Vlad Glagolev 2d1776aebf check for OpenGL requirements only when GL support has been enforced 8 years ago
cmakemodules Added optional CMake flag CMAKE_OPENGL_SUPPORT to enable slop's OpenGL implementation. 9 years ago
share/slop Fixed an issue where slop doesn't know where the shaders are located, by adding another CMake variable and fixed refract fragment shader. 9 years ago
src Implemented highlight feature for OpenGL. 9 years ago
.gitignore Improved CMakeLists.txt 10 years ago
CMakeLists.txt check for OpenGL requirements only when GL support has been enforced 8 years ago
COPYING Added copy of GPLv3, thanks to https://github.com/Simonft. 10 years ago
README.md Add GNU Guix to the list of packages 9 years ago
generateReadme.sh Switched shell scripts to use sh, fixed some CMake bugs and added build types. 10 years ago
license.txt Added GPL notifications at the top of each file, and made it clear that contributors must agree with it too. 10 years ago



slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout. It grabs the mouse and turns it into a crosshair, lets the user click and drag to make a selection (or click on a window) while drawing a pretty box around it, then finally prints the selection's dimensions to stdout.


  • Hovering over a window will cause a selection rectangle to appear over it.
  • Clicking on a window makes slop return the dimensions of the window.
  • Clicking and dragging causes a selection rectangle to appear, renders pretty well (compared to scrot). And will return the dimensions of that rectangle in absolute screen coords.
  • On startup it turns your cursor into a crosshair, then adjusts the cursor into angles as you drag the selection rectangle.
  • Supports simple arguments:
    • Change selection rectangle border size.
    • Select X display.
    • Set padding size, even negative padding sizes!
    • Set click tolerance for if you have a shaky mouse.
    • Set the color of the selection rectangles to match your theme! (Even supports transparency!)
    • Remove window decorations from selections.
  • Supports OpenGL hardware acceleration.
  • Supports textured themes.
  • Supports programmable shaders.
  • Supports a magnifying glass.

Practical applications

slop can be used to create a video recording script in only two lines of code.

eval $(slop)
ffmpeg -f x11grab -s "$W"x"$H" -i :0.0+$X,$Y -f alsa -i pulse ~/myfile.webm

slop lets you select a region or window and ffmpeg will record it in the format of your choice! Combined with keybinds and a server on your filesystem you can make a really neat and unobtrusive screenshooter.

You can also take images using imagemagick like so:

eval $(slop)
import -window root -crop $G ~/myimage.png

If you don't like ImageMagick's import: Check out maim for a better screenshot utility.

You can see my implementation of slop in a screenshooter here: https://gist.github.com/naelstrof/6530959

For those of you who don't want eval to be an integral part of slop (Could be dangerous if I were evil!): You can change the output format and parse it manually like so:

read -r X Y W H G ID < <(slop -f "%x %y %w %h %g %i")
maim -g "$G" -i "$ID"
ffmpeg -f x11grab -s "$W"x"$H" -i ":0.0+$X,$Y" -f alsa -i pulse ~/myfile.webm

Lets see some action

Ok. Here's a comparison between 'scrot -s's selection and slop's: scrotbad slopgood

You can see scrot leaves garbage lines over the things you're trying to screenshot! While slop not only looks nicer, it's impossible for it to end up in screenshots or recordings because it waits for DestroyNotify events before completely shutting down. Only after the window is completely destroyed can anything take a screenshot.

how to install

Install using your Package Manager (Preferred)

Install using CMake (Requires CMake)

Note: Dependencies should be installed first: libxext, imlib2, mesa, libxrender, libxrandr, glew and glm.

git clone https://github.com/naelstrof/slop.git
cd slop
make && sudo make install

Make sure to check out and install maim too if you want a proper screenshot utility.


Ever since slop had OpenGL support, it now has quite a few customizations that can be done.

Note: Configuration directories are located at ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/slop or ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/slop, whichever comes first. These will be refferred to as ~/.config/slop and /usr/share/slop respectively from here on.


Demo Shaders

Click for video

Slop supports shaders that are loaded from the configuration directories. They're all completely programmable, but they do lack some features like chaining right now. To configure the shaders or create your own, first copy the global configuration folder to your ~/.config folder like so:

cp -r /usr/share/slop ~/.config

Then edit or add new shaders at ~/.config/slop as if you were editing the originals, slop will reflect the changes on restart. If there's any missing features in the shaders: don't hesitate to make an issue to request them, and feel free to make your own shaders and submit a pull request to see if it can be officially included!


Demo Themes Slop has primitive support for texture themes, I've included a poorly made gothic theme that you can test with slop --opengl --theme gothic. To create your own you'll have to copy the configuration directory, just like with the shaders above, like so:

cp -r /usr/share/slop ~/.config

The theme names are taken from the folder names, the files inside represent the corresponding textures. For example ~/config/gothic/corner_tr.png would correspond to the top right square texture in a gothic themed selection. The theming is still missing offset configuration, and is quite limiting in design. Themes probably won't be flushed out further unless someone makes an issue to request more features. Feel free to make your own themes and submit a pull request to see if it can be officially included!


slop v4.3.21

Copyright (C) 2014 Dalton Nell, Slop Contributors

Usage: slop [options]

slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the
user and prints the region to stdout.

  -h, --help                    Print help and exit
  -V, --version                 Print version and exit
                                Sets the x display.
      --nokeyboard              Disables the ability to cancel selections with
                                  the keyboard.  (default=off)
  -b, --bordersize=INT          Set the selection rectangle's thickness. Does
                                  nothing when --highlight is enabled.
  -p, --padding=INT             Set the padding size of the selection. Can be
                                  negative.  (default=`0')
  -t, --tolerance=INT           How far in pixels the mouse can move after
                                  clicking and still be detected as a normal
                                  click instead of a click and drag. Setting
                                  this to 0 will disable window selections.
  -g, --gracetime=FLOAT         Set the amount of time before slop will check
                                  for keyboard cancellations in seconds.
                                Set the selection rectangle's color. Supports
                                  RGB or RGBA values.
  -n, --nodecorations           Attempt to select child windows in order to
                                  avoid window decorations.  (default=off)
      --min=INT                 Set the minimum output of width or height
                                  values. This is useful to avoid outputting 0.
                                  Setting min and max to the same value
                                  disables drag selections.  (default=`0')
      --max=INT                 Set the maximum output of width or height
                                  values. Setting min and max to the same value
                                  disables drag selections.  (default=`0')
  -l, --highlight               Instead of outlining selections, slop
                                  highlights it. This is only useful when
                                  --color is set to a transparent color.
      --opengl                  Enable hardware acceleration. Only works with
                                  modern systems that are also running a
                                  compositor.  (default=off)
      --magnify                 Display a magnifying glass when --opengl is
                                  also enabled.  (default=off)
      --magstrength=FLOAT       Sets how many times the magnification window
                                  size is multiplied.  (default=`4')
      --magpixels=INT           Sets how many pixels are displayed in the
                                  magnification. The less pixels the bigger the
                                  magnification.  (default=`64')
      --theme=STRING            Sets the theme of the selection, using textures
                                  from ~/.config/slop/ or /usr/share/.
      --shader=STRING           Sets the shader to load and use from
                                  ~/.config/slop/ or /usr/share/.
  -f, --format=STRING           Set the output format string. Format specifiers
                                  are %x, %y, %w, %h, %i, %g, and %c.

    $ # Gray, thick, transparent border for maximum visiblity.
    $ slop -b 20 -c 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.8

    $ # Remove window decorations.
    $ slop --nodecorations

    $ # Disable window selections. Useful for selecting individual pixels.
    $ slop -t 0

    $ # Classic Windows XP selection.
    $ slop -l -c 0.3,0.4,0.6,0.4

    $ # Wiggle wiggle!
    $ slop --opengl --shader wiggle

    $ # Edgy textures or something.
    $ slop --opengl --theme gothic

    $ # Change output format to use safer parsing
    $ slopoutput=$(slop -f "%x %y %w %h")
    $ X=$(echo $slopoutput | awk '{print $1}')
    $ Y=$(echo $slopoutput | awk '{print $2}')
    $ W=$(echo $slopoutput | awk '{print $3}')
    $ H=$(echo $slopoutput | awk '{print $4}')

    * You can use the arrow keys to move the starting point of a
drag-selection, just in case you missed it by a few pixels.
    * If you don't like a selection: you can cancel it by right-clicking
regardless of which options are enabled or disabled for slop.
    * If slop doesn't seem to select a window accurately, the problem could be
because of decorations getting in the way. Try enabling the --nodecorations