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Alois Mahdal 686594be92 Added flake8 checker to vim (press F7) 11 gadus atpakaļ
ftplugin Added flake8 checker to vim (press F7) 11 gadus atpakaļ
README.mdown Added flake8 checker to vim (press F7) 11 gadus atpakaļ



vim-flake8 is a Vim plugin that runs the currently open file through Flake8, a static syntax and style checker for Python source code. It supersedes both vim-pyflakes and vim-pep8.

Flake8 is a wrapper around PyFlakes (static syntax checker), PEP8 (style checker) and Ned's MacCabe script (complexity checker).


Use vim-pathogen if you're not using it already. Make sure you've installed the flake8 package. Then, simply put the contents of this repository in your ~/.vim/bundle directory.


  1. Open a Python file
  2. Press <F7> to run flake8 on it

It shows the errors inside a quickfix window, which will allow your to quickly jump to the error locations by simply pressing [Enter].


If you don't want to use the <F7> key for flake8-checking, simply remap it to another key. It autodetects whether it has been remapped and won't register the <F7> key if so. For example, to remap it to <F3> instead, use:

autocmd FileType python map <buffer> <F3> :call Flake8()<CR>

To add builtins, in your .vimrc:

let g:flake8_builtins="_,apply"

To ignore errors, in your .vimrc:

let g:flake8_ignore="E501,W293"

If you want to change the max line length for PEP8:

let g:flake8_max_line_length=99

To set the maximum McCabe complexity before a warning is issued:

let g:flake8_max_complexity=10

To customize the location of your flake8 binary, set g:flake8_cmd:

let g:flake8_cmd="/opt/strangebin/flake8000"


A tip might be to run the Flake8 check every time you write a Python file, to enable this, add the following line to your .vimrc file (thanks Godefroid!):

autocmd BufWritePost *.py call Flake8()

This plugin goes well together with the following plugin:

  • PyUnit (unit test helper under <F8> and <F9>)


1.3: Added the following options:

 - `g:flake8_builtins="_,apply"`
 - `g:flake8_max_complexity=10`

1.2: Added the following options:

 - `g:flake8_cmd="/opt/strangebin/flake8000"`
 - `g:flake8_max_line_length=120`
 - `g:flake8_ignore="E501,W293"`

1.1: Added g:flake8_ignore option.

1.0: Initial version.