Matthew Wang f4280ae2d9 Support compare two files (wrapper of diff) 11 yıl önce
img document update; images 11 yıl önce
tests Document/usage/dogfood test update after merge for issue #4 (Revision control support); more robust on parsing strange diff 11 yıl önce
.gitignore Fix issue #8 version awfullness 11 yıl önce
CHANGES Support compare two files (wrapper of diff) 11 yıl önce
LICENSE Read version from source code; add --version; try protect my email from spambot 11 yıl önce Add CHANGES for history track and better versioning 11 yıl önce
Makefile make target for build 11 yıl önce
README.rst Support compare two files (wrapper of diff) 11 yıl önce Support compare two files (wrapper of diff) 11 yıl önce Fix issue #8 version awfullness 11 yıl önce



Term based tool to view **colored**, **incremental** diff in *git/svn/hg*
workspace, given patch or two files, or from stdin, with **side by side** and
**auto pager** support. Requires python (>= 2.5.0) and ``less``.

.. image::
:alt: default
:align: center

.. image::
:alt: side by side
:align: center
:width: 900 px


Install with pip

Cdiff is already listed on `PyPI `_, you can
install with ``pip`` if you have the tool.

.. code:: sh

sudo pip install cdiff

Install with

You can also run the from the source if you don't have ``pip``.

.. code:: sh

git clone
cd cdiff
sudo ./ install

Download directly

Both ``pip`` and ```` installs cdiff to system wide directory, if you
want a minimal tool without the boring external dependencies (like me), just
save ` `_ to
whatever directory which is in your ``$PATH``, for example, ``$HOME/bin`` is in
my ``$PATH``, so I save the script there and name as ``cdiff``.

.. code:: sh

curl -ksS > ~/bin/cdiff
chmod +x ~/bin/cdiff


Cdiff reads diff from diff (patch) file if given, or stdin if redirected, or
diff produced by revision tool if in a git/svn/hg workspace. Use option ``-s``
to enable side by side view, and option ``-w N`` to set a text width other than
default ``80``. See examples below.

Show usage::

cdiff -h

Read diff from local modification in a svn, git, or hg workspace:

.. code:: sh

cd proj-workspace
cdiff # view colored incremental udiff
cdiff -s # view side by side
cdiff -s -w 90 # use text width 90 other than default 80

Pipe in a diff:

.. code:: sh

git log -p -2 | cdiff -s
git show 15bfa5 | cdiff -s
svn diff -r PREV | cdiff -s

View a diff (patch) file:

.. code:: sh

cdiff foo.patch
cdiff foo.patch -s
cdiff foo.patch -s -w 90

View diff between two files (wrapper of ``diff``)::

cdiff foo # equivalent to diff -u foo | cdiff
cdiff foo -s

Redirect output to another patch file is safe:

.. code:: sh

svn diff | cdiff -s > my.patch


- Works with python >= 2.5.0 (subprocess.Popen seems not working with PIPE in
2.4.3, maybe you can fix it)
- Only takes unified diff for input
- Side by side mode has alignment problem for wide chars

Pull request is very welcome, make sure run ``make test`` to verify. It only
has minimal verification today and that depends on human eyes too (`issue #7
`_). Single commit in pull request
would make it easier for review, for example to collapse last 3 commits into 1
before *push*, use ``git rebase -i HEAD~3``, *pick* the first and *squash* the
other two.

See also

I have another tool `coderev `_ which
generates side-by-side diff pages for code review from two given files or
directories, I found it's not easy to extend to support git so invented
`cdiff`. Idea of ansi color markup is also from project `colordiff