue

- Only support unified diff for input format
- Side by side mode has alignment problem for wide chars

See also

I have another tool `coderev `_ which
generates side-by-side diff pages for code review from two given files or
directories, I found it's not easy to extend to support git so invented
`cdiff`. Idea of ansi color markup is also from project `colordiff