shell dot on steroids 5.1KB


Shellfu attempts to add "library" element to shell languages (mostly Bash and Debian Almquist Shell), with features such as path lookups and quick pydoc-like library reference access.

Why? See "why" explanation document, but in short, it's for cases when, for some reason you cannot use full-fledged platform such as Perl or Python, but still need to write and even re-distribute fair amount of code. Keeping all in single script may lead to huge mess (repetition, stale code, no style...).

Project Status and Versioning

  • Development stage is something between "experimental" and "alpha", that is, lot of tests are yet to be written and only real user is its own author.

  • API (commands, options...) may be changed/removed as needed.

  • Although that will not happen within same version.

  • Branch 'last' contains only the last released version. Changes in this branch can be API-breaking.

  • Branch 'devel' is generally treated as development version and opposed to 'last', is more likely to contain bugs.

  • Branch 'master' is used only for pre-release merging; don't build your work on it.


Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. See Project Status section for details.


OK, less talk, more make. Dependencies are almost none: you'll need just bash and common Linux utilities. So basically, none.

git clone <insert-url-here>
cd shellfu
sudo make install

You can also run our humble test suite (~10 seconds):

make test

Alternatively you can ask author for highly non-standard but working RPM/DEB packages; availability is currently on-demand-happily.


Your first script

After installing, one of the first things you can do is:

shellfu-get path
shellfu-get --version

That should return path to and version, respectively. And that's also all this command does.

Next, if you have also installed some modules, you can look around using shellfu-doc:

shellfu-doc --lsmods
shellfu-doc inigrep

This is how you access documentation of modules available on the system. You can also access documentation of a modules directly by specifying path to the file (the path must contain slash):

shellfu-doc path/to/my/

Note that shellfu-doc only works if the module follows Shellfu Style Guide, in particular the Docstrings section.

Next, you can create your first Shellfu-Bash script:


. "$(shellfu-get path)" || exit 3

shellfu import pretty

think "this will be displayed if PRETTY_VERBOSE is 'true'"
debug "this will be displayed if PRETTY_DEBUG is 'true'"

fn() {
    local some_var=some value
    local some_array=(some items)
    debug -v some_var some_array something_else

warn "I'm getting tired"


die "ok I'm done"

This is how above script works:

  1. shellfu-get provides path to the main, which defines shellfu() function (plus a bunch of boring variables).

  2. Using shellfu import pretty, we're importing module called "pretty". shellfu will figure out where exactly it is.

  3. If we called shellfu-doc pretty in another terminal, we would find out that among others, this module contains functions think, debug, warn and die.

  4. Rest of it is just showing off how cool pretty is.

Calling the script is the same as any other bash scripts, what you can do though, is play with some pretty variables:

PRETTY_DEBUG=true ./my_script
PRETTY_VERBOSE=true ./my_script
PRETTY=color PRETTY_DEBUG=true ./my_script
PRETTY=notify PRETTY_VERBOSE=true ./my_script

Your first module

In its most basic form, a Shellfu module is nothing special. All you need to do is

  1. write a file with .sh extension with some bash functions/variables,

  2. save it somewhere,

  3. in your script, call shellfu import my_module--you can now access the functions/variables you have defined.

  4. When running your script, set SHELLFU_PATH to the location where is.

To get the basic stuff, nothing more is really needed. If you want, however, your module be explorable by shellfu-doc, you need to follow Shellfu Style Guide.

And friends

Apart from Shellfu, there also other "sibling" projects helping you even furhter:

  • TFkit -- to help create and run unit test suites for shell functions and commands.

  • MKit -- to help get you started with boring stuff like deployment, packaging (deb and rpm) and release management (versioning, changelogs).

  • saturnin -- to help with creating more rich toolkits in form of meta-commands.

Not all of them are public, yet (but all of them will be). Well, the first two are actually integrated in, and used to maintain Shellfu codebase.


Author of Shellfu idea, design and code is Alois Mahdal .

For general questions, visit #shellfu at freenode.

More communication channels will be added at some point.