template.spec 1.2KB

  1. Name: __MKIT_PROJ_PKGNAME__
  2. Version: __MKIT_PROJ_VERSION__
  3. Release: 1%{?dist}
  4. Summary: __MKIT_PROJ_NAME__ - __MKIT_PROJ_TAGLINE__
  6. License: LGPLv2
  7. Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
  8. BuildArch: noarch
  9. BuildRequires: coreutils
  10. BuildRequires: python
  11. BuildRequires: python-libs
  12. BuildRequires: shellfu => 0.10
  13. BuildRequires: shellfu < 0.11
  14. BuildRequires: shellfu-bash-pretty
  15. Requires: python
  16. Requires: python-libs
  17. Requires: shellfu => 0.10
  18. Requires: shellfu < 0.11
  19. Requires: shellfu-bash
  20. Requires: shellfu-bash-pretty
  21. %description
  22. UriPecker is Shellfu library of one function that takes a string on
  23. standard output, and looks for things that look like could be URIs.
  24. Besides real URIs, it can look for set of keywords and identifiers such
  25. as 'build 1234', 'issue#45' or 'bz6789' and translate them based on a
  26. simple INI file.
  27. %prep
  28. %setup -q
  29. %build
  30. make %{?_smp_mflags} PREFIX=/usr
  31. %install
  32. %make_install PREFIX=/usr
  33. %check
  34. make test \
  35. SHELLFU_PATH=%{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/shellfu/include-bash
  36. %files
  37. %doc %{_docdir}/%{name}/README.md
  38. %{_datadir}/shellfu/include-bash/uripecker.sh
  39. %changelog
  40. # specfile built with MKit __MKIT_SELF_VERSION__